On Saturday, June 2nd, I met with and did orientation with new Councilor’s Cubic and Lee. A new “on-boarding” process, checklist and documents were created for use with future needs.
During a workshop on June 12th, Council asked staff to re-evaluate the Pleasant Street Master plan to address concerns brought forward by a local business. We have been meeting with that business and are trying to address their concerns.
Staff and I are working on a possible remodel, update for City Hall. Our main goal is to address security, and leaking roof/windows. We may also look at reconfiguration of the interior of the upper floor to address space issues.
On Saturday, June 16, Rebecca Casey, Jerry Crosby, Barry Abrams and I attended training “Planning in Oregon Building Successful Communities”.
We began pre-audit field work this month in preparation for our annual audit. This is the preliminary phase where the auditors determine what documents they will need and follow up on processes. The audit itself should be fully complete sometime around the end of October or November.
I continue to meet with local businesses to discuss concerns and try to find solutions to issues they may have.
On Saturday the 16th, I attended an all day training put on by CIS regarding Planning and Building Successful Communities. Training was well attended and sponsored by the City of Sandy. My thanks to the Library for use of their community space. Training was attended by folks from all over Oregon.