SAM rang in the new year with an overall increase in January 2025 ridership by 31.44% compared with January 2024! SAM provided a total of 7,684 rides. SAM-Gresham transported 5,360 passengers, an increase of 21.65%. SAM-Estacada had an increase of 156.31%, providing 610 rides. SAM-Clackamas, hitting it’s one year mark, had 526 riders, an increase of 640.85%. The Shopper Shuttle provided 442 rides, an increase of 9.41%.
SAM rides remained steady, providing 648 rides which was equal to January 2024 ridership. ED transported 98 residents to medical appointments, an increase of 24.05%.
Sandy-Clackamas County Partnership
In January SAM brought in $4,422.34 in revenue from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. SAM provided 91 rides to Clackamas County residents, generating $8,844.63 in revenue. The total received from the Estacada-Village Shuttle Clackamas County grant was $18,568.13. Overall SAM received $31,835.10 for the month of January.
SAM celebrated the holidays in true transit style. Once again, the Jolly Trolley proved to be a holiday favorite for Winterfest attendees!! We began with a total of 10 tours on 5 separate days in December. We had such a long waiting list that we added an additional 4 runs for a total of 14. 383 riders enjoyed viewing lights, singing carols, stopping at the inflatable house for gifts and visiting the lights at Meinig Park where they were served hot chocolate and cookies. A shoutout to our drivers Chuck, Musa and Bradley for making this a memorable holiday event!
Overall December 2024 ridership dipped slightly by 5.5% compared with December 2023. Historically, December ridership is historically lower, due to holiday schedules. SAM-Gresham provided 4,012 rides a decrease of 18.7% compared to last year. SAM-Estacada transported 574 passengers, an increase of 140.2%. The SAM-Clackamas route completed it’s 12 month with 458 riders! That is a 510.7% increase from the beginning of the year.
SAM rides provided 973 rides (383 on the Jolly Trolley), an increase of 80.2%. ED provided 88 medical rides in December of 2024, a 25.4% decrease compared to 118 rides in December 2023.
Sandy-Clackamas County Partnership
In December SAM brought in $4,837.34 in revenue from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. SAM provided 115 rides to Clackamas County residents, generating $10,704.48 in revenue. Total revenue for the month of December was $15,541.82. In addition to the revenue provided, shared installation of onboard tablet and associated equipment created cost efficiencies for both the City the County.
In 2017, HB2017 “Keep Oregon Moving” was passed and included a new funding source for transit agencies across the State. This funding is referred to as the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF). All State funds (formerly STF) are now rolled into the STIF Fund distribution each biennium. The following table is the breakdown of Sandy’s STIF Plan for 2026-2027.
In summary:
$213,699 will continue to fund service on the Gresham, Estacada and Shopper Shuttle that were added when STIF was created in 2019. $52,256 funds the Saturday Shopper Shuttle service.
$20,000 is allocated for maintenance on all SAM vehicles. $20,000 is allocated to cover administration costs associated with the STIF Program (audit requirements). $30,061 is allocated as Program Reserve in case revenue or expenses experience unexpected negative returns (such as a revenue source is lost or a cost is significantly and unexpectedly higher).
$423,491 are funds that were formerly Special Transportation Funds (STF) and are awarded through a competitive process. These funds cover the operations expenses for SAM’s Elderly and Disabled dial-a-ride program (SAM rides), Elderly and Disabled out of town medical rides program (ED) and the Estacada route.
$978,261 are Regional Coordination funds and they cover all operating expenses of the new Clackamas Town Center route.
In total, the STIF Program funds $1,737,768 of SAM service costs for FY26-27.
SAM’s very own Dan Berreth received the prestigious Oregon Transit Association (OTA) Driver of the Year Award!! He was chosen from a select group of Oregon drivers that consistently demonstrate outstanding service and customer care. You can view Dan receiving the award here. We are so proud and thankful to have Dan as part of the SAM team!
Dan’s willingness to volunteer for special events (birthday trolleys, parades etc.) demonstrates his commitment to our community, always ready to lend a hand. His leadership skills were quickly recognized, and he was promoted to dispatcher, where his critical thinking and problem-solving abilities truly shine. Not one to easily have their feathers ruffled and when challenges arise, Dan is an exceptional communicator, addressing issues efficiently and effectively.
Dan is truly dependable, and it should be noted that in the 5 ½ years at SAM, he has had perfect attendance. In addition to his professional excellence, Dan goes above and beyond in the workplace. Whether it is cleaning the kitchen area, restocking coffee, giving coworkers pep talks, giving coworkers a ride home or taking on whatever duty is needed in the moment, he continuously shows his dedication to keeping our team environment running smoothly.
Whether at home or on a trip to Disneyland, he is typically spending off-duty time with his wife Jaime and son Nick. Dan enjoys home improvement and gardening in his backyard oasis.
Dan’s hard work, positive attitude and team spirit make him truly deserving of the Driver of the Year award. We are proud to have him as a part of the Sandy Transit family and believe his contributions exemplify the best qualities of our organization.
SAM and MHX Share STIF Success Stories from Clackamas County
Andi Howell and Kristina Babcock spoke at a session speaking on the Clackamas County’s (SAM, Clackamas County, Wilsonville SMART, Canby Area Transit and Molalla’s South Clackamas Transit District) successful collaboration of STIF funds. Similar to the longstanding, successful SAM-MHX partnership that allows the two services to share costs these agencies have partnered together to obtain competitive rates for technical services, vehicle equipment and maintenance. The group has successfully built a regional website Ride Clackamas where riders can view all the services in one location and plan a trip. They share onboard technology for real time bus location and data retrieval, dispatch software and technology support, all of which Sandy was the lead on the project to secure funding and procure the product or service. The recent Estacada-Village Shuttle interline was a collaborative effort that awarded the County funding to combine the route and increase service. The County group is currently working on coordinated efares whereby a customer could download one app and pay for any service through this process. Due to interest from other agencies this project and some others include transit partners outside of the County such as Hood River and Hillsboro. These cooperative efforts reduces costs for the agencies and also enhance the rider’s experience with seamless travel. These partnerships are a guide for other agencies throughout the state and beyond.
Overall ridership for October of 2024 was 8,299 rides. This is a 13.45% increase compared to October 2023! SAM-Gresham provided 5,880 rides, an increase of 7.46%. SAM-CTC increased 716.9% from the launch in January and increased 92.69% compared to September! SAM-Estacada, which began the new interline route on October 13th, increased by 32.5%, providing 424 rides. The Shopper Shuttle provided 577 rides a slight decrease of 10.26%.
SAM rides transported 723 riders in October 2024, a slight decrease of 1.1% compared to to 731 rides in October 2023. ED provided 115 rides, a 22.81% decrease from October of 2023.
Sandy-Clackamas County Partnership
In October SAM brought in $4,837.34 in revenue from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. SAM provided 122 medical rides to Clackamas County residents, generating $10,270.52 in revenue. The total revenue for October 2024 was $15,107.86.
Historically, September ridership is lower than other months but September of 2024 SAM experienced an overall increase of 8.03% ridership. SAM-Gresham provided 5,615 rides, an increase of 4.73%. SAM-Estacada experienced a 26% decrease, providing 262 rides. SAM-Clackamas provided 301 rides 21% lower than its peak month since the route began but a 324% increase from the initial count in January. The Shopper Shuttle ridership increased by 16.5%, providing 686 rides.
SAM rides provided 676 rides, an increase of 3.21%. ED providing 99 rides, a decrease of 11.6% (112 rides) compared to September 2023.
Sandy-Clackamas County Partnership
In September SAM brought in $4,422.34 in revenue from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. SAM provided 88 medical rides to Clackamas County residents, generating $7,935.37 in revenue. The total revenue for September 2024 was $12,357.71,
The Estacada-Village Shuttle Interline Public Outreach
During September, SAM requested public input on the proposed Estacada-Village Shuttle interline. The overall response was positive as commuters are pleased to have additional service, particularly in the evening. Over 55% were very likely or likely to utilize the service. Based on the positive response, the route changes will be effective Sunday, October 13, 2024.
This combined route, funded through grants and the City of Estacada, adds 2 more runs for the Estacada route and adds Sunday service as well. Sharing resources with Clackamas County lowers the cost and allows Sandy to serve Vista Loop, a high density housing area. The addition of the Vista loop stop and additional service to Estacada, SAM meets the City of Sandy’s goals 13.2, 13.3 and 14.17 (Transit Master Plan, page 79, 82-83).
SAM Annual Survey
In September, SAM conducted annual surveys to determine ridership, passenger needs and concerns along with what we are doing proficiently. We are pleased to provide highlights of the survey the demonstrate the importance of having local and regional public transportation in Sandy.
73 people responded to the surveys and of those 73, 58.57% began their trip in Sandy and 43.08% marked Sandy as their destination. The majority, 48.61% were daily users of the system and 33.33% used it at least 3-4 times a week and the majority (65.15%) live in Sandy. 52.54% used public transit to commute to work and 20.34% were using it to shop or un errands. The most common age group was 31-44 years of age followed by 45-59 years of age. 31.25% made less than $10,000 and 28.13% made between $20,000-39,999. Of those who responded to the survey 80.56% did not have a vehicle available as a form of transportation and 54.10% would not have been able to make the trip if SAM had not been a resource. The overall satisfaction rating was 98.44% for satisfactory or very good. At the end of each survey riders are encouraged to provide comments on the service. This year we received a few that should be underscored are: “Sandy service is excellent, makes my life 10 times easier. Thank you!” “Your drivers are awesome, always courteous, never a bad experience.” “I love SAM and all the drivers. Thanks for all the smiles and not leaving me behind to walk.” This is further testament to the value SAM provides the Sandy community daily!
Overall ridership for August 2024 was 6,179 an increase of 13.6% compared with August 2023. SAM-Gresham provided 6,179 rides, and increase of 10.4%. SAM-Estacada experienced a decline of 35.9%. The Clackamas Town Center route grew from 256 rides in July to 379 rides in August, a 48.1% increase. The Shopper Shuttle provided 769 rides, an increase of 8.5%.
SAM rides provided 681 rides in August 2024, an increase of 12.4% and ED provided 115 rides, an increase of 32.9%.
Sandy Clackamas Partnership
In August SAM brought in $4,422.34 in revenue from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. SAM provided 110 rides to Clackamas County residents, generating $10,828.46. The total revenue for August was $15,250.80.
Overall ridership for July of 2024 is 9.21% higher than July of 2023. SAM provided 8,016 rides compared to 7,340 rides last July. SAM-Gresham provided 6,057 rides, an 8.2% increase. Estacada had a considerable decrease of 25.9%, providing 252 rides. The Shopper Shuttle had a slight decrease of 6.5% compared to last July. The Clackamas Town Center provided 252 rides which is about average for ridership since this route began in January of 2024. The Sandy Mountain festival proved to be very popular, providing 87 rides on July 13th and 14th.
SAM rides had a 9.9% increase, providing 666 rides in July of 2024 compared to 606 rides in July of 2023. ED provided 122 rides in July a 40.23% increase.
Sandy-Clackamas County Partnership
In July SAM brought in $4,422.34 in revenue from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. SAM provided 108 rides to Clackamas County residents and it generated $9,340.59 in revenue for Sandy Transit. The total July revenue was $13,762.93.
Sandy Mountain Festival Parade
SAM staff and drivers, along with family were delighted to represent transit in the 2024 Sandy Mountain Festival parade! The theme of yesterday, today and tomorrow was a great fit for public transportation. From stagecoach to electric and everything in between public transportation has always been part of making connections!
Overall June 2024 ridership increased by 2.82% compared to June of 2023. Total ridership for the month of June was 7,825. SAM-Gresham increased 3.59%, providing 6,033 rides. SAM-Estacada provided 270 rides, a decrease of 36.47% compared to June of 2023. The Shopper Shuttle had 484 passengers, a decrease of 14.64%. The CTC route provided 263 rides, growing 20.64% from the previous month.
SAM rides has a slight decrease of 4.61%, providing 683 rides in June. ED provided 86 rides, a 8.86% increase.
Sandy-Clackamas County Partnership
In June, SAM brought in $4,422.34 in revenue from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. SAM provided 88 ED rides to County residents and the revenue generated was $7,522.06. SAM’s total June revenue was $11,944.40.
Special Funding
SAM is very excited about a recent funding opportunity to provide increased service to the community! The state has funded a special $500,000 award to the County and SAM to cover FLAP funding that has been awarded but is not scheduled for distribution until October 2025. The funds will cover the existing SAM-Gresham Saturday mornings, SAM Sundays and a new pilot interlined Estacada-Villages Shuttle route. The interlining of the services creates efficiencies and will add two additional runs (for a total of seven daily runs) and Sunday service to the existing SAM-Estacada route. During the pilot program the service will be fareless. These enhancements provide more convenient travel options and improved connectivity for our community.
Overall ridership for May 2024 was 8,167, a 2.96% increase over May 2023. SAM-Gresham provided 6,195 rides, a 1.64% increase. SAM-Estacada decreased by 24.23% compared to May 2023. The Shopper shuttle increased by 1.66% providing 612 rides. SAM CTC provided 218 rides.
SAM rides experienced a decrease of 3.1%, transporting 751 passengers. ED continues to experience a dramatic increase providing 97 rides, a 34.72% compared to May 2023.
Sandy-Clackamas County Partnership
In May 2024, SAM brought in $4,472.34 from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. The revenue from medical rides was $7,728.71. Total earnings from the Clackamas County partnership were $12,201.05.
Overall ridership for April 2024 was 7,865, a 8.27% increase from April of 2023. SAM-Gresham provided 5,887 rides, an increase of 8.84%. SAM-Estacada had 338 rides, a decrease of 22.65%. SAM-Clackamas provided 303 rides, a 326.76% increase from the initial ridership in January. The Shopper Shuttle had 512 passengers, a decrease of 5.71%.
SAM rides saw a slight decrease of 6.08% providing 512 rides compared with 543 rides in April of 2023. ED also saw a slight decrease of 2.35% providing 83 rides in April.
Sandy Drivers Receive National Company Recognition for Safety
Charles Lowe and Chrysler Collins both received national recognition for their dedication to safety and service. Charles was recognized in MV Transportation’s quarterly national newsletter for his awareness and safety practices. During a routine stop Charles demonstrated remarkable vigilance by performing a “Rock and Roll” maneuver – pausing for three seconds and looking right, left, right before proceeding forward through a green light. This proactive pause can prevent accidents such as drivers running red lights or pedestrians still crossing the street. The YouTube video illustrates how Charles’s quick thinking and adherence to safety protocol prevented a severe accident with a semi-truck.
Chrysler Collins recently received the prestigious Katherine McClary Award for quarter four of 2023, MV’s highest safety and service honor recognizing the nation’s top transit drivers. Out of over 15,000 drivers, only one is selected quarterly for this award based on their safety, positive work attitude, customer service, dress code, attendance, initiative, quality of work and overall job performance. Chrysler’s accomplishment is remarkable, but for those who know her, it is no surprise that she rose to the challenge!
SAM is one of the smaller MV divisions, but we have been recognized 4 times in 4 years for our safe practices and friendly customer service. We take immense pride in our drivers and are thrilled to showcase their dedication to excellence.
Sandy-Clackamas County Partnership
In April 2024, SAM brought in $4,422.34 from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. The revenue from medical rides was $5,476.24. Total earnings from the Clackamas County partnership were $9,898.58.