City Manager’s Report – June 2017

We have been working on the preliminary Branding process and preparing for the North Star team visit.

Tanya and I took the company “Opsis” on a site visit (per their request).  They were selected for the short list and will be interviewed in person.

I attended training in Oregon City.  John Zakariassen, from City Counties Insurance (CIS) shared what you should include in your sewer maintenance program, a program that systematically addresses aging sewer systems, establishes mapping and historical databases and gives important insights on how to respond to routine maintenance.  We also talked about OSHA rules and regulations.

On June 13th the branding team presented to the council.  They distilled the research results and presented their “strategy” for proceeding.

I attended a Evacuation Planning meeting on June 16th at the US Forest Services HQ here in Sandy.  This is a county wide effort to get police, fire and other services ready for quick, large evacuations should they become necessary.  This will be an ongoing working group and the City of Sandy will participate in and updates from this working group will result in additions to our Emergency Operations Plan.

Thanks to Tanya and her gang we had a very successful Longest Day Parkway Ride/Walk and Run on the 19th of June.  The event was well attended.  That event was followed quickly by Noah’s Quest on June 24th.  Busy but fun week.

Architect interviews were conducted on June 27th.