On January 5th, Tanya Richardson and I completed the final walk through of the Cedar Ridge Campus, now referred to as the Sandy Community Campus (temporary name to eliminate confusion) and took ownership of the building.
We held a council workshop on 1-9-18 on the new transportation bill and potential impacts. It was a very informative presentation by Transit Director Andi Howell.
On January 19th, I, along with Mayor King attend the ribbon cutting for Bar None.
Several of us attended the Clackamas Cities Dinner on the 25th, hosted by Milwaukie.
On the 29th, Rebecca Robinowitz and I met with Happy Valley staff about youth council. Rebecca has graciously agreed to be the tip of the spear and run with the program. She and a Sandy HS student that has asked to help get it set up and running will be going with other Youth Councils to Capitol Hill Youth Day.