Monthly Report ~ May 2013

Senior Center (Nancy Ream Enabnit)
The annual Health Fair was held in May featuring the Lions Mobile Screening Unit.  Over 50 individuals received a variety of free health and wellness services.  In conjunction, Clackamas County sponsored two days of free dental care.  32 seniors and low-income individuals received exams and teeth cleaning at no charge.

Demolition of the “bunkhouse” on the Bornstedt property was completed.  Several individuals claimed many of the household items and removed construction materials to recycle for personal use.  Konell Construction donated time and equipment to demolish the structure and haul away the refuse.

Recreation (Sarah Richardson)
The Summer Recreation Guide was completed and mailed in May.

Summer Adult softball teams formed in May with more than 100 adults looking forward to playing on the new High School fields beginning in June.

The first ever Bark for the Park was a huge success with sponsors, vendors and participants. Funds raised will help fence the two designated off-leash areas.  84 dogs attended (with at least one human attached at the end of the leash), as well as 12 dogs working the agility and obedience demonstrations.

Transit (Julie Stephens)
Total ridership this month was 20,850, a decrease of 13.3% from the same period last year. The SAM-Estacada route showed a decrease in ridership of 10.7%, the first reduction in well over a year; SAM-Gresham decreased 13.7%; STAR use decreased by 14.5% this month.  ED use had a significant increase of 36%.

Julie and two OHAS/Wheels employees took an FTA Drug & Alcohol one-day training which included Supervisor training for suspicion of drug and/or alcohol use by employees.

Staff worked on the operations contract agreement language for the new contract period.

Following further research, a fare policy including rates was presented for Council review and approval.

Several levels of transit tax collection audits were performed in an effort to move forward on advanced tax collection methods for those accounts which have not come into compliance by the routine procedures.