August finished up with the last concert “Radical Revolution” and the last movie “Lightyear”. Radical Revolution brought in close to 350 people and the movie had over 40 people. Our food and alcohol vendors were very busy at the last concert. Total donations from the 50/50 raffle for all 3 concerts was over $600.
Skyhawks Camps finished up in August and we had a total of 99 kids during the summer.
The Fall Recreation Guide came out on August 18th and was handed out at the last movie. Check out the link below for an electronic copy or come by the center for a physical copy!
– John and I had a booth at National Night Out! We shared lots of P&R information, flyers, and answered a lot of questions while supporting the efforts of D31 Foundation and our local Police Department.
– The Recreation team started in depth planning for Winterfest, Mt Storm, and other Fall activities.
– I made a lot of progress in coordinating the installation of a Bat House in one of our local parks for National Bat Week in October.
-I continued working on planning a Volunteer Appreciation event for September in conjunction with the Sandy Library.
-I connected with the Troutdale Recreation department and learned more about how they run some of their programs.
-I created the Kiddie Cross posters and distributed them around town.
-We had a successful community garden work day and garden social. I collected food from these events and was able to donate 40 pounds of food to the Sandy Action Center food bank. I also connected with the president of the Sandy Rotary Club during these events and coordinated a time for me to present to the club about volunteer opportunities our department offers.
-We concluded the search for a volunteer software system! As part of a larger project to upgrade our system for intaking, training, and coordinating volunteers, this was a vital step forward.
-Mt storm Instructional League registration opened! So far 21 children have registered!
- Paid Invoices
- Compiled July’s P&R monthly report
- Learned how to upload new digital flyers to our Advertisement “TV”
- Attended a CCS meeting
- Attended various meetings on the park and community campus.
- Created drafts and documents pertaining to the Invitation to Bid
- Completed the Sept/Oct newsletter and distributed via mail and email.
- Lots of Winterfest research planning.
- Added webinar option to zoom for our PTAB meetings.
- Created a community campus park informational banner.
- Completed normal tasks like meeting minutes and uploading the video recording. There was a little bit of a learning curve with the meeting software system as this was the first full month using it.
- Drafted a memo for PTAB.
- Center rentals are picking back up again with the changing weather.
Caroleana had a full month in August mostly filled with training and home visits. She had 4 new clients for Meals on Wheels, 2 reassessments, and 7 applications for Energy Assistance.
She attended multiple trainings online through several education platforms.
In August, the Change of Pace respite program continued to meet. Caroleana met with a local senior living community that will provide a caregiver support group to meet at the center. Allocated resources from Clackamas County Caregiver Support Program and shared with them our Change of Pace Respite Program brochure for them to share with their clientele. She also made a new poster/flier to advertise about the Respite program and took it around town.
Advertisement for future classes and events (coordinated by Caroleana) have started through our newsletter and online postings on social media. See flyers below.
Caroleana started coordination of a Veterans event with Mt. Hood Hospice for Nov 7th. Specifically she designed advertisement posters and invitation postcards to go out to businesses and veterans.
At the end of the month Caroleana volunteered for and attended the Time of Remembering event put on by Mt. Hood Hospice. What a beautiful event, which gives a space for those in our community who are grieving.
Senior Trips for august:
-Costco. 7 people
-Dahlia Festival. 12 people.
-Dine out at Red Lobster. 12 people plus 5 people meeting us there
-Dine out Zig Zag Inn. 14 people
-Hood River Fruit Loop. 14 people
-Hike & Lunch at Champoeg State Park and Red Robin. 13 people
-Hike & Lunch at Oxbow Regional Park and Troutdale Station Food Carts. 13 people plus 2 meeting us there
Meals on Wheels delivered meals for the month of August: 1190
- Helped to guide the team in Winterfest planning and production. Created a powerpoint presentation for the September 5th council work session.
- Held the first Park Naming Committee meeting for the Community Campus park.
- Met with OTSD to start collaborating with them for Mountain Storm 2023 Gym space.
- Built in all of our fall recreation guide classes so the public can register.
- Updated all our system GL codes so they match the new 2023-2025 budget.
Parks & Facilities
Upcoming & Important dates:
- Kids Corn Cross at Liepold Farms on September 10th
- Fall Recreation classes start the week of Sept 11th
- Grief Basics class at the Center Sept 12th
- Mt Storm Instructional League Registration Closes Sept 15
- Street Trust Pedestrian Safety class at the center- September 26th