Monthly Report – October 2017

Residential Fiber

We have finally caught up with demand on residential service construction and have eliminated the waiting list for getting new service. For months now we have had a back log of 4-6 weeks or longer for construction, but as we have connected more and more homes around town the demand for new services has begun to taper off to a manageable level.

Our goal going forward is to keep these new service orders caught up as they come in. There is still a process to go through for locates and construction scheduling as new services are requested, but we should be able to turn new service orders around within 1 – 2 weeks of ordering.

Business Fiber

As construction activities in the residential areas has begun to taper off, or installation activities in the business district has ramped up to take up the slack. SandyNet staff has been working diligently for the past several months to pull in cable and splice everything together in the business district. We have a long list of business properties that have requested service and we will be spending the next several months going through that list to get businesses online.

Calix ConneXions

Joe Knapp was honored to speak at the Calix ConneXions conference in Las Vegas this month. Calix once again highlighted the success of the SandyNet project and asked Joe to participate in a discussion on the main stage. The reach of this show through the telecommunications industry is substantial with approximately 2,000 industry professionals in attendance.