Library Activities, December 2011

December’s weather continued to be nice for construction! The renovated library is looking more complete and we are beginning to make final arrangements for our move back.

Weekly construction meetings are held on Wednesdays, and I tour each week. Walls are painted, carpeting is down, and the fireplace is in. It is really looking great.

After an all-staff meeting on December 14, we delivered homemade goodies to the construction workers at the library site. We wanted to show our appreciation for the beautiful work they are doing, and they appreciated the goodies.

When we began the grant writing process, I asked the Friends if they would supply the funds for the equipment in the community room. I gave them a rough estimate of $30,000. They agreed to that amount, and we were all pleased to see that my estimate was double what is actually needed. I met with board members of the Friends of Sandy Library to present my “wish list” on the 14th. The Friends board will meet in early January to OK these expenditures.

On two occasions, Joe Preston found empty, broken DVD cases in the garbage cans at Meinig Park. In all, 28 DVDs were stolen, cases broken open and dumped in the park. In order to try to stop these thefts, we have rearranged the collection somewhat so that we can make sure that a staff member is close by the DVDs at all times.