Council Report – July 2013


On July 27th we conducted the written and physical testing necessary for the police officer hiring process.  We tested approx. 40 applicants and I am happy to report there seem to be some great candidates.  We will use this applicant pool for any hiring needs for the next year, including reserve officers.  Diane Reed did a great job organizing everything and the testing was done in just a few hours.  Rebecca Ginter, Juli Smith, Sgt. Roberts, Officer Coates, and Sgt. Burns were all there to lend a hand.

Diane Reed was asked by the Camas Police Department to participate in an oral interview process for a new records clerk.  They recognized her experience and expertise and wisely used her to help select their next employee.


Patrol and Training 

As usual, July is a very busy month.  We managed the 4th of July fireworks without a hitch.  Sgt. Burns was in charge of the fireworks security and safety and did a fantastic job.  Also on the 4th, Officer Wetherbee, Sgt. Roberts and Chief Yamashita set up a booth at the Estacada Timber Festival for a few hours.  We used this time as a “meet and greet” just getting to know the neighbors.  Lastly, we assisted Molalla PD by sending four officers over to help with crowd and traffic control during their Molalla Days Parade, also on the 4th of July.  Whew!

Mt. Festival went off without a hitch.  The planning and execution of the parade went well thanks to Sgt. Roberts and his hard work.  We also had several officers from Molalla PD helping out that day on either the parade or patrol.  The remainder of Mt. Festival was pretty uneventful.

All sworn staff (including reserves) has received new and updated training in the “Active Shooter” discipline.  The new techniques are smart, intuitive and adaptable to many situations.  I think these new techniques will really save lives.



Items Received:                 40                                                            Year To Date:     470

Items Purged:         56                                                            Year To Date:      294

Total EOQ Items since Inception 2012:                                                                      1,345

Total EOQ Purged:                                                                                                          515

Total EOQ Items in Inventory                                                                             830

(Numbers for items received and purged include only cases logged into EvidenceOnQ. Purging  on ClassWeb cases continues but is not included in the count)

Trips to Crime Lab:                                      2

Number of Items Submitted:               15                          Year To Date:                   77


Sales:   The Property Room had no sales this month.  Yearly sales total $16,329.00

  • New form created to present to the Juvenile department in order to document closed cases and purge juvenile property more quickly.


  • Checking into how EvidenceOn Q can handle the new Estacada contract and track their evidence separately for City Council and budgeting purposes.