First of all, apologies as this report is late getting to all of you. With that said, June is always a busy month for the police department as summer is here. Events such as the Longest Day Parkway and Noah’s quest for example, put extra strain on the police department this time of year. Both events mentioned were a success and we were happy to be a part of them. It is a great way to get out and meet community members and their families. Its also a great time for us to answer questions that folks have for us.
We continue to work on elements of the public safety fee that is now in the process of council approval. This is vital to our staffing needs at the police department. We are ready to hire officers when the time comes and promote as needed.
This is also the time of year when our employees and their families usually take much needed vacations. Filling the spots during these periods can be challenging for administrative staff. We have to balance established minimums that are set and always keep in mind the overtime expenditure.
The entire department went through defensive tactics training this month. We had some specialists come in to introduce some additional techniques for our folks to remain safe while doing their job effectively.
At this time, we are preparing for July 4th and the Sandy Mountain Festival the following weekend. Should be a good time for all that attend.