WATER – A total of 26,614,00 gallons of water were produced, 20,798,000 at Alder Creek Treatment Plant and 5,816,000 at Brownell Springs. Peak day water production was 1.36 MG on the 12th. A total of 9.16 inches of rainfall were recorded at the treatment plant site during September. Work continued on the Intertie project. The reservoir roof forms were placed however, due to the wet weather at the end of September the roof pour was put off until October.
SEWER – A total of 35,070,000 gallons of wastewater were treated and reused for irrigation purposes. Minimum flow was 0.73 MGD on the 13th. Maximum day flow was 3.08 MGD on the 29th. Rainfall was 1.20 on the 28th and 1.25 on the 29th. 7.28 inches of rainfall were recorded at the treatment plant site during September. The heavy rain at the end of the month forced plant staff to discharge some treated flow to Tickle Creek earlier than anticipated. All discharges were below permit limits for BOD, SS and e.coli. BOD concentration was 10.1 mg/l; BOD loading was 75 lbs.; permit allows 10 mg/l and 125 lbs.; SS concentration was 9.2 mg/l; SS loading was 69 lbs.; permit allows 10 mg/l and 125 lbs. We were in compliance with our discharge permit for the month of September. Effluent BOD and SS limits do not apply when the treated wastewater is used for land application these figures are shown to demonstrate treatment efficiency. 277,770 gallons of sludge (24 dry tons) were processed and spread on local pasture land. The pumps at Marcy St.; Northside, Southeast and Meinig Ave. lift stations ran a total of 312 hours with no significant problems.
STREETS – The street sweeping contractor spent 42.4 hours sweeping streets and collected 12 tons (26 cu. yds.) of debris, covering 135 lane miles. City crews finished painting parking stalls, crosswalks and stop bars during the month.
PARKS / OTHER – The unusual rains in September greened up the turf grass in parks rapidly allowing us to reduce supplemental irrigation. The lighting in Sandy Bluff Park (three fixtures) was replaced with LEDs and a short was repaired in the lighting circuit wiring.