Monthly Report October, 2018 – Public Works Department

WATER – A total of XX,XXX,000 gallons of water were treated and delivered during the month. XX,XXX,000 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant, X,XXX,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and XX,XXX,000 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Production at Brownell Springs was still limited to 90 gpm in September and will likely remain at that level until Fall rains return. Maximum day production was X.XX MG on October X. X.XX inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month.

WASTEWATER – A total of XX,XXX,XXX gallons of sewage were treated and used for irrigation. Minimum flow was X.XX MGD on the XXth. Maximum flow was X.XX MGD on the XXth. No rainfall was recorded at the treatment plant site during the month of September. BOD concentration was XX.X.0 mg/l; BOD loading was XX lbs; permit allows XX mg/l and XXX lbs.; SS concentration was XX.X mg/l; SS loading was XXX lbs.; permit allows XX mg/l and XXX lbs. Monthly permits limits for BOD and TSS do not apply when the effluent is used for irrigation. These numbers are shown to demonstrate treatment efficiency. The Plant Optimization Improvements Project was completed in September.