Monthly Report – June, 2021 Public Works Department

WATER – A total of 52,560,595 gallons of water were treated and delivered during June. 28,190,280 gallons from Alder Creek treatment plant; 8,477,000 gallons from Brownell Springs and 14,893,315 gallons purchased from City of Portland. Peak day production was 2.46 MGD on June 27th. Veolia staff were able to keep up with demand during the record high temperatures at the end of the month. 2.13 inches of rainfall were recorded at the water treatment plant site during the month with a peak of 0.47 inches on the 13th.

WASTEWATER – A total of 30,460,000 gallons of sewage were treated and pumped to Iseli Nursery for irrigation use. Maximum flow was 1.55 MGD on the 14th, with 0.48 inches on the 13th and 0.51 inches on the 14th. Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 1.80 inches with a peak of 0.51 inches on the 14th. 342,370 gallons of sludge were dewatered and processed during June. Monthly Average Effluent BOD was 7.5 mg/l. Monthly Average Effluent TSS was 7.5 mg/l. Monthly BOD and TSS limits do not apply when effluent is used for irrigation purposes. These figures are shown to demonstrate treatment efficiency. Total coliform on May 21st was 24.6 MPN (most probable number) exceeding the 23.0 MPN permit standard for class B recycled water. Aeration basin #2 was refilled and returned to service due to high flows in the middle of the month.

Work on the collections system rehabilitation project continued in June in Basin 8.

STREETS – City crews used 9 tons of asphalt patching potholes and utility trenches. The City’s street sweeping contractor spent 63.52 hours sweeping streets covering 16 travel and lane miles and collecting and disposing of 16.5 cubic yards of debris.