- Alder Creek had a Peak Day production of 1.664 MG on September 12th.
- Alder Creek water plant production net of backwash water used was 25.2318 MG
- Brownell Springs production was a total of 4.47 MG and Peak Day production was on September 9th with a total of 400,170 gallons
- Portland Water Bureau source production was a total of 13,071,512 gallons with a Peak Day production of 519,059 gallons on September 20th.
- We recorded a total of 1.06 inches of rainfall at the water plant with peak rainfall on September 28th with a total of 0.49inches.
Power Outage from September 9th – 11th creating the generator to overheat at Terra Fern.
- A total of 20.98 MG of sewage was treated in the month of September
- On September 5th the Peak day flow was 1.07 MG. No rainfall was recorded that day or the day before.
- Monthly rainfall recorded at the plant was 0.59 inches with a peak of 0.20 inches on the 29th of September
- 667,200 gallons of sludge were dewatered, processed and landfilled during September
- Monthly Average Effluent BOD & TSS – N/A (Recycled)
- Caustic Pump Replaced (9/2)
- Pumps out for Cell 2 & 3, temporarily using Slaydens portable pumps (9/17)
- Pond scraped to remove solids (9/20)
- AB2 switch over (9/22)
- DEQ onsite (9/27)
- Rivercity onsite to clean out AB2 (9/27)
- IMLR 1 pulled & sent to triangle for repair – Not functioning (9/29) (Breaker change out. Flowmeter on EFF tripping causing pumps to Iseli’s nursery to not function. EFF levels high)
- NPDES Permit Exceedances or Excursions: Coliform at 27.20 (9/8)
Here is a picture of all the street lights in our Ubivu street lighting program that are all LED. About 1,100 street lights switched to LED and controlled by the Ubicquia control nodes.