Transit Staff Report-December 2024

From the Transit Manager

The Jolly Trolley

SAM celebrated the holidays in true transit style. Once again, the Jolly Trolley proved to be a holiday favorite for Winterfest attendees!! We began with a total of 10 tours on 5 separate days in December. We had such a long waiting list that we added an additional 4 runs for a total of 14. 383 riders enjoyed viewing lights, singing carols, stopping at the inflatable house for gifts and visiting the lights at Meinig Park where they were served hot chocolate and cookies. A shoutout to our drivers Chuck, Musa and Bradley for making this a memorable holiday event!


Overall December 2024 ridership dipped slightly by 5.5% compared with December 2023. Historically, December ridership is historically lower, due to holiday schedules. SAM-Gresham provided 4,012 rides a decrease of 18.7% compared to last year. SAM-Estacada transported 574 passengers, an increase of 140.2%. The SAM-Clackamas route completed it’s 12 month with 458 riders! That is a 510.7% increase from the beginning of the year.

SAM rides provided 973 rides (383 on the Jolly Trolley), an increase of 80.2%. ED provided 88 medical rides in December of 2024, a 25.4% decrease compared to 118 rides in December 2023.

Sandy-Clackamas County Partnership

In December SAM brought in $4,837.34 in revenue from the oversight of Mt. Hood Express. SAM provided 115 rides to Clackamas County residents, generating $10,704.48 in revenue. Total revenue for the month of December was $15,541.82. In addition to the revenue provided, shared installation of onboard tablet and associated equipment created cost efficiencies for both the City the County.