November 2021 Update

I hope everyone had a fantastic summer and fall. It has certainly been a rollercoaster ride this year as we continue to navigate a stubborn pandemic with masks, vaccinations and boosters, (re)openings and closings, and thankfully as the Delta surge retreats, a return to somewhat of a normal world as we head back into the holidays.

We’re proud that we have been able to balance the concern with our employees’ and public’s health with being continuing to serve and provide as many services as possible to our community.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and that Santa’s workshop is not disrupted by supply chain or shipping issues.

Sandy Parks & Recreation Department

The Community Services Department has officially been reorganized as the Sandy Parks & Recreation Department. We’re thrilled to have Rochelle Anderholm Parsch as our new Director to lead this new department that includes Senior Services, Parks Maintenance, Recreation, and Special Events. Rochelle’s first day was November 8 and she is taking the helm at such a great moment for the city in terms of the future of our parks, trails, and recreation programs for the city of Sandy. In addition to the community campus project, the department is overseeing initiatives such as the implementation of the newly adopted Parks & Trails Master Plan and reopening of the Sandy Community Center.

Wastewater System Improvements Project

Our largest capital project in the City’s history continues to progress. The project includes repairs to our aging sewer pipes, improvements to our existing wastewater treatment facility, the siting and construction of a state-of-the-art water reclamation facility, and a new treated water discharge. This summer and fall contractors have been replacing sewer pipes in two of the areas of town with the oldest and leakiest pipes and constructing improvements at the treatment plant to help it better meet regulatory compliance. We are also working with a consultant to study the proposed discharge of treated water to the Sandy River, prepare a permit for that discharge, and study discharge and temperature mitigation alternatives.

On the funding side, the Council approved a 15% rate increase that went into effect in July. While on one hand a 15% increase is no small amount, the original projected rate increases have been greatly reduced because of the Council and City’s actions on securing funding support. This month we submitted an application for a generous federal loan program with low interest rates and beneficial terms. The city was also successful in receiving a $14.7 million grant from the State of Oregon to help fund the project. The balance of the funding is coming from a low interest State Revolving Loan Fund from DEQ.

Community Campus Status

The Pool Exploratory Taskforce and the Council Subcommittee are making great progress on planning the future of an aquatics and recreational facility at the community campus. The Council recently received an update on the taskforce’s efforts and what the subcommittee has been exploring in terms of how a future facility could be configured at the campus. The Pool Exploratory Taskforce will be submitting the recommendation to the City Council in January.

362nd and Bell Street Extension Project

Despite some delays with the property appraisals and right of way process, the project is at 60% design and still scheduled for going out to bid in February or March of next year.

Urban Renewal Project Prioritization

We have been working with consultants on developing a financial plan for the Sandy Urban Renewal Agency (SURA) and aligning a project prioritization effort to the financial plan. This work centers around the remaining projects in the SURA Urban Renewal Plan and the districts remaining debt capacity to fund those projects and when. The SURA Board will be involved in the prioritization and developing the capital plan, which could include projects such as the community campus, Pleasant Street, public parking, beautification, and other property redevelopments.

Comprehensive Plan and Other Plan Updates

Staff have been working with the selected consultant on a scope of work and contract to present to the City Council for approval. This multi-year planning effort will involve numerous studies and analyses, public outreach, policy development, and ultimately drafting a new growth management plan for the City of Sandy.

Concurrently, we are working on finishing or starting other important master plans and strategies for our utilities and programs. The Transportation System Plan is underway and seeking community input on transportation priorities, the Water Master Plan is under development, and we are exploring options for creating an Economic Development Strategy.

Thank you!

As always in our ambitious and vibrant town, we have lots going on! All these projects and services can’t be delivered without the dedication and hard work of our employees and from the guidance and leadership of our elected officials and advisory board volunteers. Thanks for all you do to make Sandy a unique and exceptional community.