April 2021

Residential Fiber

Residential fiber installations have picked back up since winter, and we have felt a strain due to supply chain issues with our vendors. From electronics, fiber, plastic, etc. lead times have been completely stochastic and unpredictable. Our team continues to be creative and make sure we are continuing to provide service while we wait for shipments and prepare for further delays in the year.

Business Fiber

Business installs have continued at a steady pace. We will soon be lighting up some fiber to businesses in the industrial area, which will convert those that have been on wireless for years over to fiber, as well as hopefully pick up some new accounts.

New Developments

The construction in Sandy Woods has nearly completed, and the homes are all occupied now. Mt. View Ridge and Marshal Ridge continue to add homes at a slow pace, and are almost immediately signed up with service upon occupancy. Dry utilities are currently being added to Shaylee Meadows and our team will be working with the construction team to verify that everything is in order before the trenches are filled back in.

Wholesale Contracts

We have secured a five year wholesale agreement with the property management company of a few apartments this last month, and have converted about 70% of the customers to our system. Of the 33 units, a few have still not called and schedule a switch over, but we anticipate to have nearly everyone online by the end of May.

SandyNet Board

Applications are in, and currently under review. Interviews will be held shortly and we’ll be on track to start up very soon. Our team is excited to finally be getting the board back online and operating.

SandyNet Mobile App

Calix has been working on a mobile app for SandyNet customers to help manage their WiFi and network from their phones. The project is nearing completion and will be live soon for testing and then general release.

Internal IT

Scott has been making headway in turning up our new DR solution, which will dramatically reduce our backup costs and allow for quicker restoration and verification of backups in the future. Equipment is ordered and licenses are pending.

Scott continues to explore education materials for staff to help in preventing breaches and compromised systems.