Council Report-September 2021

Hello Mayor and council members. I hope you all have had a good month. End of summer is here and with that, some much needed rain.

The police department is still in the hiring process and nothing has changed since last months report.

In person school started this month and our two School Resource Officers were very excited to get back into the schools and interact with the many students they have developed relationships with over the last few years. The kids are also very happy to be back with their teachers and friends. The overall environment so far has been very positive.

Speaking of the school system, I have started a safety and security audit of all the schools in the Oregon Trail School District. This is an update and is done every few years. It usually takes me about a week to do the audit and then it is presented to the Superintendent and also the school board. My plan is to have this completed in the next week or two. The district has always been very responsive if their are any issues that are exposed as a result of this audit.

Sam Craven was recently sworn in as our new Sergeant. He is currently in a six week training program and will be on his own as one of our supervisors when that training is complete. He is doing very well.

That is all for now. Have a great month everyone…Chief Roberts