Economic Development – Monthly Report – November 2014


General notes:   A quick update on the City Christmas tree in Centennial Plaza….we have been preparing for the Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 5th (6-8pm) for several weeks now, and this year has been a tremendous headache to all involved.  Due to the number of wind and severe weather events we have had over the last 12 months, we had less than 5% of the lights on the tree turn on when we plugged them in for the first time at the beginning of November.  Trying to repair this situation has proven much more difficult than anyone had anticipated.

First, we called PGE to see if they were planning on sending out personnel to help us again this year, as the bucket trucks and linesmen they sent out last year were a complete surprise to Main Street.  We were told by a PGE customer service rep that this was “absolutely not going to happen”, so we started to look at other arrangements.  Two days later and much to my surprise, Jeff Ulmen from PGE called to let me know when his crew was going to arrive, although he didn’t sound very enthusiastic about the job itself.  Then we found that the equipment PGE had reserved for the job was so big that it would have required blocking off Hoffmann Street for the duration of the job, which was understandably not possible because it would have caused us to have to re-route the entire transit system for half a day.  There was no other equipment available due to the ice storm that was taking down power lines throughout the region, so we had to bid PGE adieu.

I then called Konell Construction, and Andy was able to scrape together a two man crew and a 50’ lift for us, and even offered to comp the labor (god bless him!)  The Konell crew was professional and quick, and managed to get the bottom 2/3 of the tree lights repaired and operational – the problem was that they couldn’t reach the top 1/3 of the lights due to the limitations of their equipment.  I then called in Rich’s Tree Service, and he was able to bring a 70’ lift and a climber out on Sunday 11/30, albeit for a substantial price.  Unfortunately the sun was shining bright on Sunday morning making it virtually impossible for either of us to tell what was working and what wasn’t.  Fortunately he was able to get half of the remaining lights lit – unfortunately the top of the tree is still dark.

I am still trying to find a solution to this problem, but everyone I have called thus far that has the equipment to do the job seems to be booked out through at least mid-January.  If we do have to go forward on Friday as is, it will probably be OK – things look pretty good.  However, I’m still holding out hope for perfect.  We’ll see…

Update (12/3):  We have achieved ‘perfect’.  Andy Webber from Konell came through for us again on short notice, acquiring a 75’ lift and sending his 2-man crew back to Centennial Plaza on the afternoon of Dec. 2nd to complete the job.  They were able to repair all unlit lights on the tree.  I am extremely grateful for his dedication to this project, and have thanked him on behalf of the City almost to the point of harassing him.  If you happen to run into him at the ceremony, please pat him on the back for me…   [please god, no wind between now and Friday!!!]


Commercial Properties (vacancies, new businesses, etc.):

One World Chinese Buffet:  The Chinese buffet has officially changed hands.  They are open for business pending a final building inspection.  Our primary challenge with this new business so far has been language issues – the new owner does not speak any English, and his wife speaks very limited English.  However, I think we have overcome that barrier and we do not anticipate any problems associated with the final inspection (most issues have to do with getting their fire suppression system tested and approved).  Very eager to see if the quality level of the food will improve here….watch this space.

O’Reilly’s Auto Parts:  This project continues to progress normally – although the vast majority of the work on this property is complete, the primary building permit has not yet received final approval pending Terre’s final inspection.  All other permits are complete, and the store has been approved for stocking and training activities but not public access.  They have not yet applied for a business license, but we are anticipating that we will receive that application shortly.  In other words, we are exactly where we should be with this process, and this business should be operating very soon.

Jody Argue property:  We seem to have hit our stride with Ms. Argue recently….the remodeling project continues with a bump in the road here and there, but I have interacted with her on several occasions over the last couple of weeks, and she seems genuinely happy with how things are going.  She has not had the building permit issued yet as she has applied for façade grant funding – that application is currently in-process – but otherwise all is well.  I have also introduced Jody to Sean Drinkwine (owner of Whitney Signs in Estacada) and have hopefully started a discussion between the two of them about Whitney Signs potentially moving into this building.  He is in the planning stages right now, but he has some level of interest in either opening a second store here in Sandy or just moving the business here outright.  I will drop in on him when this project is close to completion to reassess his interest.

All Ways Towing:  This company has submitted plans for its new facility over by Fred Meyer and has gone through design review.  Our planning director gave them 6 action items that we are requiring to be completed prior to approval, and these are to be included in a new updated building permit.  We are now waiting for the submittal of this new building permit.

Beaverbrooke Dental:  Seth, Kelly and I will be meeting with Beaverbrooke Dental on Dec. 9th to discuss their concerns with the new parking district (see previous departmental report for October).  We have already outlined half a dozen potential options for satisfying their concerns, most of which involve free market solutions that will not require the City to make any substantial changes to the new district.  Several of these solutions involve renting existing spaces from other business/building owners who have an excess of parking spaces at their disposal.  Watch this space.

Two Bros. Mexican Restaurant:  This restaurant has not closed – their projecting sign simply fell off of its perch during the last wind storm.  They are having another one made as I type this.

Tillson Law LLC:  Kevin Tillson Esq. has moved into this office formerly occupied by Jeffery Crook Esq.  Different lawyer, same office.  Nothing out of the ordinary here.


Sandy Main Street:  We are diligently working on the tree lighting ceremony right now (see above), and that remains our number one priority.  We have also added our collective elbow grease as an organization to the Kiwanis Gift Basket program and are currently helping to gather canned food for the effort, so please remember to bring a few cans to the ceremony on Friday, or drop it off in our collection boxes around the downtown area (City Hall lobby, Beer Den, Chariteas, etc.).


The Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony will be the last Sandy Main Street event held until April of 2015.  If you would like an update on what Sandy Main Street is planning for the next 6 months, give me a call.


Project work: 

Nothing at the moment


Conferences/training:    Nothing between now and the end of the calendar year.  We will be focusing our efforts on the tree lighting/food drive for the remainder of 2014.