Economic Development – Monthly Report – July 2017

Commercial Properties (vacancies, new businesses, etc.):

Timberline Meats:  Sandy’s newest retail establishment held their grand opening event on the evening of August 2nd.  Representatives from U.S. Meat & Restaurant Supply joined all three of Timberline Meat’s sole source suppliers and a few ancillary vendors in providing information about the products as well as samples of many of the products offered in the store.  The store was also open for business during this event, and it sure looked like they might be having a record night on top of the event itself.

Special thanks to Mayor King for cutting the ribbon and expressing his sincere hope that the business establishes itself as an anchor in the community, as well as all the Council and staff members that stopped by to show their support.

New coffee retailers coming?:  I was contacted last week by another regional coffee shop that has been very interested in Sandy for a number of years, and it sounds like they are completing their internal research on the potential purchase a commercial site in the downtown couplet sometime before the end of the year.  This company is a regional player operating in seven states, and will be building a new facility on a downtown lot that has been vacant for decades if everything works out to their satisfaction.  Watch this space.

Sandlandia:  In the last couple of days, I have spoken with several of the cart owners about the recent brouhaha concerning this pod.  All of the cart owners that I spoke with told me that they are happy with the outcome of the most recent Council meeting on the subject.  They also told me that they are all making money and feeling good about the community in general and the City specifically.

The Elusive Trout:  The building that this business occupies has recently been purchased.  According to the Trout’s Facebook page, they have been given a 30 day notice to vacate the building, and the business does indeed appear to be closed for good now.  I am scheduled to speak with the new building owner about his plans for the property later in the week.  No word for now on whether or not the Trout will re-open in the future.

Joe’s Donuts:  I am currently working with the Vargos (business owners) to try and put together a façade improvement project for this iconic Sandy business.  The building needs a fair amount of external work done prior to a new paint job, and we are also looking for an alternative to the old, ugly air conditioners on both sides of the building.  We currently have two quotes, and are waiting for a third before choosing a contractor and getting to work.

And lest anyone start worrying, we will be looking for a contractor to recreate the current paint job on the building.  We wouldn’t change the fake bricks for anything in the world….well, other than taping the lines so that they’re straight this time.  🙂

Sandy Marketplace:  City Hall has received some complaints recently regarding several large potholes in the parking lot in this complex.  Staff has investigated and confirmed this, and has found a number of broken or missing curbs around the landscaping islands in this lot as well.  The owner of the complex has been notified of these issues and is currently taking steps to correct them.


Project work: 

  • Aquatic/Recreation Center project: We can now publicly state that the steering committee has chosen the local option for this project!  The design contractor for Sandy’s new aquatic and recreation center will be Opsis, a design firm out of NW Portland that specializes in recreation centers.  For some examples of Opsis’ work in this field, click here.
  • NorthStar – branding project: Our latest meeting with NorthStar (July 7) was about new taglines for the City.  Staff did coalesce around a tagline that we all seemed to like.  However, Mr. Stansell from NorthStar asked us not to share it with anyone yet until additional work on the campaign has been completed, so please bear with us while we work through the process.


Conferences/training:   Nothing this month.