September Planning Report

a) Commercial-Industrial Code revisions – Council task force working on code revisions.
b) Bornstedt Park CUP request (PC hearing continued to September 24).

a) Total value for the month is $922,370.
b) 3 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $549,933.
c) 1 permit  for an addition to a single-family dwelling with a value of $13,302.
d) 13 commercial permits with a value of $359,135.
e) 0 other permits.

3) MAIN STREET (Jason McNeil) – It’s been a busy month at Sandy Main Street with all of the background work to establish an Economic Improvement District coming into view, the largest First Friday ever, and a fundraising effort to light the Christmas Tree in Plaza.

1. Steering Committee: Following the work session with Council last month to provide background on the the Economic Improvement District, the committee continued to focus on outreach to property and business owners. The first public hearing on September 4 showed the committee where they need to focus their efforts if they are going to convince property owners that the EID is in their best interests. The committee continues to make progress with property owners, and after offering up more detailed information and background have convinced several that were initially opposed that the EID and Sandy Main Street are good for Sandy and good for property owners.  The committee is also preparing for the transition period after Jason McNeil’s departure as Main Street Coordinator on September 14.

2. Promotion Committee: The September First Friday event was the largest yet with 44 participating businesses, live music and vendors in the Centennial Plaza. The committee continues to focus on expanding First Friday events and draw more visitors to town. A raffle to encourage visitors to circulate throughout the entire district was rolled out for the September First Friday.

Planning and preparation for the fall events is also underway. The Trick or Treat Trail will take place on Saturday October 27 this year and the Holiday Tree Lighting will be on December 1. A fundraiser to light the large tree in the Plaza kicked off this month. The goal is to raise $3000 for new lights for the tree.

3. Economic Restructuring Committee: The committee continues to focus on an Occupancy Assistance Program. At this time a web based approached is being developed that would allow property owners to input their vacancy info on a new Sandy Main Street website, which will be monitored by staff. The info when then be posted on the website and disseminated through other avenues as well. The Market Analysis Subcommittee continued work to distill the information contained within the Market Analysis and develop a Vision Plan for downtown.