January 2013 – Planning Monthly Report


a) File No. 12-031 SUB/MOD, Pioneer Meadow, 29 lot subdivision at Meeker St under    review.
b) File No. 13-001 DR, Mt. Hood Athletic Club design review for expanded outside deck area.


a) Total value for the month is $721,709.
b) 3 permits for a single family dwellings with a value of $637,152.
c) 1 permit  for an addition to a single-family dwelling with a value of $280.
d) 4 commercial permits with a value of $84,277.
e) 0 other permits.

3) MAIN STREET – From George Hoyt, Sandy Main Street Chair

The Promotion Committee is working out all the details of this years First Fridays. Due to reduced participation because of darkness and weather, First Fridays will be eliminated in late winter and late fall. This year FF will be held in April, May, June, August, September and October. Each of the FF will have a theme this year. This year to provide greater reach we will begin advertising in the Post before each FF. The cost will be born by the participants with a modest fee of $10 a month. A year long FF flyer will replace the monthly flyer of the past. FF’s

Alan Fleischman will assume the role of Chairman of the Economic Development along with three new members.

Planning is underway for the Downtown Visioning Meeting April 6th. It will bring together property and  business owners, local leaders and city representatives. The objective of the meeting is to define a vision of what downtown should be in 15 years. More to come.