Development Services – Monthly Report – December 2024

Code Enforcement Year End Report for 2024:

Code Enforcement for Development Services closed 451 cases in 2024.

  • 144 Citations were issued with a total penalty amount of $172,300.
    • ($110,000 for house on Goldenrain Street)
    • ($22,000 for house on Dubarko Road)
  • Liens were placed on 7 properties with a total penalty of $151,646.
  • 4 accounts were sent to collection with a total penalty of $3,300.

Building Division Update:
Permits Issued = 26
C of O’s Issued = 7 for new single family homes
ERUs Issued = 1.4 for two apartments at Tickle Creek Village

Disinfection Building and Pump Station Upgrade Pre-App: The City Public Works Department is proposing to upgrade their existing water reservoir and pump station facility located at 17160 Revenue Avenue. The upgrades consist of adding a new four hundred (400) square foot structure to house two new chlorine tanks that require adding new pumps as well as upgrading the existing pumps. The City will also be modifying the input to the existing water reservoir tank in addition to upgrading outdated equipment. The review of the pump station will follow the minor modification process to the existing conditional use permit that was approved in 2012. The Planning Division will be holding a pre-application meeting with Public Works and their consultant in mid-January.

Site plan for 17160 Revenue Avenue

Deer Pointe Park Review: The Planning Division conducted a pre-application meeting to compile information for further review of a new park that will be called Deer Pointe Park. Deer Pointe Park is currently described and categorized as an “Undeveloped Park” in Sandy’s 2022 Parks and Trails Master Plan. The existing Deer Pointe Park can be described as 1.41-acres of undeveloped park consisting of open space and a few areas of tree stands. The undeveloped park described in the 2022 Parks and Trails Master Plan refers to Map/Tax Lot 25E18CC 13400 only.

On June 23, 2023, Bull Run Terrace, a mixed-use development, fulfilled their final order and completed a 1.75-acre parkland dedication (Deed No. 2023-021503) to the City. The total park area then grew to approximately 3.16 acres. The Deer Pointe Park concept as submitted by the Parks and Recreation Department consists of developing the entire site.

The park will border the eastside of Meadow Avenue and northside of Fawn Street that travels east and west before it turns south in the Bull Run Terrace subdivision. The site will be a focal point for the current Deer Pointe neighborhood residents and future development just east of the park site. The concept provides standard neighborhood park amenities including an accessible looped path, playground, multi-use field, picnic shelters and tables, and a sports court.

Conceptual layout of the park

Development Services – Monthly Report – November 2024

Sandy Transit Operations Center Zone Change: The City of Sandy Transit Department is requesting to change the zoning designation of 16610 Champion Way from Industrial Park (I-1) to Light Industrial (I-2). The Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 25, 2024, and recommended that City Council approve the zone change. City Council will hear the request on January 6, 2025, to make the final decision. After the zone change decision, the applicant plans to start the process of a design review for a new building that will contain two large maintenance bays, administrative offices, and conference rooms. The proposed building will be of similar design to the existing buildings and structures on the subject site.

38888 Pioneer Blvd. Design Review: The Planning Division received an application for a design review of the existing building located at 38888 Pioneer Blvd. The applicant is interested in establishing a new commercial daycare facility and upgrading the exterior elevations to adhere to the “Sandy Style” concept. The primary focus of this project is upgrading the façade, but the applicant is also proposing a significant amount of interior work, as well as an outdoor play area for a future daycare. See elevation modification below.

Building Division Update:
Permits Issued = 15
C of O’s Issued = 4 single family homes and 1 commercial (Chipotle)
ERUs Issued = 0

Code Enforcement Report:

  • 8 citations were issued in October
    • 1 for junk accumulation on Barker Court
    • 7 for junk accumulation on Dubarko Road
  • A property on Bluff Rd was deemed unsafe by the Building Official due to multiple code and safety violations. With the help of the Sandy Police Department, it was boarded up and posted as unsafe. A third party home inspector was contracted to perform an inspection and conditions are being established for re-occupation of the house. 
  • With an increased focus on signage during the election season, there were no citations issued for sign code violations.

Development Services – Monthly Report – October 2024

Sandy Marketplace Redesign: Staff has entered into a contract with Keystone Architecture to complete as-builts and design renderings for the Sandy Marketplace (location of Dollar Tree, Bi-Mart, Grocery Outlet, Embold Credit Union, Napa Auto Parts, etc.) as directed by the Urban Renewal Agency. Albanese Cormier and the Urban Renewal Agency are splitting the costs of the $10,000 in architectural work.

Chipotle Mexican Grill: The new Chipotle in Sandy is finished and has been granted a certificate of occupancy. There are still a few minor items to complete, but staff has allowed them to open for business.

New Chipotle in Sandy

Tollgate Inn Covered Structure: The Tollgate Inn covered structure has been finished. Staff is working on final payments to the contractor and a reimbursement to the Urban Renewal Agency from the property owner. The new structure is beautiful.

Covered Structure at the Tollgate Inn

Building Division Update:
Permits Issued = 23
C of O’s Issued = 4 single family homes and 2 duplexes
ERUs Issued = 4.1

Cascade Creek Apartments (Village Blvd and SE Highway 211): The contractor has started to construct building foundations. This project is moving along quickly.

Building A foundation at Cascade Creek

Code Enforcement Report:

  • Code Enforcement for the Development Services Department closed 33 cases in October 
  • 13 citations were issued in October
    • 2 for junk accumulation at a house on Bluff Road
    • 11 for junk accumulation at a house on Dubarko Road
  • Specific Case Updates:
    • Dubarko Road house has disposed of the accumulated refuse and junk that was being stored on the driveway. A discarded appliance remains keeping the property in violation.
    • Accumulated junk has been removed from a house on Dubarko Road to the south of Highway 26. The property was posted as UNSAFE by the Building Official, AntFarm is removing junk from the yard, and the building has been secured with plywood over the doors and windows. 
    • Sidewalk and driveway approach concrete work is complete. The contractor was not able to secure permits from ODOT for the Tollgate Inn or Meinig Avenue driveway approaches. 
    • The fire damaged house with previous citations for code violations on Bluff Road has been demolished. The lot is clear of refuse and debris.

Development Services – Monthly Report – September 2024

Timber Grove Subdivision (west side of Vista Loop Drive): The developer continues to construct new single-family homes within the thirty-seven (37) lot subdivision. All of the dwellings so far have consisted of two-story homes. The City has approved six (6) homes for occupancy.

A row of houses on a street

Description automatically generated

Hood View Heights Phase II (east side of Vista Loop Drive): Multiple builders continue to construct new homes throughout the subdivision bought form the developer. The developer, who still owns twelve (12) lots that back up to Johnson RV, just submitted a “Middle Housing” partition plat that will allow him to split the twelve lots into twenty-four (24) buildable lots. The lots will be narrower, but the models have some interesting architectural features that will create a unique dwelling.

The Bornstedt Views Subdivision (Bornstedt Road and Maple Street): The Bornstedt Views will have forty-one (41) lots for single-family homes. The developer has removed hundreds of tree stumps and is now grading in new future streets. As mentioned below, the Bornstedt Views needs dirt to fill in multiple low areas on site and is receiving excess dirt from the Cascade Creek Apartment site.

Cascade Creek Apartments (Village Blvd and SE Highway 211): Developers have almost fully graded the proposed development site. Many of the roads have been cut in and the underground utilities are being staged for installation. The grading has produced many cubic tons of extra dirt which they are transferring to the Bornstedt View Subdivision.

Tickle Creek Village Condominiums (Ruben Lane and Dubarko Road): The developer recently picked up his building permit to pour the foundation on his fourth triplex. After having problems with their lenders, they ensure us they have the green light again and are back on track. They stated that they now have the funds to maintain the property and keep it presentable to the neighborhood as well as having funds to continue restoring the wetland buffer and pond area.

Street Tree Project (Jewelberry Avenue and Bell Street): The Oregon Trail School District entered into an agreement with the City Manager to complete the sidewalk system along the west side of Jewelberry Avenue just north of Bell Street. The City Manager agreed that if the school district installed the sidewalk the City would install a sufficient number of street trees along the west side of Jewelberry Avenue to match those along the east side of Jewelberry. Currently, both the eastside of Jewelberry Avenue and median in this area have street trees planted. The new tree locations will mirror the placement and spacing of the trees currently there but on the opposite side of the street. Trees will be planted during the week of October 7th.

Code Enforcement Report:

  • Code Enforcement closed 29 cases in September with 40 active cases at the start of October
  • The following three (3) citations were issued in September:
    • Two (2) for overgrown vegetation blocking the public right-of-way
    • One (1) for junk accumulation
  • Specific Case Updates:
    • Improperly stored POD storage unit on Dubarko Road was removed. This property continues to have repeating junk accumulation violations and will continue to be cited.
    • Junk accumulation case on Bluff Road is currently being cited and reviewed as a possible chronic nuisance property.
    • Sidewalk and driveway approach concrete work has been completed on four of the seven sites designated by Code Enforcement. The remaining three sites have experienced delays due to ODOT requirements. They are scheduled for completion by October 7, 2024.
    • Garbage enclosures have been built at 39261 Proctor Blvd. and 17430 Meinig Avenue to stop bins being stored on sidewalks.

Building Division Update:
Permits Issued = 37
C of O’s Issued = 6 single family homes and 2 duplexes
ERUs Issued = 17.0

Development Services – Monthly Report – August 2024

ERU Allocation Update: As of August 31, 2024, the City of Sandy has issued ERU allocation letters to 22 developers/contractors. The City has allocated all of the available ERUs except for 17.5 ERUs. City staff anticipates allocating two ERUs to the Tiller’s on Jacoby Road, and several more to duplexes through the duplex pool provision in the moratorium resolution. Unfortunately, this means that we will only have a few remaining for failed septic systems. Development Services is currently processing one last ERU allocation application with two (2) ERUs for the Tiller’s.

Comprehensive Plan Update: The City Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 26, 2024, and made a recommendation to the City Council to adopt “Envision Sandy 2050.” A public hearing will be held by the City Council on October 7, 2024, that will incorporate any final recommendations.

With the work beginning in 2021, it has been a long process to get to this point. The City accomplished a significant amount of outreach and engagement to bring it to this moment. The vision and goals are aspirational and it sets a tone for what Sandy will look and feel like in 2050.

Hoodview Heights Phase II
new houses at Hoodview Heights Phase II (north of Johnson RV)

Rayburn Accessory Structure Variances: The Planning Commission approved a variance request to add approximately 1,200 square feet to an existing accessory structure. The accessory structure is located at 40155 Hwy 26. The property is 3.6 acres in size, zoned residential, and has access directly from Highway 26.

Cruisin’ Car Show: The Planning Division approved a “Temporary Use Permit” application to hold a one-day Cruisin’ Car Show. The event will take place at St. Michael’s Catholic Church at 18090 Langensand Road. The show is proposed for Saturday September 14, 2024, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Chamber of Commerce Drive-in Movie Presentation: The Planning Division approved a “Temporary Use Permit” application to hold a one-day event that brings back the nostalgia and spirit of an old outdoor drive-in movie theater. The drive-in movie presentation is proposed for Saturday September 14, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. (midnight), at the Dick Hannah Ford Dealership located at 37000 Hwy 26. The event is part of the Sandy Area Oregon Chamber 75th Celebration. Food and drink will be available.

grading at Cascade Creek Apartments (north of Bornstedt Park)

Chipotle: A Chipotle Mexican Grill is coming to Sandy in the near future. Chipotle will be joining Papa Murphy’s Pizza and Subway in the strip mall on the southwest corner of Hwy 26 and 362nd Avenue adjacent to Fred Meyer. Renovations of the former AT&T retail store are in process right now.

Code Enforcement Report:

  • Code Enforcement closed 35 cases in August with 43 active cases at the start of September
  • 80 unpermitted and abandoned signs were collected in August 
  • 27 citations were issued in August
    • 6 for a junk accumulation case on Barker Ct
    • 2 for a junk accumulation case on Bluff Rd
    • 14 for an improperly stored portable storage unit on Dubarko Rd
    • 4 for multiple code violations on Goldenrain St
    • 1 for a noxious vegetation case on Meeker St
  • Specific Case
    • Goldenrain St property with multiple code violations has begun the non-judicial foreclosure process with the mortgage lender. 
    • Abandoned trailer on Bornstedt Rd was removed.
    • Improperly stored POD Storage unit on Dubarko Rd was removed.
    • Junk Accumulation Cases on Bluff Rd and on Barker Ct are in the process of being abated by the property owners.
    • Sidewalk and driveway approach concrete work has been completed on 4 of the 7 sites designated by Code Enforcement. The remaining 3 sites are scheduled to be completed by September 16.
    • Albanese Cormier has completed repainting the Sandy Marketplace buildings.

Building Division Update:
Permits Issued = 44
C of O’s Issued = 1 duplex
ERUs Issued = 8.0

Development Services – Monthly Report – July 2024

Kelly’s Kudos: It was a pleasure working with David Snider for the last 13+ years, approximately five years as his direct supervisor. David was a positive force around the community who was vital with Sandy Main Street, completing Urban Renewal grant programs, assisting small businesses, and helping organize events. But what stands out the most is his ability to genuinely connect with people, especially business owners and nonprofit managers. He has a passion for assisting others and making sure they thrive. We will miss you David!

ERU Allocation Update: As of July 31, 2024, the City of Sandy has issued ERU allocation letters to 20 developers/contractors. The City has allocated all of the available ERUs except for 28.5 ERUs. City staff anticipates allocating one ERU to Next Adventure, two ERUs to the Tiller’s on Jacoby Road, ten ERUs for the Jewelberry Meadows subdivision, and several more to duplexes through the duplex pool provision in the moratorium resolution. Unfortunately, this means that we will only have a few remaining for failed septic systems. Developers/contractors have roughly one month remaining to apply for their allocation.

Comprehensive Plan Update: In spring 2022, the City of Sandy launched “Envision Sandy 2050,” a citywide engagement effort to update the Sandy Comprehensive Plan. The last time the Comprehensive Plan was completely rewritten was in 1997.
The Comprehensive Plan guides how Sandy will plan for and manage future growth and development through 2050. Over the course of nearly two years, City staff led outreach and engagement efforts to better understand the community’s vision and priorities related to Sandy’s future. The Envision Sandy 2050 process touched more than 1,000 community members through Community Conversations, community events, online surveys, and the Sandy Speaks webpage. Activities were designed to identify common themes around the aspirations and concerns of a community, which are a key piece to the development of a community-wide Vision Statement for the Comprehensive Plan.

After two years of data collection, holding multiple joint City Council and Planning Commission Work Sessions, and diligently editing the policies in the City’s six vision statements, the Comprehensive Plan ultimately coalesced into a final draft. The City has scheduled the first of two public hearings to take place on August 26, 2024, so the Planning Commission can meet and make recommendations to the City Council. The second public hearing will be held by the City Council on October 7, 2024. The Comprehensive Plan is a legislative document, so it requires a majority vote by the City Council and the adoption of an ordinance.

Rayburn Accessory Structure Variances: A second public hearing will occur at the Planning Commission meeting on August 26, 2024, to determine if a property owner meets the special variance criteria to be granted two proposed variances to expand a non-conforming residential accessory structure. The accessory structure is located on a 3.6 acre residentially zoned parcel that gains access to and from Highway 26.

Code Enforcement Report:

  • Code Enforcement closed 43 cases in July with 50 active cases at the start of August
  • 65 unpermitted and abandoned signs were collected in June (Garage sales and lost cats)
  • 36 citations were issued in July (35 of which were daily citations for the 2 cases below and 1 was issued for an ongoing junk vehicle accumulation case on Barker Ct.)
  • Code Enforcement is currently issuing daily citations to 2 separate properties for continued violations and failure to comply with the Sandy Municipal Code.
    • 36789 Goldenrain St – Multiple Building and Development Code Violations
    • 36430 Dubarko Rd – Temporary Storage Unit blocking sidewalk

Electronic Review Update: The Building Division has purchased and received an iPlan Table for reviewing plans electronically. Staff are attending online webinars learning the most efficient ways to review and markup plans electronically. We are also working closely with our IT department on the process of receiving plans electronically, preparing the files for review, and record retention. We have inquired about receiving construction plans from some of our local builders to begin the training process in the next couple of months.

Building Division Update:
Permits Issued = 36
C of O’s Issued = 1 duplex and 1 commercial tenant (Jamba Juice)
ERUs Issued = 8.2

January – Planning and Building

Planning issues: 

Sandyplace Apartments – house demolitions:  Two homes were demolished in January at this site as part of the run up to construction of this new 138 unit complex.  The department is very close to issuing both the grading & erosion control permit and the site utilities permit.

U.S. Metals Works/Student Transportation of America:  Planning is mid-process on a parking lot design review for the USMW site so that Student Transportation of America can properly park their buses there.  This application also includes the construction of four more buildings on site.  The application has been submitted and fees have been paid – the department is performing a completeness check on the application, and will process the review after that is complete.  Then it will go to the Planning Commission for approval.

Internal projects:

Department rebranding and expansion:  The Planning & Building Department has changed its name to Development Services.  This name is a little more all-encompassing of the department’s function, and avoids the confusion between Community Services and “Community Development”, which is a commonly-used name for planning departments in other cities and counties.

Also, the Economic Development department is now a part of Development Services.  Dave and Angie (our webmaster/photography intern) will now report directly to the Development Services Director.  This will give Development Services three internal divisions: Planning, Building and Economic Development.

Website updates:  The department continues to work on an overhaul to the Development Services website and making information more accessible and easier to find.  In the last month, we have completed the following tasks:

  • The municipal code section of the website has been reformatted so that each chapter is an individual .pdf document complete with active internal links, instead of the entire code being stored as one master .pdf. This will make editing the SMC much, much easier in the future.
  • Individual pages continue to be added to the Planning section as planning functions begin to develop – this includes adding parks planning information, an updated development review page with more maps, the urban renewal master plan & annual report and more.
  • We are also eliminating multiple link/info posting, reorganizing information and trying to make the section more intuitive.

Pleasant St. Master Plan/Downtown Walkability Plan:

  • Pleasant St. Master Plan: Public input surveys are live until the beginning of March (136 received so far).  Stakeholder interviews are complete with a couple of exceptions.  PSMP Open House is on March 14th at the Sandy Public Library’s Community Room between 5:30 PM and 8:30 PM—Council presence would be greatly appreciated.
  • Downtown Walkability Plan: Public input surveys are live until the beginning of March (116 received so far). In process of finalizing the analysis criteria; this will be complete by the end of February.  Pop up mapping (pre-determined location where interactive maps will be set up and user input encouraged.

Façade Program & Public Infrastructure (current projects)

  • Sandy City Hall – Admin: Bids requested (two positive responses so far)
  • Sandy City Hall – Stairs: Top landing and concrete rails installed – project delayed due to sub-zero temperatures.  Will resume in March.
  • Double Dragon: Waiting for city architect input. (drawings, cost estimates)
  • Joe’s Donuts: Waiting for clear weather to paint roof – otherwise complete.

December – Planning and Building

Enforcement Letters – We sent numerous enforcement letters in the last few weeks including letters to Walgreens & Verizon concerning exterior wood that needs to be refinished, the Hobby Shop building owner recognizing the need to paint the building, the Betty T building owner stating mildew issues on the exterior surfaces needs to be resolved, and numerous other property issues. Some of the downtown buildings that received facade money in the past are not properly maintaining the buildings. We are making sure that money spent by the Urban Renewal Agency on private property is not wasted through inadequate maintenance. We are now working with an architect to find an alternative solution to the fabric awnings on the Double Dragon that were partially paid with urban renewal funds. The awnings are covered with mildew and are starting to rip apart.

New Subdivision – On January 10 we received another land use application (Sandy Bluff Annex 6) for a subdivision that exceeds 40 lots in the Sandy Bluff neighborhood. This is located on property that was recently included in the UGB expansion and then annexed into the city by ordinance. Planning will soon be reviewing the application for completeness and then determining hearing dates at Planning Commission to review the subdivision which contains numerous variances.

Pre-application Meetings – In the month of January we are meeting with three separate land owners for subdivision proposals. The first subdivision is a 32 lot subdivision on Jacoby Road to the south of Timberline Estates that would accommodate single family homes. This property was recently included in the UGB expansion and then annexed into the city by ordinance. The second subdivision is a 16 lot subdivision on Hood Street to the north of the Sandy Police Station that would accommodate attached single family homes. The third subdivision is a 52 lot subdivision that would include apartments at the terminus of Dubarko Road on the lot formally approved for the Vista Loop South subdivision.

Sandyplace Apartments – Formally known as the Sandy Heights Apartments and recently approved by Planning Commission this apartment complex seems to be moving forward. The Building Department issued demolition permits for the two houses on the property and we are working with the land owner to finalize grading and erosion control permits. The 138-unit apartment complex should assist in fulfilling the lack of available rental units in the Sandy area.

Vacant Platted, Tentative Platted, & Expired Lots – Every quarter we calculate the remaining vacant platted lots, the tentative platted lots, and the subdivisions that have expired. We issued permits for 10 new residential structures over the past three months. City Townhomes and Mairin’s Viewpoint were tentatively approved to increase the potential lots in Sandy by 12. We are currently reviewing 6 house permits in Champion Village and just issued 6 other house permits. Part of the reason we issued less permits the last few months is there are not many lots available to develop. I anticipate the 27 lots in Pioneer Meadows being platted in the first half of 2018. Here is the list: Platted and Tentative Lots List 12_31_17 updated on January 3, 2018

November – Planning and Building

Sandy Heights Apartment (now known as Sandyplace)

On November 13, 2017 the Planning Commission unanimously approved the Sandyplace Apartments with conditions as recommended by staff. The apartment complex will have 138 dwelling units and two visitor short-term rentals. The apartments will feature a pool facility, a sports court, and several other amenities. The developer is now moving forward with grading permits and house demolition permits for two single family homes that need to be removed.

Cedar Ridge Middle School

On November 17, 2017 we issued a temporary certificate of occupancy to the OTSD for the new Cedar Ridge Middle School campus. We are still working with the OTSD on completing all of the items to receive final certificate of occupancy, but so far the school district has been great to work with on achieving our desired deadlines. The new campus looks wonderful and I am sure will be a key asset in Sandy for years to come.

Bus Parking Facility

As some of you have probably noticed the new OTSD bus service provider, Student Transportation of America (STA), is using a parking area on the U.S. Metal Works site. Planning staff has been working with both STA and U.S. Metal Works on allowing the bus parking on gravel surface while a permanent paved solution is completed. U.S. Metal Works has submitted a land use application for the permanent paved parking surface with stormwater detention and treatment facilities.

Tree Removal in Sandy for 2017

So far in 2017 we have processed 91 tree removal requests for trees 11 DBH or greater. This does not include tree removals at the Sandyplace apartments, Cashatt apartments, several subdivisions, trees removed from the right-of-way or trees illegally removed. While retention trees per the code was a great first step in tree preservation staff is finding that our current retention program has flaws. Staff will be researching new ways to preserve trees, including creating additional preservation easements in new subdivisions and acquiring more tracts with higher volumes of trees.

New Employee in City Hall

The new associate planner, James Cramer, is starting work on December 18, 2017. He will be helping with planning objectives, sign permitting, managing parks planning and the Parks Board, managing capital improvement projects in our parks, and other duties as needed. This addition to the Planning and Building Department is much needed and we are excited for him to join the team.

October – Planning and Building


Planning Commission: On November 13th the Planning Commission will hold a hearing to discuss the 138 apartment unit complex on Sandy Heights Street. This application was initially a staff review but due to the high volume of public input I decided to elevate the decision to a Planning Commission review.

Subdivisions: The City Townhomes six lot subdivision and the Mairin’s Viewpoint six lot subdivision are both being reviewed by staff. Both subdivisions are Type II reviews which does not require review by the Planning Commission.

Annexation: The land use application that includes the Sobella Nursery, the Schilling land (at the corner of Orient Drive and HWY 26), and abutting right-of-way has been deemed complete. The total amount of land proposed to be included is approximately 45.29 acres. This annexation proposal will be presented to City Council at the January 2, 2018 City Council meeting.

Other land use applications: Staff is also reviewing two tree permits, two small land partitions, two design reviews, one annexation, and one zone change/ordinance repeal. These other land applications are in process.


The summer of 2017 rushed by too quickly for the Sandy Building Department.  Residential construction has continued to be dominated with townhouses, and commercial projects have been varied and busy.

Currently, the largest commercial project in Sandy is the Oregon Trail School District’s renovation and conversion of the Old Sandy High School (Pioneer Building). OTSD hopes to occupy and open as the new location for Sandy Middle School after the Thanksgiving Holiday. Next on the most notable list is the Sandy Fire Department renovation by Skyward Construction. The project superintendent says they are making good progress and are on track to open the Sandy Fire Department before Christmas. Another notable project is the new Wendy’s Restaurant being built inside the auxiliary PAD building next to Goodwill, and projected to open in early-to-mid December. Equally notable is the complete remodel being done to the ski shop purchased by Next Adventure, and the new food cart changes at Sandlandia Food Court. Ron Hughes’ 9-unit apartment building on Tupper Hill is also progressing steadily. Lastly, we are pleased to report that approval for occupancy and business licenses were given to Simply Sisters (a new craft activities business), the Double Dragon Restaurant’s new owner, and to Jacobsen Pediatric Dentistry, located at 37515 Hwy 26. (Incidentally, Jacobsen Pediatric Dentistry is the 4th facility with medical gas installation in recent years.)

Residential construction remains strong with October’s tally having 66 active residential dwelling permits — of which 36 are Townhomes. Palladian Group leads with 27 single family townhomes being constructed in Champion Village, and National Development is constructing 9 new townhouses near Tickle Creek. Zion Meadows subdivision is quickly filling with single family homes constructed by Raze Custom Homes, D. A. Gray Ltd., Richard Haggerty, and Matt Stott Construction for a combined total of 20 homes currently under construction. Lastly, Colby Custom Construction, Tom Orth Construction, SKS Construction, Ron Haggerty and Vanport Builders are creating the other 10 quality homes in Sandy.