July 2013 – Planning Report


a) Applications under review:  File No. 13-020 SUB/VAR, Tickle Creek Terrace (15 Lot Subdivision, August Planning Commission review).

2) BUILDING DIVISION ACTIVITY – So far in 2013 we have received 40 residential building permits which exceeds the number for the entire year in 2011 and 2012 (32 in each these years).

a) Total value for the month is $2,406,108.
b) 5 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $1,336,933.
c) 2 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $34,116.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 10 commercial permits with a value of $1,027,964.
f)  2 other permits with a value of $7,095.

3) URBAN RENEWAL – One bid was received to complete facade improvements to the Heritage Square building: The bidder, Full Throttle Construction was approved by the City Council on August 5.  The contractor is expected to begin the project in the next couple weeks.

June 2013 – Planning Report


a) The City Council reviewed and approved File No. 13-013 ZC, City of Sandy and Greg Ernst Zone Change.  Staff reviewed and approved a deck addition to the VFW building (File No. 13-027 DR).
b) Applications under review:  File No. 13-020 SUB/VAR, Tickle Creek Terrace (15 Lot Subdivision, July Planning Commission review), File No. 13-022 DR, Suburban Ford Remodel, File No. 13-025 DR, Champion Collision additional paving project (staff review)

2) BUILDING DIVISION ACTIVITY – So far in 2013 we have received 35 residential building permits which exceeds the number for the entire year in both 2011 and 2012 (32 in each these years).

a) Total value for the month is $3,419,252.
b) 7 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $1,522,985.
c) 5 permits additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $61,850.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 10 commercial permits with a value of $1,831,617.
f)  2 other permits with a value of $2,800.

3) URBAN RENEWAL – Three bids were received to complete facade improvements to two buildings: Prudential Real Estate and Wong’s King.  The low bidder, Full Throttle Construction was approved by the City Council on July 1.  The contractor is expected to begin the project the week of July 15.

May 2013 – Planning Report


a) The Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of File No. 13-013 ZC, City of Sandy and Greg Ernst Zone Change.
b) Staff reviewed and approved seven plats requesting reinstatement: Birdsong, Brittani Heights, Ten Eyck Rim, Tickle Creek Terrace, Timber Valley, Vista Loop North, and Vista Loop South.
c) Applications under review:  File No. 13-020 SUB/VAR, Tickle Creek Terrace (15 Lot Subdivision), File No. 13-022 DR, Suburban Ford Remodel, File No. 13-025 DR, Champion Collision additional paving project.


a) Total value for the month is $2,178,217.
b) 11 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $2,082,781.
c) 2 permits additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $14,803.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 4 commercial permits with a value of $34,983.
f)  5 other permits with a value of $34,650.

3) URBAN RENEWAL – Staff sent out a letter requesting bids from qualified contractors to complete facade improvements to two buildings: Prudential Real Estate and Wong’s King.  Bids are due June 24, 2013.

April 2013 – Planning Report


a) File No. 13-004 DR/FSH, ODOT improvements at Hwy. 211 and Dubarko (Planning Commission approved, April 22).
b) File No. 13-013 ZC, City of Sandy and Greg Ernst Zone Change (Planning Commission, May 27)


a) Total value for the month is $1,403,830.
b) 5 permits for a five single family dwellings with a value of $1,071,980.
c) 1 permit for an addition to single-family dwelling wit a value of $1,750.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 4 commercial permits with a value of $315,700.
f)  4 other permits with a value of $14,400.

3) OTHER – Staff signed the Snowberry Subdivision Final Plat (May 13).  The developer has indicated he is planning to get going on constructing homes soon.

4) URBAN RENEWAL – Staff is working with the City Architect to develop facade enhancement projects for construction.  At this time we are hoping to complete five projects this year. 


March 2013 – Planning Report


a) File No. 13-004 DR/FSH, ODOT improvements at Hwy. 211 and Dubarko (Planning Commission public hearing, April 22).
b) File No. 13-005 DCA, Development Code Amendments to address accessory structures, residential design standards, private drives, residential on-street parking, multi-family parking requirements, and miscellaneous modifications (Planning Commission public hearing, April 22).


a) Total value for the month is $460,759.
b) 2 permits for a single family dwellings with a value of $400,359.
c) 0 permits for additions to single-family dwellings.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 9 commercial permits with a value of $51,870.
f) 4 other permits with a value of $8,530.


The City of Sandy completed the Downtown Parking Management Study in January of 2012. Since the completion of the study we have held eight Downtown Parking Advisory Committee (DPAC) meetings to talk about improvements to downtown parking as recommend within the study. The following list details current status for a number of downtown parking projects.

Yellow Curb Removal (ACTIVE):

Summer 2012 thru current – Staff conducted several assessments of the yellow painted curbing within downtown, including a priority ranking for removal and defining the condition of the paint. The paint was tested on June 28, 2012 for lead, yielding positive readings for harmful levels of contaminants. Three requests for proposals for the removal of the lead based paint (due on August 3, 2012; September 18, 2012; and January 11, 2013) were completed with the lowest bid totaling $39,716.50. Since the bid amount is above and beyond available funds the public works crew will attempt to remove painted curb during the spring and summer of 2013.

 2-Hour Parking District Signs (ACTIVE):

January 2013 thru current – The 2-Hour Parking District will need 107 new signs, 74 posts, and 67 holes drilled in the concrete. The signs would be .080″ aluminum signs that are pre-drilled with radius corners. The sign posts would be 6 foot powder coated unistrut at two inches thick and buried eighteen inches in depth. The total cost to buy and ship all the signs, posts, ground anchors, and to drill the required holes is approximately $5,832. This cost is contingent on Public Works installing the signs in the pre-drilled holes at no cost.

Parking Violation Fee Change (ACTIVE):

February 2013 thru current – Police officers currently charge a minimum of $100 for parking violations. While egregious parking violations deserve at least the minimum base fine, staff believes that other violations need a reduced fine amount. Staff is bringing a proposal before City Council in May 2013 regarding a reduction in downtown parking fines.

 2-Hour Parking District Establishment (DONE):

August 6, 2012 – City Council passed Resolution 2012-14 establishing a two hour parking district on Pioneer Boulevard and Proctor Boulevard from Meinig Avenue to Scales Avenue, including spaces located on Shelley Avenue, (Monday – Friday, 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.), except where shorter time restrictions are permitted by the DPAC. The Heritage Square Parking Lot will be reorganized to provide six parking spaces designated for one hour time limits and 14 parking spaces designated for two hour time limits. The parking restrictions are to be effective and enforced when signage has been installed that clearly identifies time limited parking areas.

 Shorter Parking Time Approval (DONE):

August 2012 thru January 2013 – The DPAC considered requests for parking limitation signage within downtown Sandy. After some discussion, shorter time limitation spaces have been permitted at the following locations:

Andreanne Rode (Otto’s Ski Shop); Two Foxes Singing (Ant Farm); Julie Snell (Clackamas County Bank); Lois Coleman (Frontier Building); Dennis & JoAnn Dries (Paradise Quilts); Steve Reimer (Shell Gas Station); Robert & Karen Huston (Sandy Country Florist); Cyndi McKenna (Cool Printing & Copies)

Public Parking Lot Naming (DONE):

August 6, 2012 – City Council passed a proclamation that named the public parking lot east of Shelley Avenue, between Pioneer Boulevard and Proctor Boulevard as ‘Heritage Square Parking Lot’. The Council also officially recognized the parking lot west of Bruns Avenue as ‘Pioneer Parking Lot’. Both parking lots will be identified by signage that is being installed in conjunction with the downtown wayfinding signage program.

USPS Mailbox Move (DONE):

April 20, 2012 – The mailboxes were successfully moved from the old location between Strauss and Shelly on Pioneer Blvd. to the new location to the west of Scales. Additional concrete was added behind the mailboxes to accommodate ADA pedestrian access around the boxes.

 Parking Meters Research (DONE):

January 16, 2013 – City staff researched the financial options for paid parking as requested by Chief Yamashita. The DPAC reviewed the cost estimates, but agreed that the citizens and visitors of Sandy are not ready for paid parking in downtown, regardless of the program costs. The total upstart cost for three kiosk machines was $29,570 while the total upstart cost for 30 individual electronic parking meters started at $24,175.

Other Projects:

Removal of Oregon Trail School District Bus Signs in Front of Middle School (DONE) Parking District Public Outreach Campaign (DONE)

Re-configure Two Parking Spaces in Heritage Square (NEED FUNDING)                  Pioneer Parking Lot Incentive Program (ACTIVE)                                                     Employee Parking Options Brochure (NOT STARTED)

February 2013 – Planning Report


a) File No. 12-031 SUB/MOD, Pioneer Meadow, 29 lot subdivision at Meeker St.  (approved)
b) File No. 13-001 DR, Mt. Hood Athletic Club design review for expanded outside deck. (approved).
c) File No. 13-004 DR/FSH, ODOT improvements at Hwy. 211 and Dubarko (hearing set for April 22).


a) Total value for the month is $2,279,459.
b) 7 permits for a single family dwellings with a value of $1,449,975.
c) 2 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $46,435.
d) 3 duplexes with a value of $775,413.
e) 1 commercial permit with a value of $7,636.
f) 0 other permits.

3) MAIN STREET – From George Hoyt, Sandy Main Street Chair

The Promotion Committee is working out all the details of this years First Fridays. Due to reduced participation because of darkness and weather, First Fridays will be eliminated in late winter and late fall. This year FF will be held in April, May, June, August, September and October. Each of the FF will have a theme this year. This year to provide greater reach we will begin advertising in the Post before each FF. The cost will be born by the participants with a modest fee of $10 a month. A year long FF flyer will replace the monthly flyer of the past. FF’s


January 2013 – Planning Monthly Report


a) File No. 12-031 SUB/MOD, Pioneer Meadow, 29 lot subdivision at Meeker St under    review.
b) File No. 13-001 DR, Mt. Hood Athletic Club design review for expanded outside deck area.


a) Total value for the month is $721,709.
b) 3 permits for a single family dwellings with a value of $637,152.
c) 1 permit  for an addition to a single-family dwelling with a value of $280.
d) 4 commercial permits with a value of $84,277.
e) 0 other permits.

3) MAIN STREET – From George Hoyt, Sandy Main Street Chair

The Promotion Committee is working out all the details of this years First Fridays. Due to reduced participation because of darkness and weather, First Fridays will be eliminated in late winter and late fall. This year FF will be held in April, May, June, August, September and October. Each of the FF will have a theme this year. This year to provide greater reach we will begin advertising in the Post before each FF. The cost will be born by the participants with a modest fee of $10 a month. A year long FF flyer will replace the monthly flyer of the past. FF’s

Alan Fleischman will assume the role of Chairman of the Economic Development along with three new members.

Planning is underway for the Downtown Visioning Meeting April 6th. It will bring together property and  business owners, local leaders and city representatives. The objective of the meeting is to define a vision of what downtown should be in 15 years. More to come.


January 2013 – Planning Monthly Report

For my first report of the year I like to provide the City Council with an overview of Planning and Building related development activity for the past year.

2012 Summary

  • 36 land use applications were submitted and reviewed or are currently under review (41 in 2011, 35 in 2010 and 32 in 2009).
  • The most notable projects in 2012 included: OTSD pole building and greenhouses, Sandy River Park Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 4J Land Development annexation, Suburban Chevrolet design review, Northwest Waterworks design review, Snowberry Subdivision plat reinstatement, and Pioneer Meadows tentative plat review.
  • 32 single family building permits were issued (32 permits in 2011, 45 in 2010 and 46 in 2009) with a value of $6,984,772 ($7,609,886 in 2011).
  • 31 single family addition permits were issued (22 permits in 2011, 13 in 2010 and 18 in 2009) with a value of $382,249.
  • 91 commercial permits were issued (65 permits in 2011, 44 in 2010 and 32 permits in 2009) with a value of $10,099,590 ($46,535,892 in 2011).
  • Total value of all permits equaled was $17,609,886 (2011 value = $53,977,601, 2010 value = $41,305,292 and 2009 value = $14,091,921).

a) Jabez Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change.
b) Pioneer Meadows Subdivision – modified application submittal under review.

a) Total value for the month is $843,022.
b) 3 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $632,400.
c) 3 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $3,900.
d) 2 commercial permits with a value of $205,597.
e) 1 other permit with a value of $1,026.

3) MAIN STREET – Sandy Main Street organized a successful tree lighting event attended by about 350 people and the committees are now in the planning stages for activities in 2013.

December 2012 Planning Report


a) Arco AM-PM occupancy permit approved.
b) PC reviewed File No. 12-029 CPA/ZC, Jabez Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change at November meeting.
c) File No. 12-031 SUB, Pioneer Meadow, 28 lot subdivision at Meeker St approved.
d) File No. 12-028 DR, Northwest Waterworks design review and facade grant approved (former Sandy Feed location)ment and Zone Change.


a) Total value for the month is $720,488.
b) 1 permit for a single family dwelling with a value of $196,509.
c) 0 permits  for additions to single-family dwellings.
d) 4 commercial permits with a value of $520,834.
e) 3 other permits with a value of $3,145.

3) MAIN STREET – From George Hoyt, Sandy Main Street Chair

The Sandy Main Street volunteer Promotion Committee created the most successful ever Sandy Tree Lighting event. Between 400 and 500 local citizens turned out and 220 giant cookies were handed out in less then 15 minutes. Mayor King lighted the tree. For the first time in a few years volunteers lighted Cool Printing’s giant tree. New LED lights were purchased by donations from local citizens as a Main Street promotion.

Holiday “Shopping” on the Boulevard followed the tree lighting the next day with 37 merchants participating.

First Friday in November saw business participation fall to 31 as the dark hours of winter arrived.

Now that the EID effort is behind us, Sandy Main Street Inc. Directors have focused in two areas; setting criteria for recruiting new members for the committees and creating a business plan for the coming year. Both the Promotion and Economic Development committee have been asked for their activity and training plans for the up coming year. The objective is to finish it by the end of January including creating a modest budget on which the volunteer organization can move ahead.

November 2012 Planning Report


a) City Council held public hearing and completed first reading of task force recommended code changes on November 5.
b) PC approved File No. 12-027 DR/MP/CUP, City Reservoir project
c) Application submitted – File No. 12-031 SUB, Pioneer Meadow, 28 lot subdivision at Meeker St.

a) Total value for the month is $1,900,155.
b) 8 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $1,767,007.
c) 2 permits  for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $4,273.
d) 9 commercial permits with a value of $30,400.
e) 2 other permits with a value of $98,475.

3) MAIN STREET – The Main Street organization is regrouping after failure of the EID on October 15.  Despite the rain, another successful trick or treat trail was held on October 27.  In addition a very successful First Friday event was held on October 5. The Promotion Committee is currently working on details for the annual Christmas on the Blvds. event and the annual tree lighting.  The tree lighting event is scheduled for Friday, November 30 beginning at 6pm in the Centennial Plaza.