October Planning Report

a) Commercial-Industrial Code revisions – Council task force working on code revisions.
b) Bornstedt Park CUP request (PC hearing continued to September 24).

a) Total value for the month is $1,074,043.
b) 3 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $652,708.
c) 1 permit  for an addition to a single-family dwelling with a value of $42,300.
d) 11 commercial permits with a value of $371,911.
e) 3 other permits with a value of $7,124.

3) MAIN STREET – Main Street Manager Jason McNeil terminated employment on September 24 to enter the graduate program at Portland State University.  The Main Street organization has been working on the detail of the Economic Improvement District.  In addition a very successful First Friday event was held on September 7.  The Promotion Committee is currently working on details for the annual Trick or Treat Trail to be held on Saturday, October 27 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.


September Planning Report

a) Commercial-Industrial Code revisions – Council task force working on code revisions.
b) Bornstedt Park CUP request (PC hearing continued to September 24).

a) Total value for the month is $922,370.
b) 3 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $549,933.
c) 1 permit  for an addition to a single-family dwelling with a value of $13,302.
d) 13 commercial permits with a value of $359,135.
e) 0 other permits.

3) MAIN STREET (Jason McNeil) – It’s been a busy month at Sandy Main Street with all of the background work to establish an Economic Improvement District coming into view, the largest First Friday ever, and a fundraising effort to light the Christmas Tree in Plaza.

1. Steering Committee: Following the work session with Council last month to provide background on the the Economic Improvement District, the committee continued to focus on outreach to property and business owners. The first public hearing on September 4 showed the committee where they need to focus their efforts if they are going to convince property owners that the EID is in their best interests. The committee continues to make progress with property owners, and after offering up more detailed information and background have convinced several that were initially opposed that the EID and Sandy Main Street are good for Sandy and good for property owners.  The committee is also preparing for the transition period after Jason McNeil’s departure as Main Street Coordinator on September 14.

2. Promotion Committee: The September First Friday event was the largest yet with 44 participating businesses, live music and vendors in the Centennial Plaza. The committee continues to focus on expanding First Friday events and draw more visitors to town. A raffle to encourage visitors to circulate throughout the entire district was rolled out for the September First Friday.

Planning and preparation for the fall events is also underway. The Trick or Treat Trail will take place on Saturday October 27 this year and the Holiday Tree Lighting will be on December 1. A fundraiser to light the large tree in the Plaza kicked off this month. The goal is to raise $3000 for new lights for the tree.

3. Economic Restructuring Committee: The committee continues to focus on an Occupancy Assistance Program. At this time a web based approached is being developed that would allow property owners to input their vacancy info on a new Sandy Main Street website, which will be monitored by staff. The info when then be posted on the website and disseminated through other avenues as well. The Market Analysis Subcommittee continued work to distill the information contained within the Market Analysis and develop a Vision Plan for downtown.

August Planning Report

a) Commercial-Industrial Code revisions – Council task force assigned.
b) Facade Remodel to Suburban Chevrolet (approved).
c) Entry feature to Living Way Fellowship (approved)
d) Bornstedt Park CUP request (August 27 PC hearing).

a) Total value for the month is $1,136,367.
b) 1 permit for single family dwellings with a value of $211,341.
c) 2 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $41,640.
d) 10 commercial permits with a value of $881,886.
e) 1 other permit with a value of $1,500.

3) MAIN STREET (Jason McNeil) – Sandy Main Street committees continued work on many of the ongoing Main Street projects this past month:

  1. Steering Committee: Following the Steering Committee and staff presentation of the proposal for the establishment of an Economic Improvement District in downtown Sandy, we are continuing on our efforts to move that project ahead. Outreach to property and business owners continues to be the primary focus of the Steering Committee and they have made great progress connecting with downtown property owners. The goal of the outreach is to discuss how they would be impacted by the proposed assessment and the benefits of keeping Sandy Main Street working in downtown to garner the support of property owners. Staff is working to ensure the EID process and ordinance meet all legal requirements and are developing an Economic Improvement Plan.
  2. Promotion Committee: The August First Friday event was the largest yet with 43 participating businesses and several musical acts playing downtown. The committee continues to focus on expanding First Friday events. With so many additional businesses participating, the committee is now looking at new ways of getting the word out to the community of all the fun in downtown on First Friday to increase the number of customers.  We are also looking at activities to increase the circulation of visitors and customers throughout the entire district and developing tips for how businesses can really work the event. With fall just around the corner, and expected staff reductions in the coming months, the committee is planning for the Trick or Treat Trail and Holiday events now to ensure that we aren’t scrambling later. The Trick or Treat Trail will take place on Saturday October 27 this year and the Holiday Tree Lighting will be on December 1.
  3. Economic Restructuring Committee: The committee continues to focus on an Occupancy Assistance Program. At this time a web based approached is being developed that would allow property owners to input their vacancy info on a new Sandy Main Street website, which will be monitored by staff. The info when then be posted on the website and disseminated through other avenues as well. The Market Analysis Subcommittee continued work to distill the information contained within the Market Analysis and develop a Vision Plan for downtown.MAIN STREET


July 2012 Planning Report

a) Commercial-Industrial Code revisions Public Hearing – Council assigned task force.
b) 4J Annexation request (August hearing).
c) Bornstedt Park CUP (PC hearing in August).

a) Total value for the month is $545,740.
b) 2 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $482,685.
c) 3 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $14,105.
d) 3 commercial permits with a value of $33,950.
e) 1 other permit with a value of $15,000.


The Sandy Main Street committees continued work on many of the ongoing Main Street projects this past month:

  1. Steering Committee: The Steering Committee is hard at work conducting downtown property owner outreach for the EID proposal. Two meetings were held the week of June 25th at the Library. Though the property owners threw out some tough questions, the committee was encouraged by the promised support of several property owners that were present. The next outreach meetings will be held July 19th at the Library at 7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Outreach to property and business owners will be the primary focus of the Steering Committee over the summer months, along with the details of moving the EID process forward and the nonprofit corporation formation (the application for which will be submitted to the IRS in the coming week). The committee plans a retreat for some time in the next month to plan for the anticipated organizational and staff changes for Sandy Main Street this fall.
  2. Promotion Committee: The committee continues to focus on expanding First Friday events. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of committee members, this month saw an increase to 31 participating businesses (up from 24 last month). This First Friday marks the first use of our new Event Banners that participating businesses can hang out during the event. The brightly colored (gold) banners feature the Sandy Main Street logo and should be great for catching the eye of passers-by. The new Sandy Main Street postcards and greeting cards can now be found for sale at Dita’s Chocolates, the UPS Store, the Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Sandy Historical Museum.
  3. Economic Restructuring Committee: The committee continues to develop an Occupancy Assistance Program. Property owners with vacancies can contact Sandy Main Street to take advantage of the knowledge and contacts of our Quick Response Team to help get their vacant space occupied. The Market Analysis Subcommittee continued work on a Vision Plan for downtown based on the data in the Downtown Sandy Market Analysis. They are also using that information to develop profiles of the “typical” downtown Sandy shopper.

June 2012 Planning Report

a) Commercial-Industrial Code revisions Public Hearing – under Council review.
b) 4J Annexation request (August hearing)
c) Plat Reinstatement Ordinance modifications (July hearing)
d) Sandy River Park Comprehensive Plan/Zone Change (July PC hearing, August Council hearing)

a) Total value for the month is $7,643,325.
b) 4 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $976,161.
c) 4 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $20,400.
d) 8 commercial permits with a value of $6,646,704.
e) 1 other permit with a value of $60.

3) MAIN STREET (from Jason McNeil, Main Street Manager)

The Sandy Main Street committees continued work on many of the ongoing Main Street projects this past month:

  1. Steering Committee: The Steering Committee has begun outreach to property and business owners in regards to the proposal to create an Economic Improvement District (EID) in Downtown Sandy. One-on-one outreach with targeted property owners seems to be going well and we will be holding a meeting for property owners to gather more information on the EID on June 25 at 5:30 pm in the Library Community Room. A similar meeting for business owners will be held on June 28 at the Library at 5:30 pm.The Steering Executive Committee is still focused on some key behind-the-scenes work, including the establishment of the Sandy Main Street nonprofit corporation. The application will be submitted to the IRS in the coming weeks. The Executive Committee is also developing a brochure and handouts that explain the benefits of a Main Street program and the EID proposal.
  2. Promotion Committee: The committee continues to focus on expanding First Friday events. Participation has been holding steady with 24 businesses for the past two months, but outreach to non-participating businesses has resulted in commitment from at least 8 additional businesses for the summer months. The committee also finalized the design and procurement of Event Banners that participating businesses can hang out during First Friday (these can also be used for all Main Street events). The banners should be ready and delivered by the July First Friday. We are also coming up with creative ideas to encourage circulation of visitors and customers throughout the entire downtown during the events. Finally, we put the call out for street musicians to perform during First Friday and expect to have a few out playing this month.The Promotion Committee also began selling Sandy Main Street merchandise at downtown retailers. We’re starting out with greeting cards and postcards that feature photographs of scenes in and around Sandy taken by local photographer Krissy Aldous. The proceeds from the merchandise will be reinvested in other Sandy Main Street merchandise items, and hopefully will grow as a source of revenue over time.
  3. Economic Restructuring Committee: Vacancy assistance to downtown property owners is one of the many roles that the ERC has taken on, and we’re currently working with a downtown property owner to help fill a vacancy. Through this, we’re developing a vacancy assistance process that will allow us to be more nimble for future vacancy assistance.  The Market Analysis Subcommittee continued work on a Vision Plan for downtown based on the data in the Downtown Sandy Market Analysis and are also using that information to develop profiles of the “typical” downtown Sandy shopper.

May 2012 Planning Report

a) Commercial-Industrial Code revisions Public Hearing – under Council review.
b) St. Michael’s Church addition (approved)
c) Sandy High School pole building and greenhouses design review (approved)
d) Sandy High School tennis court cover design review (withdrawn)

a) Total value for the month is $1,189,312.
b) 2 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $380.015.
c) 2 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $8,536.
d) 15 commercial permits with a value of $800,761.
e) 0 other permits.

3) MAIN STREET (from Jason McNeil, Main Street Manager)  A logo, a Vision Plan, a new Executive Committee, and a busier than ever First Friday were all part of this month’s excitement with Sandy Main Street.   The committees continued work on many of the ongoing Main Street projects this past month:

  1. Steering Committee: The Steering Committee is still heavily focused on downtown property and business owner outreach, which will be gearing up in early May.  We hope to get word the word out on how Main Street can help all downtown stakeholders and property owners as we look at new ways of expanding and improving the program. A new Executive Committee of the Steering Committee officers began meeting in early May to focus on some important administrative tasks, including incorporating Sandy Main Street as a non-profit with the IRS and improved data collection on downtown properties, businesses, volunteers and events. The committee also approved the new Sandy Main Street logo this month. The logo will be used on event banners, posters and flyers, brochures, marketing materials and the like.
  2. Promotion Committee: The committee continues to focus on expanding First Friday events and having Sandy Main Street merchandise made to be sold at downtown retailers. A local photographer has taken some photos to be used on greeting cards and postcards that will be used to promote Sandy Main Street and will also be a small (but hopefully growing) source of revenue for the Promotion Committee.  First Friday participation is increasing each month, with 24 participants in May. The committee hopes to include more service businesses in the future and also to partner with businesses located outside of the downtown district that want to set up at a downtown business for First Friday. We want to be able to include as many Sandy businesses as we can in the event, while also keeping the focus on the downtown area.
  3. Economic Restructuring Committee: This month the committee began the work of utilizing data in the Downtown Sandy Market Analysis to develop a Vision Plan for downtown. The idea is to identify potential clusters and other opportunity areas that could strengthen the business climate for the downtown district. The committee is also still working with business and property owners to see how we can help support their enterprises in downtown Sandy.

April 2012 Planning Report

a) Commercial-Industrial Code revisions Public Hearing – met with ODOT.
b) Sandy River Park, Meinig Park, Bornstedt Park Master Plans adoption process  – April 2012 CC hearing
c) Sandy High School pole building and greenhouses design review (under review)
d) Sandy High School tennis court cover design review (under review)

a) Total value for the month is $799,175.
b) 3 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $729,645.
c) 4 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $58,993.
d) 1 commercial permit with a value of $6,087.
e) 1 other permit with a value of $4,450.

3) MAIN STREET (from Jason McNeil, Main Street Manager)  Things came together this month to make for a great First Friday in April, with warm and dry weather, more daylight, and a growing number of participants. There were lots of people out strolling the streets to check out some of our long-standing participants, newer additions such as the Lori Ryland Art Gallery, or the recently remodeled library. We’re looking forward to spring and summer to really bring people out to see what Downtown Sandy has to offer.

The Sandy Main Street committees continued work on many of the ongoing Main Street projects this past month:

  1. Steering Committee: The Steering Committee is gearing up for some downtown property owner outreach to get word the word out on how Main Street can help all downtown stakeholders and to get feedback on other ways we can support property owners. In preparation, the committee has been hard at work developing a viable and sustainable work program to carry out. The committee is also poised to approve the new Sandy Main Street logo that will help us continue moving ahead with the branding of Downtown Sandy. Committee Chair George Hoyt just returned from the National Main Street Conference in Baltimore and will be sharing all the great ideas he picked up at the conference at the upcoming committee meeting.
  2. Promotion Committee: The committee was very pleased with this month’s First Friday turnout, and is still working on ways to improve the monthly event and increase participation. With mixed success getting student artists and musicians involved, the committee is exploring other avenues to get more life on the street during the event. The committee is also looking to have new event banners made for businesses to hang out during Main Street events to let passers-by know that something is happening. These will feature the new Sandy Main Street logo. Finally, we are looking into selling Sandy Main Street merchandise that can be used to help raise funding for Promotion Committee projects. A local photographer has taken some photos that we are hoping to use in local greeting cards and postcards to be sold by downtown merchants. In the future we hope to expand to coffee mugs, tote bags, and other merchandise.
  3. Economic Restructuring Committee: The ERC committee continues to work on ongoing projects such as the Market Analysis update and review, business outreach and support, and business clustering. Once the new logo is finalized and approved, we will be finishing up marketing materials that can be used to promote Downtown Sandy to new business prospects.


March 2012 Planning Report

a) Commercial-Industrial Code revisions Public Hearing – met with ODOT.
b) Sandy River Park, Meinig Park, Bornstedt Park Master Plans adoption process  – March 2012 PC hearing
c) Sandy High School pole building and greenhouses design review (under review)
d) Sandy High School tennis court cover design review (under review)

a) Total value for the month is $346,031.
b) 0 permits for single family dwellings.
c) 6 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $144,793.
d) 6 commercial permits with a value of $195,225.
e) 2 other permits with a value of $5,995.

3) MAIN STREET (from Jason McNeil, Main Street Manager)

  1. All-Committee Meeting: On February 28, the three Sandy Main Street committees had their first formal meeting together. Steering Committee Chair George Hoyt led the meeting and gave an account of the work the Steering Committee has been doing to set the foundation for the program and move Sandy Main Street into the future. The Promotion and Economic Restructuring Committees each had an opportunity to report what they’ve been working on and share concerns related to downtown and Main Street projects. Quarterly All-Committee meetings will be held to keep everyone better informed and on the same page.
  2. Steering Committee: With the Sandy Main Street mission set, the Steering Committee is hard at work identifying the specific benefits that a functioning Main Street program can offer to business and property owners and the services we can offer. The committee will also be working with the City’s Downtown Parking Advisory Committee to implement solutions to the parking issues identified in the downtown core.
  3. Promotion Committee: The weather was a little better for the March First Friday event, and featured 21 participating businesses and live music from Sandy High School students outside of Clackamas County Bank. The committee is determined to have new banners and signage to advertise First Fridays and other Main Street events ready this spring. The next First Friday will be held April 6 from 5-8 p.m.
  4. Economic Restructuring Committee: The ERC committee work plan is ambitious for this year and includes working with existing businesses, exploring business opportunities for some key vacant sites in town, and working with the Chamber to offer more business trainings and classes. The 2009 Market Analysis is still being updated, and market materials will be completed once we have a finalized logo.
  5. National Main Street Conference: Steering Committee Chair George Hoyt will be attending the Main Street Conference in Baltimore March 31 to the April 4. Hopefully he will pick up lots of great ideas for us here in downtown Sandy!

February 2012 Council Report

a) Commercial-Industrial Code revisions Public Hearing – working on traffic analysis.
b) Parks and Open Space Zoning District – February 2012 PC hearing
c) Cedar Park Gardens Apartments remodel (approved)
d) Firwood Village Apartments remodel (approved)
e) Fresenius Dialysis Clinic (approved)
d) Fred Meyer Electric Vehicle Charging Station (incomplete)

a) Total value for the month is $489,876.
b) 2 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $406,269.
c) 3 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $30,007.
d) 8 commercial permits with a value of $47,100.
e) 1 other permit with a value of $6,500.

3) MAIN STREET (from Jason McNeil, Main Street Manager)

Things have are moving along with Sandy Main Street. The addition of a Steering Committee has been very helpful in focusing the group’s efforts. The highlights for this month include:

  1. All-Committee Meeting: A meeting for all three Sandy Main Street committees will be held at the Sandy Historical Society on February 28 at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be the first time all of the committees have met together since the Steering Committee formed last October. The meeting will provide an opportunity for the committees to report on recent accomplishments and work plans for the coming year and also to share ideas for keeping Sandy Main Street moving forward in its efforts to revitalize downtown.
  2. Steering Committee: The wordsmiths on the Steering Committee crafted a Mission Statement that succinctly captures the aim of Sandy Main Street:

         “Sandy Main Street creates a viable and unique downtown experience that       attracts people and promotes community pride.”

With the mission set, the Steering Committee has set to work on developing an appropriate work program that carries out that mission while serving the needs of all downtown businesses and property owners. The committee has also been hard at work on a fundraising proposal and finalizing the Sandy Main Street logo.

     3.  Promotion Committee: First Fridays started up early this year, with the first of the monthly events occurring on February 3. Quite a few folks braved the cold and wind that night to check out the offerings at downtown businesses. The next First Friday will be held March 2 from 5-8 p.m.  The committee is taking a closer look at the annual holiday event to plan for the best one yet this coming year. The committee is also exploring merchandising options to help promote downtown and raise funds for Sandy Main Street.

    4.Economic Restructuring Committee: A new Market Analysis Subcommittee began meeting this past month to review the 2009 study, identify areas that need updating, and develop strategies to better put the information to use. The committee as a whole is continuing efforts to support downtown businesses and has identified several specific projects on which to focus in.


Staff has been working with the City Architect to develop projects for the 2012 construction season.

January 2012 Planning Monthly Report

For my first report of the year I like to provide the City Council with an overview of Planning and Building related development activity for the past year.

2011 Summary

  • 41 land use applications were submitted and reviewed or are currently under review (35 in 2010 and 32 in 2009).
  • The most notable projects in 2011 included: Meinig Park stormwater facility, Johnson RV paint booth, Arco AM-PM design review, and the Clackamas Federal Credit Union building remodel.
  • 32 single family building permits were issued (45 permits in 2010 and 46 in 2009) with a value of $7,137,102.  This number represents the fewest number of permits since 1997.
  • 22 single family addition permits were issued (13 in 2010 and 18 in 2009) with a value of $241,978.
  • 65 commercial permits were issued (44 permits in 2010 and 32 permits in 2009) with a value of $46,535,892.
  • Total value of all permits equaled was $53,977,601 (2010 value = $41,305,292 and 2009 value = $14,091,921).

a) Commercial-Industrial Code revisions Public Hearing – working on traffic analysis.
b) Parks and Open Space Zoning District – January 2012 PC hearing
c) Cedar Park Gardens Apartments remodel
d) Firwood Village Apartments remodel
e) Fresenius Dialysis Clinic (near athletic club)

a) Total value for the month is $522,738.
b) 2 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $479,967.
c) 4 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $16,421.
d) 2 commercial permits with a value of $25,000.
e) 3 other permits with a value of $1,350.

3) MAIN STREET (From Jason McNeil, Main Street Manager)

Following an eventful fall, things slowed down a bit for Sandy Main Street after the Christmas on the Boulevards event in early December. The committees are gearing up for an action-packed New Year:

Steering Committee: The Steering Committee is busy developing a mission statement and goals for the Steering Committee and the Main Street program as a whole. The committee feels that a clear mission and goals are key for Sandy Main Street to rest on a solid foundation, particularly in light of potential changes to the organizational structure and operations. The Steering Committee elected to meet twice monthly for the time being as there is a lot of work to be done to set this foundation.

  1. Promotion Committee: Following a very busy fall that culminated with the Christmas on the Boulevards events at the beginning of last month, the Promotion Committee took the rest of December off. The committee will begin meeting again in January to begin planning for First Fridays, which will start up on February 4 this year. The committee is looking to collaborate with Sandy High School to have student street performers during First Fridays this year. A representative from the High School will be in attendance at the next committee meeting.
  2. Economic Restructuring Committee: The ERC will be meeting in January to hone a work plan for 2012 that helps them to focus their energies in the New Year. One item on that work plan will be to revisit the Market Analysis conducted in 2009 and find better ways to put that information to good use.

4)  Urban Renewal – Facade Enhancement Program – The 2011 project were finished and staff is now working on developing projects for the 2012 construction season.