Development Services – Monthly Report – April 2023

Building Division Report – Spring 2023:

In spite of the economic uncertainties and the unpredictable weather, our first four months of 2023 has seen steady building activity in Sandy.  Permits for residential construction and commercial building projects continue to keep Sandy’s Building Division busy.

But the best news for the Building Division is our Permit Technician vacancy has been filled.  Jann Reed started work April 4th.  Jann previously worked for Mt Hood Community College for more than a decade.  In less than a month’s time, Jann is doing a great job at keeping all permits processing smoothly, plus answering the calls, emails and over-the-counter inquiries.  Rebecca Markham is doing a great job helping Jann learn our E-Permitting system, and the  many other tasks involved with the Permit Tech position. 

The number of residential and commercial projects has slowed down a bit from last year’s pace. However, the number of new residential dwellings and businesses continues to grow at a steady pace.  Business licensing is now conducted online, which has helped streamline the process and lessen the backlog of staff work.  Unfortunately, the number of reported commercial projects and residential projects being done without their required permits has grown. Sandy’s Development Department could benefit greatly by having a dedicated Code Compliance person.

Shaylee Meadows subdivision - April 2023

In the Shaylee Meadows Subdivision, Lennar Homes has completed approximately 90% of their 100 homes.  The last remaining lots have been excavated, inspected, and approved to pour the concrete foundations.  The two original, model homes for the development are being converted back and made ready for residential occupancy.   Needless to say, but ALL the contractors are thankful for the dryer weather, so that the Sandy soils can harden up.

In the 9 lot, Jewelberry Ridge Subdivision, Raze Custom Homes has 5 new dwellings that are currently framed and in various stages of progress.   Jim Raze also has 3 more permits approved for construction.  In the same subdivision, Rob Venema of Rosemont Development is nearing final completion of the first new home to be built in that small subdivision.

In the 20 lot Jewelberry Meadows Subdivision there are 2 homes that are completed, and 3 homes nearing completion.  Jeff Saul, Russ Bartels and John Fouch are building homes in the subdivision.  The builders in both the subdivisions are great to work with because they strive to provide a quality home.

Commercial projects include the following: US Metal Work’s Building B and Building C; the Bull Run Electric Building, middle suite completion;  Michael Maiden’s façade improvements of 5 buildings and remodel of the foundry building; and lastly, the restaurant formerly known as The Red Shed is being remodeled to become the SandBar – Restaurant and Bar. 

Respectfully submitted by

Terrence Gift, Building Official

Planning Department items:  (There were no updates to Planning projects for April 2023 (with the exception of the 362nd & Bell Street project) due to staff shortages – project updates will resume in the next department report.  Thank you for your understanding.)

State Street Homes (2022-31 DR/VAR/TREE):  The application for this mixed-use building with three floors of multi-family housing (42 units) and one floor of self-service storage was continued at the February 27th Planning Commission meeting to give the applicant time to submit additional information and for additional public review. Additional materials were submitted to the City on March 21 and have been uploaded to the project page on the City website. Staff is working on a revised staff report for the continued public hearing scheduled for April 24, 2023.

City of Sandy Water System Master Plan adoption (2022-052 CPA):  The master plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission on February 27; PC forwarded a recommendation of approval and adoption of the master plan with a 6:0 vote at the Feb 27 PC hearing.  The City Council will consider an ordinance to adopt the plan on April 3rd.

Ron Johnston subdivision (2022-053 SUB):  Staff received additional materials at the end of March and deemed this application complete on April 4, 2023. This application to create a manufactured dwelling park subdivision per ORS 92.830-92.845 will not add any additional dwelling units and is not subject to the moratorium.

Barlow Trail Vet Clinic (22-041 DR/ADJ):  This application to build a new clinic on the lot between Pioneer Blvd. and Junker Street, next to the Sandy Action Center, is being reviewed by staff. Staff is currently waiting on some final submittal items from the applicant in order to complete this Type II review.

Cascade Creek Apartments (22-039 DR/MP/TREE):  This application for a 78 unit (formerly 80 units) mixed-use multi-family development with 10 office spaces north of Bornstedt Park was deemed incomplete back in September. Staff received additional materials in early March and deemed this application complete on March 20, 2023. A meeting is being scheduled for the Planning Commission most likely on May 22 or June 26.

362nd Ave and Bell Street Extension (22-003 FSH/MP):  Grading of both roads is now 99% complete (connection area to Hwy 26 is last section to be completed).  Konell is installing the curbs, sidewalks and center medians for Bell Street, and this work is roughly 90% complete.  The crew is almost complete with connecting stormwater infrastructure in the area to the main that is already installed.  Northstar will begin drilling the shafts for the traffic signal poles at the intersection in early May.  Paving work on Bell Street starting at Royal Lane and ending at SHS will begin in mid-May as well, weather permitting.

Clear and Objective Code Audit:  City staff and the City attorney continue to work with the consultants on this code audit. We are hopeful that new code provisions will be brought forth this summer.

Transportation System Plan (TSP):  City staff is working closely with DKS Associates and ODOT to complete the final analysis for the TSP. We are scheduled to have a work session on April 17, a Planning Commission hearing on May 22, and a City Council hearing on June 20.

Comprehensive Plan update:  This project is ongoing, and a complete project update was performed at a joint Planning Commission/City Council work session on April 3, 2023. 

Department update:  The Development Services Department remains very busy.  We have lost three employees since the beginning of February 2023.  On April 4, 2023, a new department member, Jann Reed, joined the team as our new permit technician.  Through the budget process we will evaluate new hires, including the potential addition of a code enforcement officer and possibly a new planner sometime in 2023.

Development Services – Monthly Report – March 2023

1st Quarter Report 2023 – Approved Residential Development:

1st Quarter Report 2023 – approved residential development

The above updated list shows all approved residential development, including multifamily dwelling units, through March 31, 2023.  We issued 5 single family homes and 1 duplex between January and March.  We are currently reviewing a 42-unit apartment named State Street Homes and a 78-unit apartment named Cascade Creek Apartments.

The remaining four lots in Jewelberry Ridge (three single family homes and one duplex) are ready for issuance.  There are also three additional single family homes in other subdivisions ready for issuance.  Staff is reviewing three other single family homes, one duplex, and some apartment buildings.

You will receive the next update in July 2023.

Planning Department items:

State Street Homes (2022-31 DR/VAR/TREE):  The application for this mixed-use building with three floors of multi-family housing (42 units) and one floor of self-service storage was continued at the February 27th Planning Commission meeting to give the applicant time to submit additional information and for additional public review. Additional materials were submitted to the City on March 21 and have been uploaded to the project page on the City website. Staff is working on a revised staff report for the continued public hearing scheduled for April 24, 2023.

City of Sandy Water System Master Plan adoption (2022-052 CPA):  The master plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission on February 27; PC forwarded a recommendation of approval and adoption of the master plan with a 6:0 vote at the Feb 27 PC hearing.  The City Council will consider an ordinance to adopt the plan on April 3rd.

Ron Johnston subdivision (2022-053 SUB):  Staff received additional materials at the end of March and deemed this application complete on April 4, 2023. This application to create a manufactured dwelling park subdivision per ORS 92.830-92.845 will not add any additional dwelling units and is not subject to the moratorium.

Barlow Trail Vet Clinic (22-041 DR/ADJ):  This application to build a new clinic on the lot between Pioneer Blvd. and Junker Street, next to the Sandy Action Center, is being reviewed by staff. Staff is currently waiting on some final submittal items from the applicant in order to complete this Type II review.

Cascade Creek Apartments (22-039 DR/MP/TREE):  This application for a 78 unit (formerly 80 units) mixed-use multi-family development with 10 office spaces north of Bornstedt Park was deemed incomplete back in September. Staff received additional materials in early March and deemed this application complete on March 20, 2023. A meeting is being scheduled for the Planning Commission most likely on May 22 or June 26.

362nd Avenue/Bell Street project

362nd Ave and Bell Street Extension (22-003 FSH/MP):  Grading of both roads is now 99% complete (connection area to Hwy 26 is last section to be completed).  Konell is currently working on installing the curbs, sidewalks and center medians for Bell Street, and this work will now be completed in April – this was pushed back due to inclement weather.  The crew is almost complete with connecting stormwater infrastructure in the area to the main that is already installed.   Northstar is in the process of drilling the shafts for the traffic signal poles at the intersection.

Clear and Objective Code Audit:  City staff and the City attorney continue to work with the consultants on this code audit. We are hopeful that new code provisions will be brought forth this summer.

Transportation System Plan (TSP):  City staff is working closely with DKS Associates and ODOT to complete the final analysis for the TSP. We are scheduled to have a work session on April 17, a Planning Commission hearing on May 22, and a City Council hearing on June 20.

Comprehensive Plan update:  This project is ongoing, and a complete project update was performed at a joint Planning Commission/City Council work session on April 3, 2023. 

Department update:  The Development Services Department remains very busy.  We have lost three employees since the beginning of February 2023.  On April 4, 2023, a new department member, Jann Reed, joined the team as our new permit technician.  Through the budget process we will evaluate new hires, including the potential addition of a code enforcement officer and possibly a new planner sometime in 2023.

Development Services – Monthly Report – February 2023

Planning Department items:

State Street Homes (2022-31 DR/VAR/TREE):  The application for this mixed-use floor self-service storage with three floors of multi-family residential above was continued at the February 27th PC meeting to give the applicant time to submit additional information and for public review.

Meinig Park Hazard Tree Removal (2023-006 TREE):  This request to remove hazardous trees from Meinig Park has been received and is currently under review by staff.

Tickle Creek Village request to move trees w/in FSH overlay (2022-050 TREE/FSH):  This request to remove trees within the FSH overlay at this site is complete.

City of Sandy Water System Master Plan adoption (2022-052 CPA):  The master plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission on February 27; PC forwarded a recommendation of approval with a 6:0 vote at the Feb 27 PC hearing.  The Commission recommends adoption of the master plan.  The City Council will consider an ordinance to adopt the plan on April 3rd.

Ron Johnston subdivision (2022-053 SUB):  This application to create a manufactured dwelling park subdivision per ORS 92.830-92.845 has been deemed incomplete.  Staff is currently standing by for additional information from applicant.

The Pad tree removal (22-044 TREE):  This application to change the location of mitigation trees on the target property has been completed and approved.

Future home of Barlow Trail Vet Clinic (22-041 DR/ADJ)

Barlow Trail Vet Clinic (22-041 DR/ADJ):  This application to build a new clinic on the lot between Pioneer and Junker next to the Sandy Action Center has been reviewed by staff. Staff is currently waiting on some final submittal items from the applicant in order to complete this Type II review.

Hood Chalet hazard tree removal (22-036 TREE):  The file for this tree removal request for the Hood Chalet mobile home park has been closed out due to applicant not submitting required items within 180 days of submitting the application; fine issued for tree removal without a permit. (this file was deemed incomplete back in September of 2022)

Cascade Creek Apartments (22-039 DR/MP/TREE):  This application for an 80 unit mixed-use multi-family development with 10 office spaces north of Bornstedt Park was deemed incomplete back in September.  Staff is still waiting on requested additional materials from the applicant needed for review.

362nd Ave and Bell Street Extension (22-003 FSH/MP):  Grading of both roads is now 99% complete (connection area to Hwy 26 is last section to be completed).  Konell is currently working on installing the curbs, sidewalks and center medians for Bell Street, and this work will now be completed in April – this was pushed back due to inclement weather.  The crew will be working on connecting stormwater infrastructure in the area to the main that is already installed.

Intersection at Highway 26 and 362nd Ave north – February 2023

Clear and Objective Code Audit:  There is no change on this item in February — City staff is still working closely with MIG/APG on the code audit. As you can imagine, it is a very challenging process and is slowly moving forward. We are hopeful that new code provisions will be brought forth this summer.

Transportation System Plan (TSP):  City staff is working closely with DKS Associates and ODOT to complete the final analysis for the TSP. DKS Associates has started to work on the final document for the TSP and we are scheduled to have a work session on April 17th. The TSP is scheduled to be adopted in June of 2023. 

Comprehensive Plan update:  Staff is currently working through “Block 1” of goals and policies related to two chapters: Community & Culture and Transportation & Infrastructure.  We received input from staff and a few City Councilors and are now seeking input from the Community Advisory Committee.  There will be a joint Planning Commission/City Council work session on April 3rd to review and approve these goals and policies.  Next steps:  Part II of the vulnerability assessment workshop will be held on March 6th; next Community Advisory Committee meeting is on March 8th.

Department update:  The Development Services Department remains very busy with building permits and inspections, long range planning projects (Comprehensive Plan, TSP, and the Clear & Objective Audit), current planning applications (including a few large projects submitted in September right before the moratorium was adopted) and preparing for the 2023-2025 biennial budget process.  In addition, we are incredibly short staffed at the moment – we are in the process of recruiting for both a permit technician to replace Marisol and a senior planner to replace Emily.

Development Services – Monthly Report – January 2023

Planning Department items:

State Street Homes (2022-31 DR/VAR/TREE):  This application for a mixed-use floor self-service storage with three floors of multi-family residential above was deemed complete and a letter of completeness was sent to the applicant on December 29th.  This application is scheduled for a hearing before the PC at their regular meeting on February 27th, 2023.

Meinig Park Hazard Tree Removal (2023-006 TREE):  This request to remove hazardous trees from Meinig Park has been received.  Staff will begin reviewing for completeness shortly.

Tickle Creek Village request to move trees w/in FSH overlay (2022-050 TREE/FSH):  This request to remove trees within the FSH overlay at this site has been deemed complete and is currently being reviewed by staff.

City of Sandy Water System Master Plan adoption (2022-052 CPA):  This application has been deemed complete by staff and is currently being reviewed by staff in preparation for a hearing at the February 27th PC meeting.

Ron Johnston subdivision (2022-053 SUB):  This application to create a manufactured dwelling park subdivision per ORS 92.830-92.845 has been deemed incomplete.  Staff is currently standing by for additional information from applicant.

Johnson RV canopy cover (22-037 DR/VAR):  This application for a new RV maintenance and washing facility at Johnson RV was reviewed and approved unanimously by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting on January 30th

The Pad tree removal (22-044 TREE):  This application to change the location of mitigation trees on the target property is under review by staff.

Barlow Trail Vet Clinic (22-041 DR/ADJ):  This application to build a new clinic on the lot between Pioneer and Junker next to the Sandy Action Center has been reviewed by staff.  The final order is expected to be issued in February.

Self-Service Storage Code Modifications (2022-043 DCA):  Modifications to the SMC removing self-storage businesses as a permitted use in the C-1 & C-2 zones and allowing only as a conditional use in I-1 were reviewed by the Sandy City Council at their regular meeting on January 17th.  City Council approved the proposed code changes, which will go into effect on February 16th.

Hood Chalet hazard tree removal (22-036 TREE):  This tree removal request for the Hood Chalet mobile home park was deemed incomplete back in September.  Staff is still waiting for the applicant to provide additional materials needed for review.

Cascade Creek Apartments (22-039 DR/MP/TREE):  This application for an 80 unit mixed-use multi-family development with 10 office spaces north of Bornstedt Park was deemed incomplete back in September.  Staff is still waiting on requested additional materials from the applicant needed for review.

362nd Ave and Bell Street Extension (22-003 FSH/MP):  Grading of both roads is now 99% complete (connection area to Hwy 26 is last section to be completed).  Konell is currently working on installing the curbs, sidewalks and center medians for Bell Street, and this work will be completed in February.  The water mains on Bell Street and 362nd Avenue are now installed and connected to the City’s water infrastructure.

Bell Street – February 2023

Clear and Objective Code Audit:  City staff is working closely with MIG/APG on the code audit. As you can imagine, it is a very challenging process and is slowly moving forward. We are hopeful that new code provisions will be brought forth this summer.

Transportation System Plan (TSP):  City staff is working closely with DKS Associates and ODOT to complete the final analysis for the TSP. DKS Associates has started to work on the final document for the TSP and we are scheduled to have a work session most likely in April. The TSP is scheduled to be adopted in June of 2023. We are on the home stretch!

Comprehensive Plan update:  Staff is currently working through “Block 1” of goals and policies related to two chapters: Community & Culture and Transportation & Infrastructure. We are acquiring input from relevant departments and stakeholders and will be submitting them for Council review and input in mid-February.  There will be a joint Planning Commission/City Council work session in April to review and approve these goals and policies.

Department update:  The Development Services Department is very busy with building permits and inspections, long range planning projects (Comprehensive Plan, TSP, and the Clear & Objective Audit), and current planning applications (including a few large projects submitted in September right before the moratorium was adopted). We are also getting ready for annual goal setting and the 2023-2025 biennial budget. In addition, we are in the process of recruiting for a permit technician, as Marisol Martinez decided to leave the City for another employment opportunity. 

Development Services – Monthly Report – December 2022

4th Quarter Report 2022 – Approved Residential Development:

Attached is an updated and reformatted list showing all approved residential development, including multifamily dwelling units, through December 30, 2022.  It is worth noting that some of the 49 single family detached/duplex lots will contain two dwelling units, such as the lots in the Trimble PD.  We issued 20 single family homes between October and December in Shaylee Meadows and Jewelberry Meadows.  All lots in Shaylee Meadows havebeen issued. We also issued one accessory dwelling unit in Jewelberry Meadows. In the month of December, the Bull Run Terrace tentative plat was approved for an additional 7 lots with a cap of 200 dwelling units.

Staff is currently reviewing all nine lots in Jewelberry Ridge with seven single family homes and two duplexes. We are also reviewing one single family home on a vacant lot on American Street and one single family home on a vacant lot on Stefenee Court.

You will receive the next update in April 2023.

Ten Eyck Rim subdivision

Planning Department items:

State Street Homes (2022-31 DR/VAR/TREE):  This application for a mixed-use floor self-service storage with three floors of multi-family residential above was deemed complete and a letter of completeness was sent to the applicant on December 29th.  This application is scheduled for a hearing before the PC at their regular meeting on February 27th, 2023.

Tickle Creek Village request to move trees w/in FSH overlay (2022-050 TREE/FSH):  This request to remove trees within the FSH overlay at this site has been received by staff and is currently undergoing a completeness check.

City of Sandy Water System Master Plan adoption (2022-052 CPA):  This application has been received by staff and is currently undergoing a completeness check.

Vista Loop Sidewalk:  After many years of planning and negotiating with ODOT, this project to install a pedestrian walkway on the north side of Highway 26 between Vista Loop and the Sandy PD is finally complete.

Completed Vista Loop sidewalk on north side of Highway 26

Ron Johnston subdivision (2022-053 SUB):  This application to created a manufactured dwelling park subdivision per ORS 92.830-92.845 has been received by staff and is currently undergoing a completeness check.

Johnson RV canopy cover (22-037 DR/VAR):  Staff has completed the Type III review for this application for a new RV maintenance and washing facility at Johnson RV and will forward the application along to the Planning Commission to review at their regular meeting on January 30th

The Pad tree removal (22-044 TREE):  This application to change the location of mitigation trees on the target property is currently under review by staff.

Barlow Trail Vet Clinic (22-041 DR/ADJ):  This application to build a new clinic on the lot between Pioneer and Junker next to the Sandy Action Center has now been deemed complete.  Staff is currently reviewing the application – the review should be complete by the end of January.

Self-Service Storage Code Modifications (2022-043 DCA):  Modifications to the SMC removing self-storage businesses as a permitted use in the C-1 & C-2 zones and allowing only as a conditional use in I-1 were reviewed by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting on November 28th.  A recommendation of approval was forwarded on to the City Council in preparation for a final CC hearing on January 17th.

St Michael’s Church tree removal (22-034 TREE):  The final order for this retroactive tree removal request for the local Catholic Church on Langensand Road has been approved and was issued on December 7th.

Hood Chalet hazard tree removal (22-036 TREE):  This tree removal request for the Hood Chalet mobile home park was deemed incomplete back in September.  Staff is still waiting for the applicant to provide additional materials needed for review.

Cascade Creek Apartments (22-039 DR/MP/TREE):  This application for an 80 unit mixed-use multi-family development with 10 office spaces north of Bornstedt Park was deemed incomplete back in September.  Staff is still waiting on requested additional materials from the applicant needed for review.

362nd Ave and Bell Street Extension (22-003 FSH/MP):  Grading of both roads is now 99% complete (connection area to Hwy 26 is last section to be completed – waiting on ODOT permit to continue).  Konell and their subcontractor will be starting on forms/curbs in January. Work on the stormwater system and tree cleanup with Konell along the route continues.

Bell Street extension near SHS – November 2022

Moratorium Communication Update:  The Development Services Department continues to have conversations with developers and citizens regarding the moratorium.  Planning staff has created an ERU resources page, which you may visit here.

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update, Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA):  The vulnerability assessment workshop on December 12th was very productive and went quite smoothly.  Staff is currently collaborating with the consultant team from 3J Consulting to move into goal setting and policy formulation based on all of the data gathered during the community visioning process.  

Kelly’s Kudos:

I would like to thank Hollis Maclean-Wenzel for her five years of service on the Planning Commission.  Her time spent on the Commission and in the capacity as Vice Chair was instrumental in transforming this body.  Her passion for the community, calm demeanor, and balanced approach to decision making was highly valued by staff.  Commissioner Maclean-Wenzel helped pass important code provisions and participated in some of the most hotly debated land use proceedings in the history of Sandy.  Staff will miss Commissioner Maclean-Wenzel on the Sandy Planning Commission and wish her the best in all of her future endeavors.

Development Services – Monthly Report – November 2022

Planning Department items:

Johnson RV canopy cover (22-037 DR/VAR):  This application for a new RV maintenance and washing facility at Johnson RV has been deemed complete and is currently under review by staff.

Barlow Trail Vet Clinic (22-041 DR/ADJ):  This application to build a new clinic on the lot between Pioneer and Junker next to the Sandy Action Center has been deemed incomplete.  Staff is waiting on a couple more application items before review can begin.

Self-Service Storage Code Modifications (2022-043 DCA):  Modifications to the SMC removing self-storage businesses as a permitted use in the C-1 & C-2 zones and allowing only as a conditional use in I-1 were reviewed by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting on November 28th.  A recommendation of approval was forwarded on to the City Council in preparation for a final CC hearing on January 17th.

St Michael’s Church tree removal (22-034 TREE):  This retroactive tree removal request for the local Catholic Church on Langensand Road has now been deemed complete and is currently under review by staff.

Hood Chalet hazard tree removal (22-036 TREE):  This tree removal request for the Hood Chalet mobile home park was deemed incomplete back in September.  Staff is still waiting for the applicant to provide additional materials needed for review.

Cascade Creek Apartments (22-039 DR/MP/TREE):  This application for an 80 unit mixed-use multi-family development with 10 office spaces north of Bornstedt Park has been deemed incomplete.  Staff is still waiting on requested additional materials from the applicant needed for review.

Jewelberry Meadows Lot 14 15226 Birch (22-040 ADJ/ADU):  This application for an ADU and Type II adjustment to the rear yard setback has been approved with conditions.  The final order was issued on November 9th.

Bell Street extension at Sandy High School

362nd Ave and Bell Street Extension (22-003 FSH/MP):  Grading of both roads is now 99% complete (connection area to Hwy 26 is last section to be completed).  Konell continues to work on the stormwater infrastructure in this area for several more months and is currently installing forms for the curbs and center medians for Bell Street.  Konell has fully backfilled the arch and the walls on either side have been constructed.  Stormwater detention pipe has been installed on Bell Street east of the arch. 

Moratorium Communication Update:  The Development Services Department continues to have conversations with developers and citizens regarding the moratorium.  Planning staff has created an ERU resources page, which you may visit here.

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update, Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA):  Staff is currently engaging in a lot of general administration and strategy work as they start moving into the goal setting phase for the comprehensive plan update and turning the community vision piece into actual policy proposals.  There has also been a fair amount of logistics work to do in preparation for the December 12th vulnerability assessment workshop.

Kelly’s Kudos:

I want to congratulate Planning Commissioner Chris Mayton on his successful run to become our newest City Councilor.  His time spent on the Planning Commission was of tremendous benefit to both the community and the Commission.  Commissioner Mayton helped pass important code provisions and participated in some of the most hotly debated land use proceedings in the history of Sandy.  His calm demeanor, thoughtful approach to topics, and careful deliberation was appreciated by staff.  I will miss Mr. Mayton on the Commission but look forward to his work on the City Council.

Development Services – Monthly Report – October 2022

3rd Quarter Report 2022 – Vacant Platted & Tentative Platted Lots:

Platted Lots Report – 3rd quarter 2022

Attached is an updated platted and tentative platted lots list through September 30, 2022.  We issued 19 single family homes between July and September in Shaylee Meadows and Jewelberry Meadows.  The Bornstedt Views tentative plat was approved for an additional 43 lots added to the tentative platted lots list. 

We have issued four single family home permits to Lennar in Shaylee Meadows since September 30, 2022, but those are not deducted from the spreadsheet yet.  Staff is currently reviewing the remaining fifteen single family homes in Shaylee Meadows and several other homes in other subdivisions.

You will receive the next update in January 2023.

Planning Department items:

Self-Service Storage Code Modifications (2022-043 DCA):  Modifications to the SMC removing self-storage businesses as a permitted use in the C-1 & C-2 zones and allowing only as a conditional use in I-1 will be reviewed and submitted for approval by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting on November 28th.  A Measure 56 notice for this issue was distributed on November 1st.

St Michael’s Church tree removal (22-034 TREE):  This retroactive tree removal request for the local Catholic Church on Langensand Road was deemed incomplete back in September.  Staff is currently waiting for the applicant to provide additional materials needed for review.

Hood Chalet hazard tree removal (22-036 TREE):  This tree removal request for the Hood Chalet mobile home park was deemed incomplete back in September.  Staff is still waiting for the applicant to provide additional materials needed for review.

Cascade Creek Apartments (22-039 DR/MP/TREE):  This application for an 80 unit mixed-use multi-family development with 10 office spaces north of Bornstedt Park has been deemed incomplete.  Staff has requested additional materials from the applicant needed for review.

Jewelberry Meadows Lot 14 15226 Birch (ADJ/ADU):  This application for an ADU and Type II adjustment to the rear yard setback is now complete and currently being reviewed by staff.

362nd/Bell Street Extension – Bell Street Arch

362nd Ave and Bell Street Extension (22-003 FSH/MP):  Grading of both roads is still 98% complete.  The permit needed from US Army Corps of Engineers to tie together the culverts has been closed — Konell will be working on the stormwater infrastructure in this area for several more months.  Konell poured the footings and have installed the Bell Street arch and has partially backfilled the arch.  They have formed and poured the headwalls on each side of the arch and have also started excavating for the retaining walls on either side of Bell Street.  Stormwater pond on the Skipper property is now completed.  Stormwater detention pipe will be installed on Bell Street east of the arch in November.

Moratorium Communication Update:  The Development Services Department continues to have conversations with develo0pers and citizens regarding the moratorium.  Planning staff worked with city administration to create an ERU resources page, which you may visit here.

The Riffles Food Cart Pod (22-012 DR/VAR/ADJ):  The final order for this food cart facility at 37115 Highway 26 (next to the MHAC & the dialysis center) was issued by staff on August 2nd.  Applicant is currently working on making necessary adjustments to the items identified under findings and conditions, and it is likely that grading and construction work will start before the end of 2022.

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update, Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA):  Our contractor for the comprehensive plan update, 3J Consulting, will be presenting to the City Council and Planning Commission joint session on November 7th, at which they will describe the public outreach actions taken and the final development of vision statements to this point in the project.

Development Services – Monthly Report – September 2022

Planning Department items:

St Michael’s Church tree removal (22-034 TREE):  This retroactive tree removal request for the local Catholic Church on Langensand Road has been deemed incomplete.  Staff is currently waiting for the applicant to provide additional materials needed for review.

Hood Chalet hazard tree removal (22-036 TREE):  This tree removal request for the Hood Chalet mobile home park has been deemed incomplete.  Staff is currently waiting for the applicant to provide additional materials needed for review.

Cascade Creek Apartments (22-039 DR/MP/TREE):  Staff recently received an application from this 80 unit mixed-use multi-family development with 10 office spaces north of Bornstedt Park but has not yet started processing the application.

Jewelberry Meadows Lot 14 15226 Birch (ADJ/ADU):  This application for an ADU and Type II adjustment to the rear yard setback has been received but has not yet undergone a completeness check.

362nd Ave and Bell Street Extension (22-003 FSH/MP):  Construction continues to steadily move forward on this project.  Grading of both roads is 98% complete.  The dry sewer line is fully installed.  The permit needed from US Army Corps of Engineers to tie together the culverts has been received — Konell is currently working on the stormwater infrastructure in this area and has completed the demolition of the shop building.  Konell is also planning to pour the forms for the arch to install on Bell Street during the week of 10/3 and will construct the arch during the week of 10/10.

Bell Street extension – October 2022
362nd Extension – October 2022

Moratorium Communication Update:  The Development Services Director has been meeting with builders, developers, and property owners to discuss the temporary moratorium and how it affects them. In addition to individual meetings, the communication has included:

The Riffles Food Cart Pod (22-012 DR/VAR/ADJ):  The final order for this food cart facility at 37115 Highway 26 (next to the MHAC & the dialysis center) was issued by staff on August 2nd.  Applicant is currently working on making necessary adjustments to the items identified under findings and conditions, and it is likely that grading and construction work will start before the end of November.

Pleasant Street Master Plan:  The plan was presented in a draft format to the City Council at their regular meeting on September 5th.  Staff will continue to work on and refine the PSMP over the remainder of 2022 using the feedback we received at the September 5th meeting.  We hope to bring a completed and polished plan back to the City Council for discussion sometime in the first half of 2023.

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update, Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA):  The contractors for the comprehensive plan update (3J Consulting), the EOA (ECONorthwest) and the Ec Dev Strategic Plan (Community Attributes, Inc.) came together with staff to put on FutureFest on the evening of September 28th.  Wippersnappers was at full capacity for the majority of the evening, and we got a phenomenal amount of quality feedback from invited community members.  All of the contractors were happy with the amount and qualify of the data they received from this event and are currently working diligently on the analysis.

Development Services – Monthly Report – July 2022

Planning Department items:

Bell Street/362nd tree removal (22-029 FSH/TREE):  Staff is currently working on this request for additional tree removal associated with this project.  Staff does not technically have an application for this project yet, although one is pending.

362nd Ave and Bell Street Extension (22-003 FSH/MP):  Construction continues to move forward on this project.  Grading of both roads is approximately 60% complete.  The dry sewer line is mostly installed.  We are currently waiting on a permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers to tie together the culverts and the Lundeen’s shop, so Konell is currently unable to start work in this area or on the demolition of the shop building.  They will also start working on the stormwater system once the permit is received.

38190 Sandy Heights replat (20-028 MP):  This request for a minor replat of the properties of two homeowners at Sandy Heights & Bluff Road is currently being reviewed.  Staff intends to issue a final order sometime within the next two weeks.

The Riffles Food Cart Pod (22-012 DR/VAR/ADJ):  This application for a food cart facility at 37115 Highway 26 (next to the MHAC & the dialysis center) was approved with conditions by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting on July 25th.  A final order was issued by staff on August 2nd.

Pleasant Street Master Plan:  Planning and Economic Development staff, working together on this project, are changing directions on this project.  We are currently working on a presentation for City Council to explain the basics of the project (what it calls for, why it’s needed, how much it might cost, how long it might take, what problems it will solve for the community, etc.) We hope to make this presentation sometime in September or October to see if this work is something that Council would like us to pursue with more vigor.

Bornstedt Views Subdivision (21-021 SUB/VAR/FSH/TREE):  At the June 27th PC hearing, this 42 lot subdivision between Bornstedt Rd and Averill Parkway south of Cascadia Village was approved with conditions.  The final order was issued by staff on July 28th.   

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update:  We’re wrapping up the visioning portion of this project and getting ready to do some robust sentiment and coding analysis of the data we’ve collected so far.  This analysis will help both staff and the consulting team come up with the draft vision statement.  This vision statement will be revealed to the public at an open house (which we’re calling Future Fest) at the end of September.  We’re partnering with Wippersnappers to hold Future Fest there in order to support a local business and encourage resident turnout (note: Economic Development gives this move two thumbs up!).  We’ll also be supplying both Planning Commission and City Council a high-level summary of the engagement data as well as a detailed report.

Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA):  The TAC had its first meeting on July 28th.  Our contractor presented initial findings regarding employment lands and a draft assessment of land sufficiency showing a slight to moderate deficit of industrial lands to develop.  We also discussed Sandy’s competitive advantages and disadvantages for business recruitment and retention.

The technical advisory committee (TAC) will move forward from this point with only one local business owner – other business owners contacted either didn’t respond or are already serving on other committees.  The TAC consists of the City’s Development Services Director, IT Director, Director of Policy and Community Relations, PW Crew Supervisor, Economic Development Manager, the Executive Director of the SACC and the CEO/founder of AEC, Inc.

Marin’s Viewpoint – July 2022

Kelly’s Kudos:

This month I want to say thank you to Rebecca Casey in our office for taking on additional hours and assisting with multi-department coordination.  Rebecca has been working more hours for the Public Works Department and has been coordinating development review between Development Services and Public Works.  Her additional work hours have made a noticeable difference in communication, review timelines, and consistency between the two departments.  

Thanks Rebecca!

Development Services – Monthly Report – June 2022

2nd Quarter Report 2022 – Vacant Platted & Tentative Platted Lots:

Plat Report Q2 2022

Attached is an updated platted and tentative platted lots list through June 30, 2022.  We issued 23 single family homes between April and June in Shaylee Meadows, Mairin’s Viewpoint, and Jewelberry Meadows.  The Jewelberry Ridge (9 lots) plat was recorded, and the subdivision is now available for home construction.  Staff is currently reviewing five single family homes and three are approved and waiting to be issued.

On June 27, 2022, the Planning Commission approved The Bornstedt Views subdivision which includes 43 lots and is located south of Cascadia Village.  However, the final order has not been published yet and therefore these 43 lots are not included on the list yet.

You will receive the next update in October of 2022.

Planning Department items:

Parks Code Changes (21-032 DCA):  Changes to the parks code (Chapters 17.32 and 17.86) recommended by staff, the Parks and Trails Advisory Board and the Planning Commission were formally adopted as an emergency measure by the Sandy City Council at their regular meeting on June 6th.

362nd Ave and Bell Street Extension (22-003 FSH/MP):  The final order for this application to partition and construct an extension of Bell Street and 362nd Avenue was issued on May 19th.  Construction of the Bell Street extension started shortly after the “golden shovel” event pictured below was completed on the morning of June 29th.

Bell Street & 362nd Extension – the “golden shovel” event

The Riffles Food Cart Pod (22-012 DR/VAR/ADJ):  This application for a food cart facility at 37115 Highway 26 (next to the MHAC & the dialysis center) was deemed complete by staff on May 16th and is currently scheduled for a hearing before the Planning Commission at their regular meeting on July 25th.

Immanuel Church playground (22-022 DR):  The initial application for a new playground at Immanuel Church at 39901 Pleasant Street has been processed and approved.  Final order issued on June 28th.

Pleasant Street Master Plan:  Planning and Economic Development staff are currently collaborating on completing this report.  Current project status: the report is undergoing a complete re-write to improve readability and clarity, and to create more robust versions of small visual items like inset maps and tables, as the current draft versions of these items are merely placeholders for data and not visually appealing.  [This is a “back burner” item and is worked on by staff when time allows.  We are currently complete with the intro and the first five chapters of the report and have almost completely redrafted Chapter 6 – about 90% done with the first draft of the report.]

Bornstedt Views Subdivision (21-021 SUB/VAR/FSH/TREE):  This 43 lot subdivision between Bornstedt Rd and Averill Parkway south of Cascadia Village was approved with conditions at the June 27th Planning Commission meeting.  Staff is currently in the process of drafting the final order.

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update:  Throughout the month of June, Planner Shelley Denison will be holding community conversations with multiple stakeholder groups in the community as she assists 3J Consulting with this outreach process.  She has already completed a good portiion of the public engagement and outreach actions for the comprehensive plan as part of the visioning process, including holding sessions with the Economic Development Advisory Board, Sandy High School students, the SACC Board and the AntFarm Board.  This month, Shelley will also have a presence at the Sandy Mountain Festival, so please keep an eye out for her in the community space in the parking lot behind City Hall.  

Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA):  The technical advisory committee (TAC) will move forward with only one local business owner – other business owners contacted either didn’t respond or are already serving on other committees.  The TAC is currently standing by for our first meeting with ECONorthwest.

Clear and Objective Code Audit:  The kickoff meeting for this audit was in late June – this project is underway.

Kelly’s Kudos:

I want to congratulate our Parks Superintendent Joe Preston on a well-deserved retirement.  I want to also thank him for the countless times he assisted the Development Services Department with facility needs around City Hall.  He was always quick and eager to help move office furniture, repair lights and smoke detectors, and assist with other needs around City Hall.  I truly appreciate his years of service. Congratulations Joe and enjoy your next adventure!

Note:  This sentiment is shared by the Economic Development Department.  Over the course of my career here, I have leaned on Mr. Preston more times than I can count in my efforts to make downtown Sandy a more welcoming place.  Whether it was replacing a flower basket taken out by a semi-truck, getting the electrical service in a street tree well working again for our holiday lighting or lending a hand to help keep Centennial Plaza clean during Mountain Festival, Joe was always available and happy to help.  Joe’s job also covered so much more than what a typical Parks Superintendent would be responsible for – I hope the Parks Department can keep up in his absence.  His cheerful attitude and dedication to our fair city will be missed, and I wish him nothing but the best in his well-deserved retirement. – dcs