Development Services – Monthly Report – July 2021

Planning Department items:

The Pad Townhomes (21-046 DR):  This application for a 10-unit townhouse development on Meinig Avenue is currently being reviewed by planning staff for completeness.

Repeal of SMC Chapter 17.64 Planned Development (21-034 DCA):  At the July 26th Planning Commission meeting, this item was recommended to be forwarded on to City Council for final approval.  City Council will review and make a decision at their regular meeting on August 16th.

37685 Olson St. Annexation (21-027): A type IV application for an “island annexation” of this residential property has been deemed complete.  This application is scheduled to be heard at the Planning Commission meeting in August. 

38487 Maple Street (21-028 TREE):  Final order for this request to remove a retention tree in the Marshall Ridge subdivision was issued on July 15th.

Bornstedt Views Subdivision (21-021 SUB/TREE):  The application for this 42 lot subdivision between Bornstedt Rd and Averill Parkway south of Cascadia Village was deemed incomplete in June – still waiting on additional materials from applicant.

39555 Stefenee Court (21-031 DR):  This request to build a new single family residence has now been deemed complete; completeness letter sent to applicant on July 16th.

39221 Pleasant St (21-026 MP):  Final order for this minor replat in downtown Sandy was issued on July 13th.

Sandy Woods Phase 2 (21-037 SUB/VAR/TREE):  This application for a 43 lot subdivision south of Kelso Road has been deemed complete and is currently under review.

Fred Meyer EV charger station (21-038 DR):  Final order for this application for additional charging stations in the Fred Meyer parking lot was issued on August 10th.

Rogue Fabrication design review (21-039 DR):  This project is currently on hold at the applicant’s request (not yet ready to proceed).

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update:  Staff is still receiving submissions for the RFQ posted earlier. (Proposal submittal deadline was 8/6; selection date is 8/18).  Staff is currently preparing scoring criteria for application review next week.  Staff is also putting the finishing touches on the public engagement strategy for this plan and working with the Youth Advisory committee chair to make sure that children and teens are included in the project.

City of Sandy Parks Master Plan (21-035):  The Parks Master Plan will go before Planning Commission this month and City Council next month for final adoption.  Staff would like to thank our consultant (ESA), the Parks and Trails Advisory Board, and all other stakeholders involved.  The Development Services Director is currently working with our attorneys to make sure our development code appropriately references the Parks plan.

Bull Run Electric Building:  Exterior shell of building complete.  Working on finishing interior spaces and anticipating a September 1st completion/occupation date for the leasable spaces.

Bull Run Electric building – July 2021

Wells Fargo lighting upgrades (21-007 DR):  Still waiting on additional information from applicant after application was deemed incomplete by staff in April.

Kelly’s Kudos:

Prior to her retirement, I want to thank Noryne Robinson for her dedication to the City of Sandy. She has worked for the City of Sandy since May 2007 and is retiring on September 3, 2021. Over the last 14+ years she has been a reliable and hardworking member of the Development Services Department team. She will be dearly missed by everyone in City Hall, but we wish her the best in all of her post-work adventures. Thank you Noryne!

Internal projects

  • Community Center Porte Cochere project (20-002 FAC):  The bid period for this project is now closed.  We received bids from three qualified contractors – bid results below.  Staff is now preparing to place this information before the UR Board for final approval to proceed.
Cedar Mill Construction Co.$259,850
Faison Construction$290,890
Mt. View Contracting Co.$352,586
Bid results – Sandy Community Center porte cochere & ADA improvement project
Boring Brewing covered structure – July 2021
  • Permanent Outdoor Covered Structures grant program:  This program was given a status review at the June Ec Dev Committee meeting – here is the status of the program as of the beginning of July 2021:
    • Ria’s/SFR – Construction is complete!
    • Le Happy – Construction is complete!
    • Sandlandia – Construction is about 80% complete.  Remaining items include completion of trench drain, install stone wrap, install gutters, install table bases.  Estimated project completion by end of August.
    • Boring Brewing – Construction is 98% complete.  Remaining items (extend downspout to ground drain; touch up stain) to be completed week of 8/9/21.  Note: This covered structures project has inspired the building owner to complete other maintenance issues with this building – McCord Construction will complete the painting of the building for Mr. Sparks via a Façade grant that another contractor abandoned, as well as replace several sections of damaged siding and the south door and trim (Boring Brewing’s front door!).  Special thanks to Donivon McCord for stepping up to the plate on this one.
    • Red Shed Public House – Construction is complete!  Waiting on contractor info for heaters before closing project.
    • No Place Saloon – Contractor selected (Neilson Construction); construction to start in 2 weeks.
    • Tollgate Inn – Scheduling new contractors for bids now.
Le Happy covered structure – July 2021

Economic Development items:

Econ Devl – Commercial Properties (vacancies, new businesses, etc.)

  • Tenant Improvement project – Red Shed Public House:  This TI grant project is to add a hood and fire suppression system to the kitchen at this restaurant.  The restaurant currently does all of its cooking on outdoor grills, but the current owner does not see this as a sustainable practice going forward.  Project was originally estimated to be complete in August, but business owner has had multiple projects going on at once which lead to delays, and there was some question about the gas line contractor being able to complete this job per the scope of work.  Applicant is contracting with the covered structure project contractor to do the parts (screening) that the gas line contractor is unable/unwilling to do.  This project should still be completed by the end of August.

Econ Devl – Internal Projects:

Downtown maintenance:

  • AF Downtown Maintenance:  The second batch of small projects (multiple cleanups of landscaping strips on Proctor/Pioneer Boulevards in the couplet (Big Apple, Brady’s Brats & Burgers, small strips around the transit center), general weeding around Joe’s Donuts) has been completed by AntFarm.  The crew has also completed removing base suckers from all of the downtown street trees in the couplet at our request.  Moving on to the third batch of small projects, which will include: cleaning out all of the borders and mowing back the blackberries at the coin-op car wash; trimming back the out-of-control rose bush in the Library parking lot, and more planter strip refreshes on Proctor and Pioneer.
  • Flower baskets:  Additional application of insecticide for petunia worms was applied at the end of July.  Watering crew has been amazingly consistent this year, and these might be the best looking baskets we have ever had.  All is well here.

Econ Devl – Economic Development Committee:

The August meeting of the Economic Development Committee was held in person for the first time in a year on August 4th at 6:30 PM.  The meeting was held at the SandyNet offices, as Council Chambers was actually triple-booked due to all of our boards and committees starting back up with in-person meetings. 

After a general check in with committee members, we proceeded with our typical review of development projects throughout Sandy, including a brief update on the current state of the Covered Structures program.  This was followed by a general discussion regarding Council’s request to pursue an economic development  strategic plan, and what that plan would entail.  We then engaged in a brief SWOT analysis for Sandy as an example of what is typical with the development of this kind of strategic plan – we made it through community “strengths” and “weaknesses” before the expiration of time for the evening.

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th at 6:30 PM.

Econ Devl – Conferences/training:

There were no conferences or training opportunities for Economic Development in the month of July. 

Development Services – Monthly Report – June 2021

2nd Quarter Report 2021 – available lots in subdivisions

Attached is an updated platted and tentative platted lots list through June 30, 2021.  We issued 16 single family homes between April and June.  With substantial completion occurring at Shaylee Meadows the number of house permits issued will increase this fiscal year.  We issued 8 house permits for Shaylee Meadows in June and are currently reviewing 6 additional house permits.  Lennar plans to submit 2 new house permits each week for review. 

Jewelberry Meadows (20 lots) and Jewelberry Ridge (9 lots) are both completing tree removal and grading work.  With the approval of Cedar Creek Heights (89 lots) and Ten Eyck Rim (9 lots), we will see additional subdivision construction for those two subdivisions soon.  Jacoby Heights (32 lots) has expired and therefore was removed from the report.  Planning staff is also reviewing the subdivisions known as Deer Meadows (formerly Bull Run Terrace), Sandy Woods Phase II, and The Bornstedt Views.  Deer Meadows was deemed complete and will be reviewed at the September 27, 2021 Planning Commission meeting.  Sandy Woods Phase II and The Bornstedt Views are both being reviewed for completeness.

You will receive the next update in October 2021.

Planning Department items:

Space Age station – open for business!

Space Age fueling station (19-012 DR):   This station now has a certificate of occupancy and is fully operational.

Repeal of SMC Chapter 17.64 Planned Development (21-034 DCA):  This action has been scheduled for a July 26th Planning Commission meeting.

Olson St. Hardship Permit (21-020): This type III application is for a permit for a hardship trailer at a residence on Olson Street.  This application is scheduled to be heard at the Planning Commission meeting on July 26th.  Staff is currently finishing up the staff report and slides for that meeting.

37685 Olson St. Annexation (21-027): This type IV application for a property owner looking to annex his property into the city has been deemed complete.  This application is scheduled to be heard at the Planning Commission meeting in August. 

38487 Maple Street (21-028 TREE):  This request to remove a retention tree in the Marshall Ridge subdivision has been deemed complete and is currently under review.

Bornstedt Views Subdivision (21-021 SUB/TREE):  The application for this 42 lot subdivision between Bornstedt Rd and Averill Parkway south of Cascadia Village has been deemed incomplete – waiting on additional materials from applicant.

39555 Stefenee Court (21-031 DR):  This request to build a new single family residence has been deemed incomplete; currently waiting on additional information from applicant.

39221 Pleasant St (21-026 MP):  This minor replat in downtown Sandy has now been deemed complete by staff and is currently under review.

Sandy Woods Phase 2 (21-037 SUB/VAR/TREE):  This application for a 43 lot subdivision south of Kelso Road is currently being checked for completeness.

Fred Meyer EV charger station (21-038 DR):  This application for additional charging stations in the Fred Meyer parking lot is currently being checked for completeness.

Rogue Fabrication design review (21-039 DR):  Staff just received this application from the applicant recently and is currently reviewing it for completeness.

Downtown Walkability Assessment:  A decision was made recently to incorporate this assessment into the Transportation System Plan.  Look for the DWA to be included in the TSP that comes before PC/Council later in the year.

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update:  Staff has completed the RFQ and posted it on the City’s website and a few industry publications.  Plan also sent directly to a couple of specialty firms.  Proposal deadline is August 6th; contractor selection deadline is August 18th.

City of Sandy Parks Master Plan Adoption:  ESA is in the process of making final edits to the plan prior to staff running this master plan through the land use application process.

Bull Run Electric Building:  Exterior shell of building mostly complete.  Working on utilities and interior spaces and anticipating an August 1st completion/occupation date for the leasable spaces.

BRE Building – leasable spaces available in August

Ten Eyck Rim Subdivision (21-015 SUB/TREE):  The final order for this application for a 9 lot subdivision along Ten Eyck between Pleasant and Hood was issued on June 15th.

Wells Fargo lighting upgrades (21-007 DR):  Still waiting on additional information from applicant after application was deemed incomplete by staff in April.

Kelly’s Kudos:

Nothing this month.

Internal projects

  • Community Center Porte Cochere project (20-002 FAC):  The architectural and engineering work for this project is now complete, and the bid period is officially open.  An Invitation to Bid is currently posted for this project on the City’s website – there will be an optional pre-bid conference at the construction site on July 14th to answer any questions about the project, and the bid closing date/time is 2:00 PM on July 28th.  We are hoping to see construction start in August and be completed by the end of 2021.

Le Happy covered structure – now open to the public!
  • Permanent Outdoor Covered Structures grant program:  This program was given a status review at the June Ec Dev Committee meeting – here is the status of the program as of the beginning of July 2021:
    • Ria’s/SFR – Construction is complete! Structure is currently being used by applicant.
    • Le Happy – Construction is complete! Structure is currently being used by applicant. Bonus note: Le Happy will now offer live music under the covered structure every Thursday afternoon! [See completed space above] Come hang out under the disco ball!
    • Sandlandia – Bid won by Neilson Construction of Fairview.  Construction currently in progress.
    • Boring Brewing – Bid won by McCord Construction of Gresham.  Construction currently in progress – see roof being constructed at their shop below.
    • Red Shed Public House – Bid won by Mtn View Contracting Company.  Construction to start week of 7/12.
    • No Place Saloon – Out to bid.
    • Tollgate Inn – Applicant decided that he was not happy with the results from Patio Cover People and wants to go in a different direction.  Applicant forwarded additional contractor contact info he would like me to look into…
Roof for Boring Brewing covered structure being constructed off-site at McCord Construction

Economic Development items:

Econ Devl – Commercial Properties (vacancies, new businesses, etc.)

  • Tenant Improvement project – Red Shed Public House:  This TI grant project is to add a hood and fire suppression system to the kitchen at this restaurant.  The restaurant currently does all of its cooking on outdoor grills, but the current owner does not see this as a sustainable practice going forward.  Project estimated to be complete in August.

Econ Devl – Internal Projects:

Downtown maintenance:

  • AF Downtown Maintenance:  The second batch of small projects went to new Outdoor Programs Manager Max Krieger in June.  Projects included multiple cleanups of landscaping strips on Proctor and Pioneer Boulevards in the couplet (Big Apple, Brady’s Brats & Burgers, small strips around the transit center), and some general weeding around Joe’s Donuts.  We have also secured a commitment from AntFarm Youth Services to dig out all landscaping strips adjacent to their Outdoor Building and replace with weed matting and bark dust before the end of the year.
  • Flower baskets:  Watering staff has stabilized – baskets/planters are being watered every evening and fertilized regularly.  First application of insecticide for petunia worms has been applied.  Baskets look fantastic.  All is well here.

Econ Devl – Economic Development Committee:

The June meeting of the Economic Development Committee was held virtually on June 2nd at 6:30 PM.  After completing a general check-in with committee members, we launched immediately into a presentation by Sandy business owner Joey Gambino regarding the zone change he recently completed for Rogue Fabrication, and how the City might look at making slight adjustments to its code to help ease the development path for light manufacturers like him.   The staff liaison then provided a presentation about economic development strategic plans: what they are, why they are important, and a couple of examples of communities that have completed one recently (Beaverton, Ashland), before finishing the meeting with a current Covered Structures program status update.

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 4th at 6:30 PM.

Econ Devl – Conferences/training:

There were no conferences or training opportunities for Economic Development in the month of June. 

Development Services – Monthly Report – May 2021

Planning Department items:

Space Age - June 2021
Space Age June 2021

Olson St. Hardship Permit (21-020): This type III application is for a permit for a hardship trailer at a residence on Olson Street.  This application is scheduled to be heard at the Planning Commission meeting on July 26th.  Staff is currently working on the staff report and slides for that meeting.

37685 Olson St. Annexation (21-027): This type IV application is for a property owner looking to annex his property into the city. This application is scheduled to be heard at the Planning Commission meeting in August. 

38487 Maple Street (21-028 TREE):  This request to remove a retention tree in the Marshall Ridge subdivision is currently being checked for completion.

The Bornstedt Views Subdivision (21-021 SUB/TREE):  The application for this 42 lot subdivision between Bornstedt Rd and Averill Parkway south of Cascadia Village has been deemed incomplete – waiting on additional materials from applicant.

39555 Stefenee Court (21-031 DR):  This request to build a new single family residence is currently being checked for completion.

39221 Pleasant St (21-026 MP):  This minor replat in downtown Sandy has been deemed incomplete by staff – waiting on additional materials from applicant.

20-032 DCA code changes associated with House Bill 2001 related to duplexes and ADUs: New code becomes effective on June 16th.

Creekside Loop duplex garage (20-018 AP):  Second appeal of the garage setback adjustment request for the duplex on Creekside Loop (previous appeal to PC was File No. 21-001 AP, and previous staff decision was File No. 20-049 ADJ) – Staff and PC decision upheld by Council; final order issued May 19th.

Leslie Pole Barn 37625 SE Kelso Road (21-005 VAR): The final order for this application for a variance to an accessory structure on a residential property has now been issued by staff.

Leslie Property Line Adjustment (21-016 PLA):  The final order for this application for a simple property line adjustment has been submitted by staff.

Downtown Walkability Assessment:  This plan has been put on the back burner for now as Development Services staff focuses on the RFQ for the new comprehensive plan.

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update:  Staff will have the consultant RFQ completed by June 17th.  Staff is also currently working on developing the online public engagement web page piece of this project.

City of Sandy Parks Master Plan Adoption:  Staff will be taking this master plan to the Planning Commission meeting in August.  The consultant of record did a great job summarizing this plan at the recent Council/Commission joint work session.

38105 Jonsrud Lane (21-009 FSH):  The final order for this request for landscaping and tree removal in the FSH was issued on May 11th.

Next Adventure Phase III Addition (21-006 DR/VAR):  The final order for this project was issued on May 11th.

Bull Run Electric Building:  Framing of the building completed – currently working on siding, roofing and utility installation.  Anticipating an August 1st completion/occupation date for the leasable spaces.

BRE - June 2021
Bull Run Electric building June 2021

Cedar Creek Heights Subdivision (21-012 SUB TREE FSH): This application for an 89-lot, type II subdivision near Vista Loop Drive was originally known as “The Views Plan B”.  Staff is currently finishing up the final order and expects to have it back to the applicant prior to June 17th.

Ten Eyck Rim Subdivision (21-015 SUB/TREE):  This application for a 9 lot subdivision along Ten Eyck between Pleasant and Hood has now been deemed complete and is currently under review. 

Wells Fargo lighting upgrades (21-007 DR):  Still waiting on additional information from applicant after application was deemed incomplete by staff in April.

Chase Bank:  This applicant is requesting to install an ATM next to the Verizon store on Bluff Road.  The pre-app is currently being scheduled for June. 

Champion Collision:  This applicant is planning some upgrades to their current building.  The pre-app is currently being scheduled for June.

Kelly’s Kudos:This month I want to highlight a growing problem in Sandy and thank Terre Gift for his patience and dedication in dealing with this matter.  It is unfortunately becoming more common to find people living in buildings that are not approved for overnight occupancy.  In the last few months, we have identified at least one instance of someone illegally living in a commercial space in downtown Sandy and several cases of people living in crawl spaces and sheds.  These areas are not constructed for sleeping, do not contain proper egress/ingress and are potential fire traps for overnight occupants.  In addition, people that choose to live in such unsafe environments are also putting other people at risk by cooking on devices outside a kitchen and using bootlegged wiring.  

Terre has been patiently working with these people to move them into safer environments and educate them on the safety concerns related to living in such environments.  Terre’s approach in this matter allows people to make decisions and choices prior to jumping straight to code enforcement.  Unfortunately, some people are choosing not to move from such unsafe environments, in which case abatement is required. 

Internal projects

  • Permanent Outdoor Covered Structures grant program:  This program was given a status review at the June Ec Dev Committee meeting – here is the status of the program as of June 8th, 2021:

    • Ria’s/SFR – Construction is complete! Structure is currently being used by applicant.
    • Le Happy – Currently being built by Mtn View Contracting Company.  Estimated completion date: June 15th.
Le Happy - June 2021
Le Happy covered structure project June 2021
    • Sandlandia – Bid won by Neilson Construction.  Estimated completion date: sometime in August 2021.
    • Boring Brewing – Bid won by McCord Construction of Gresham.  Estimated completion date: n/a.
    • Red Shed Public House – Currently out to bid – bid due date: June 18th, 3:00 PM.  Bidders are Neilson Construction, Full Throttle Construction and Mtn View Contracting Company.
    • No Place Saloon – Waiting on engineering; should come in literally any day now.
    • Tollgate Inn – Received a design and quote from the contractor on June
    • Beer Den – This project was cancelled by the business owner – reason unknown.
  • Cedar Ridge Demo RFQ:  The Development Services Director and City Manager met with Hod Wells of PBS Environmental in May.  Next step: City Manager and PBS Environmental to present scope of work to the Council Subcommittee on the Community Campus for feedback and direction.

Economic Development items:

Econ Devl – Commercial Properties (vacancies, new businesses, etc.)

  • Façade project – Old Church on Pioneer Blvd:  Standing by on this project – waiting for applicant to pay primary project contractor so I can release the remainder of the Façade grant funds to applicant.  98% of primary project complete.  Applicant has also received one bid for the entry work thus far, but it is difficult to find concrete contractors right now.

Econ Devl – Internal Projects:

Downtown maintenance:

  • AF Downtown Maintenance:  The first batch of small projects went to new Outdoor Programs Manager Max Krieger in May.  Projects included weeding and general cleaning of the front façade and pedestrian path of the Sandy Public Library and Try My Thai Restaurant, and the removal of a homeless encampment on the Sorenson property behind the coin-op car wash.  Projects in June will include multiple cleanups of landscaping strips on Proctor and Pioneer Boulevards in the couplet, and some general weeding around Joe’s Donuts.  We have also secured a commitment from AntFarm Youth Services to dig out all landscaping strips adjacent to their Outdoor Building and replace with weed matting and bark dust before the end of the year.
  • Flower baskets:  Flower baskets and street planters were installed during the penultimate week of May by Cedarglen Floral and are being watered and fertilized again by the AntFarm Youth Services watering crew.  Pesticide for the petunia worm will be added in the first week of July as per usual.  Cedarglen did a particularly good job with the baskets this year, so kudos to our friends out on Sunshine Valley Road!

Econ Devl – Economic Development Committee:

The May meeting of the Economic Development Committee, which was scheduled to occur virtually on Wednesday, May 5th at 6:30 pm, was cancelled by the Chair.  This was primarily because the Chair was at out of town at a conference and unavailable to host the meeting.  The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 2nd at 6:30 PM.

Econ Devl – Conferences/training: There were no conferences or training opportunities for Economic Development in the month of May.

Development Services – Monthly Report – April 2021

Planning Department items:

Space Age – April 2021

Knollwood Estates tree removal (21-013 TREE):  This request to remove a tree at Knollwood Estates was approved and the final order was issued on April 9th.

20-032 DCA code changes associated with House Bill 2001 related to duplexes and ADUs: Planning staff held a PC work session regarding HB 2001 on October 26th.  These proposed code changes were heard by the PC on January 25th, and by Council at the March 15th City Council meeting and continued at the April 19th meeting.  This has been continued on to the May 24th City Council meeting.

Creekside Loop duplex garage (20-049 ADJ):  Appeal of the appeal of the garage setback adjustment request for the duplex on Creekside Loop (previous appeal to PC was File No. 21-001 AP, and previous staff decision was File No. 20-049 ADJ)  This item is currently scheduled to be heard at the May 17th City Council meeting.

Leslie Pole Barn 37625 SE Kelso Road (21-005 VAR): This application for a variance to an accessory structure on a residential property has now been deemed incomplete. Staff is currently reviewing the application and putting together the staff report for the May 24th PC meeting.

Leslie Property Line Adjustment (21-016 PLA):  This is an application for a simple property line adjustment.  Staff is currently reviewing the application and writing the final report.

Downtown Walkability Assessment:  Final edits and review are still in process.  Staff is currently trying to determine timing and best practices for presenting this assessment to Council.

Pleasant Street Master Plan (18-022 CPA):  Planning staff is currently engaging in several rounds of editing and proofreading in preparation for final presentation of this plan to the City Council. 

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update:  Staff is currently finishing up an RFQ to hire a consultant and reviewing the online engagement platform already under contract with the City.

38105 Jonsrud Lane (21-009 FSH):  This request for landscaping and tree removal in the FSH is currently under review by staff.

Next Adventure Phase III Addition (21-006 DR/VAR):  This project has now been deemed complete and is currently under review by staff.

Bull Run Electric Building:  Framing of the building mostly completed.  Anticipating a summer 2021 completion date.

Bull Run Electric building – April 2021

Cedar Creek Heights Subdivision (21-012 SUB TREE FSH): This application for a type II subdivision was originally known as “The Views Plan B”.  Staff has deemed the application complete and are currently reviewing it.

Ten Eyck Rim Subdivision (21-015 SUB/TREE):  This application for a 9 lot subdivision along Ten Eyck between Pleasant and Hood has been deemed incomplete. 

Wells Fargo lighting upgrades (21-007 DR):  This application to upgrade the lighting at the drive-up ATM in the Safeway parking lot has been deemed incomplete by staff.  Waiting on additional information from applicant.

Chase Bank:  This applicant is requesting to install an ATM next to their location on 362nd.  The pre-app is currently being scheduled for late May.

Champion Collision:  This applicant is planning some upgrades to their current building.  The pre-app is currently being scheduled for late May.

Kelly’s Kudos:

This month I would like to say thanks to Jeff Aprati for helping successfully launch the new Municode website.  During my tenure in Sandy, Planning Division staff have always assumed the task of making updates to the Sandy Municipal Code (SMC) documents whenever modifications occur in Title 15 or Title 17.  These modifications to the SMC are time consuming, could lead to errors, and involve staff interpreting ordinances.  Additionally, the old process did not include any easy way to notify the development community or residents when modifications to the SMC occurred.  Mr. Aprati’s work on launching Municode is very appreciated by Development Services staff.

[note: The Economic Development Office would also like to extend our thanks to Mr. Aprati for assuming the responsibility of being the first point of contact for staff with regard to editing the new Municode site.  It has been very helpful to this office to be able to hand off that responsibility to our City Recorder, and he has performed admirably in this role.  Many thanks, Jeff.]

Internal projects

Sandy’s first Covered Structure project is complete!
  • Permanent Outdoor Covered Structures grant program:  This program was given a status review at the April Ec Dev Committee meeting – here is the status of the program as of May 1st, 2021:
    • Ria’s/SFR – Construction is complete! – structure passed final inspection on 5/5/21 pending the completion of the electrical work by subcontractor.  
    • Le Happy –Mt. View Construction has started construction of components of this structure; has already started building the support posts for this structure in his shop as he did with the Ria’s project.
    • Sandlandia – Currently out to bid — bid due date is 5/14. Bidders are Neilson Construction of Sandy, McCord Construction of Gresham and Darwin Buswell Construction of Eagle Creek.
    • Boring Brewing – Currently out to bid – bid due date is 5/26.  Bidders are Neilson Construction of Sandy, McCord Construction of Gresham and Columbia Cascade Construction of Boring.
    • No Place Saloon, Red Shed Public House – waiting on engineering (next due: Red Shed, week of 5/10.  NPS due before end of May)
    • Tollgate Inn – This is a unique project.  Project specifications by business owner called for opaque roof panels for natural light.  We are currently waiting on a design from a contractor that specializes in opaque roof panels for outdoor structures.  We should be receiving a design from this contractor some time in mid-May.
    • Beer Den – This project was cancelled by the business owner – reason unknown.
  • Cedar Ridge Demo RFQ:  The Development Services Director and City Manager are continuing their work to refine the scope of work to save costs and plan to meet with Hod Wells of PBS Environmental in this month.

Economic Development items:

Econ Devl – Commercial Properties (vacancies, new businesses, etc.):

  • Façade project – Old Church on Pioneer Blvd:  The general contractor working on the exterior of the building is still in the final stages of wrapping up this project.  All County Surveyors has completed the design work for the entry path, and this work has been forwarded to Mr. Fleischman along with a scope of work so that he may begin soliciting bids for this work.  He is also having his general contractor build him a new set of wooden stairs for the emergency exit on the west elevation of the building.

Econ Devl – Internal Projects:

Downtown maintenance:

  • AF Downtown Maintenance – hiatus ending:  We have started up the AntFarm Downtown Maintenance crew again for 2021.  New Outdoor Programs Manager Max Krieger is going to get the crew started by weeding and cleaning the front of the Sandy Public Library.  Flower baskets should be installed on Wednesday, May 12th.  As always, if Council members take notice of any specific areas in downtown Sandy that need maintenance attention, please send an email to the Economic Development Manager detailing the issue and we will get it on the schedule for maintenance.
  • Smith Building:  The owners of this building have switched realtors; it is now being represented by Tom Giusto of Oregon First.  Mr. Paletti and Mr. Goldenberg are still receiving a fair amount of interest in the building, and the Economic Development Office has been receiving inquiries about this building regularly.  However, potential buyers seem to be seeing a disconnect between the current condition of the building and the asking price.  No offers are on the table at this time that we know of.

Econ Devl – Economic Development Committee:

The April meeting of the Economic Development Committee was held virtually on Wednesday, April 7th at 6:30 pm.  The meeting began as it always does with Ec Dev Office updates – this month the focus of the updates was on the status of the Covered Structures grant program and some new pandemic-related visitor data from Mt. Hood Territory.  The biggest takeaways from this new data set are as follows:

  1. Perceptions about the safety of travel during the pandemic are improving
    1. 57.8% felt unsafe to travel on 1/1/21.
    1. 46.2% felt unsafe to travel on 2/14/21.
    1. This is rapidly trending downward.
  2. Clackamas Co. citizens are starting to feel positive about marketing our area again.
  3. American’s next leisure trip – most noted reasons:
    1. #1 response – Outdoor recreation (50.3%)
    1. #3 response – Connect with nature (45.5%)
    1.  We are well positioned to take advantage of post-pandemic travel

Following these updates, the committee was given a presentation by Shelley Denison about the need for economic development input in Sandy’s Comprehensive Plan, a request for the EDC to provide the conduit for this input and some examples of how other cities have incorporated economic development into their comprehensive plans.  We were finally joined by Joey Gambino of Rogue Fabrication at the end to discuss light manufacturing businesses – why they’re important for the community (living wage jobs, lower impact than you think) and how to think about recruiting more of these types of businesses in the future – before running out of time.  Mr. Gambino will be invited to the next meeting to continue our conversation.

Econ Devl – Conferences/training:

There were no conferences or training opportunities for Economic Development in the month of April. 

Development Services – Monthly Report – March 2021

Q1 Vacant Platted and Tentative Lots Report:

Attached is an updated platted and tentative platted lots list through March 31, 2021. We issued 8 single family homes between January and March. We only have 28 buildable lots for single family homes in Sandy. We are currently reviewing several single family homes in Marshall Ridge and anticipate several homes being applied for in Shaylee Meadows in the very near future.

You will receive the next update in July 2021.

Planning Department items:

Space Age – April 2021

20-032 DCA code changes associated with House Bill 2001 related to duplexes and ADUs: Planning staff held a PC work session regarding HB 2001 on October 26th.  These proposed code changes were heard by Council at the March 15th City Council meeting.  Discussion was continued until the April 19th meeting.

Creekside Loop duplex garage (20-049 ADJ):  This appeal to the 20-049 ADJ decision regarding the adjustment of setbacks for a garage issued on December 30th was heard at the March 29th Planning Commission meeting.  The appeal was denied.  Final order was issued on March 31st.  Appeal to City Council began on April 12th.

37359 Olsen Street hardship permit:  This resident is requesting a hardship permit in order to put a mobile home on their property.  Pre-application meeting scheduled for April 27th,

Leslie Pole Barn 37625 SE Kelso Road (21-005 VAR): This application for a variance to an accessory structure on a residential property was deemed incomplete. Staff is currently waiting on his updated application materials and hopes to bring this to Planning Commission in May.

Leslie Property Line Adjustment (21-016 PLA):  This application for a simple property line adjustment has been received and is currently under review by staff.

Marin’s Viewpoint Tree Variance (21-004 TREE/VAR):  This application for a tree variance was approved.  Final order issued on March 31st.

Downtown Walkability Assessment:  Final edits and review are still in process.  Staff is currently trying to determine timing and best practices for presenting this assessment to Council.

Pleasant Street Master Plan (18-022 CPA):  The entirety of Planning staff has started editing and proofreading this plan in preparation for final presentation. 

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update:  Staff will be meeting in the coming weeks with Councilors and Planning Commissioners to get their high-level visions and priorities for the Comprehensive Plan update.  Staff is also developing an RFQ for a consultant and looking into potential grant opportunities.

Next Adventure Phase III Addition (21-006 DR/VAR):  This proposed project to upgrade the front building at Next Adventure was initially deemed incomplete by staff.  Staff has received missing materials from applicant and project is now deemed complete.  This project is currently under review.

Bull Run Electric Building:  This building is now under construction.  The foundation and concrete work have now been completed, and the framing of the building is well underway.  Anticipating a summer 2021 completion date.

future Bull Run Electric building (summer 2021)

New SFRs at 18745 Jacoby Rd (21-008 DR):  This application to build single family residences on two lots on Jacoby Road has been deemed incomplete.  Waiting on additional information from applicant.

15331 Bluff Road tree removal (21-011 TREE): This request to remove one tree from this residential property was approved by staff.  Final order issued April 2nd.

Cedar Creek Heights Subdivision (21-012 SUB TREE FSH): This application for a type II subdivision was originally known as “The Views Plan B”.  Staff deemed the application incomplete and are currently waiting on additional information from the applicant.

Wells Fargo lighting upgrades (21-007 DR):  This application to upgrade the lighting at the drive-up ATM in the Safeway parking lot has been deemed incomplete by staff.  Waiting on additional information from applicant.

16600 362nd (20-053 TREE/VAR):  This application for tree removal from 16600 SE 362nd Drive including a variance request for removal of healthy trees in the protected 30-foot tree preservation buffer (retroactive removal of three trees and variance request for the removal of six more healthy trees) was denied by staff.  Final order issued in early April.

Internal projects

  • Permanent Outdoor Covered Structures grant program:  This program was given a status review at the April Ec Dev Committee meeting:
    • Ria’s/SFR – Construction is in process.  Support post bases have been installed and concrete is curing.  Structure to be constructed week of 4/19.
    • Le Happy – Bidding complete – winning bidder was Mt. View Construction ($71,239).  Contractor to start upon completion of Ria’s project.
    • Sandlandia – Engineering is complete.  Staff is reviewing some code issues to add to the scope of work for this project, but these are minor ADA improvements.  This project will move to the bidding phase in the following week.
    • Boring Brewing – Engineering is being completed now and will be available week of 4/19.
    • Waiting on engineering – No Place Saloon, Red Shed Public House
    • Additional work needed – Tollgate Inn, Beer Den
  • Cedar Ridge Demo RFQ:  The Development Services Director and City Manager are working on refining the scope to save costs and plan to meet with Hod Wells of PBS Environmental in May.
  • Minor changes to Community Center: With the installation of the west metal door and the addition of vehicle charging infrastructure, the minor changes at the Community Center are now all complete.  Next up: Porte Cochere and ADA Upgrades project to start in May.

Economic Development items:

Econ Devl – Commercial Properties (vacancies, new businesses, etc.):

  • Façade project – Mtn Moka Building:  This project is now complete.  This was a huge upgrade for one of the most visible buildings in Sandy, and the styling and color change for this building was badly needed.  Bonus points to KLM Construction of Sandy, who managed this project for the building owner – they were easy to work with and very responsive. 
  • Façade project – Old Church on Pioneer Blvd:  The general contractor working on the exterior of the building is now in the final stages of wrapping up this project.  The City is requiring a new ADA-compatible entrance to the building now that the building owner has removed the prior entry, which was existing non-conforming.  All County Surveyors is in the process of surveying the site and creating a design for this purpose.  Also, the building owner is weighing whether to re-install the metal stairs on the west side of the building or having the general contractor build him a new set of wooden stairs that is more compatible with the building design – he seems to be leaning more towards the latter at this time.

Econ Devl – Internal Projects:

Downtown maintenance:

  • AF Downtown Maintenance – hiatus ending:  The AntFarm Downtown Maintenance crew is getting ready to return from hiatus for the winter.  We typically re-engage with them when the flower baskets are installed in mid-May.  We have recently reached out to our flower basket provider and Nunpa to see if COVID has altered either of their capacities in any way – they are both ready to go at full capacity.  As always, if Council members take notice of any specific areas in downtown Sandy that need maintenance attention, please send an email to the Economic Development Manager detailing the issue and we will get it on the schedule for maintenance.
  • Mtn Moka Building – stormwater and concrete:  At the conclusion of the building refresh project that was just completed, staff noticed a few code violations in the pedestrian right-of-way outside of the building.   The building owner will  be repairing one worn sidewalk panel on the north side of the building and re-routing a downspout to a new curb weephole.  He is also filling the 80’ x 2’ gravel strip on the east side of the building with concrete for a cleaner look.

Econ Devl – Economic Development Committee:

The March meeting of the Economic Development Committee was cancelled, primarily due to a combination of reopening activities for some of our members and meeting fatigue.  The April meeting of the Committee will take place on Wednesday, April 7th at 6:30 pm.  [the April meeting was held as planned and will be updated in next month’s report.]

Econ Devl – Conferences/training:

There were no conferences or training opportunities for Economic Development in the month of March. 

Development Services – Monthly Report – February 2021

Planning Department items:

Space Age – February 2021

20-032 DCA code changes associated with House Bill 2001 related to duplexes and ADUs: Planning staff held a PC work session regarding HB 2001 on October 26th.  These proposed code changes were heard at the January 25th PC meeting.  This item will be heard at the March 15th City Council meeting.

Creekside Loop duplex garage (20-049 ADJ):  This appeal to the 20-049 ADJ decision regarding the adjustment of setbacks for a garage issued on December 30th is scheduled to be heard at the March 29th Planning Commission meeting.

Leslie Pole Barn 37625 SE Kelso Road (21-005): This application for an accessory structure on a residential property is currently under review by staff for completeness.

Marin’s Viewpoint Tree Variance (21-004 TREE/VAR):  This application for a tree variance is scheduled to be heard at the March 29th PC meeting.

Rogue Fabrication zone change (20-041 ZC):  This request to change zoning designation from I-1 to I-2 for Rogue Fabrication’s new facility at the corner of Champion Way and Industrial Way was recommended for approved by the Planning Commission at their meeting on January 25th.  This will be heard by City Council at their meeting on March 15th.

Downtown Walkability Assessment:  Final edits and review are being conducted by the department director.  Staff hopes to have this ready for Council review sometime in April.

Les Schwab Remodel (20-048 DR):  Final order was issued on February 24th.  SURA Board reviewed and enthusiastically approved a Façade grant proposal for this project at their meeting on March 8th.

Les Schwab – rendering of proposed facade

Pleasant Street Master Plan (18-022 CPA):  Staff will re-engage with this project in April upon completion of the Downtown Walkability Assessment.

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update:  Staff will be meeting in the coming weeks with Councilors and Planning Commissioners to get their high-level visions and priorities for the Comprehensive Plan update.  Staff is also developing an RFQ for a consultant and looking into potential grant opportunities.

The Views Planned Development (20-028):  City attorney is working on writing up the final order for this project – it will be ready for the Mayor to review in mid-March.

Next Adventure Phase III Addition (21-006 DR/VAR):  This proposed project to upgrade the front building at Next Adventure has been received.  Staff to begin completeness check shortly.

16600 362nd (20-053 TREE/VAR):  This application for tree removal from 16600 SE 362nd Drive including a variance request for removal of healthy trees in the protected 30-foot tree preservation buffer is currently under review.

Tickle Creek Apartments (20-052 DR/MOD):  Developers of this project, formerly called Phase II of the Double Creek Condos project, requested modification adjustments to site layout, amenities and building elevations.  Final order was issued by staff on February 10th

Internal projects

  • Permanent Outdoor Covered Structures grant program:  This program was given a status review at the 3/8 SURA Board meeting:
    • All projects reviewed by Board; Board decision to keep moving forward with program was unanimous.
    • Ria’s/SFR – Construction will start on site around 3/20; should only take a couple of days to complete.
    • Le Happy – Scope of work being developed; nest step: put project out to bid.
    • Boring Brewing – Engineer discovered some issues with the site that need to be mitigated prior to building structure.  Engineering pending.
    • Waiting on engineering – No Place Saloon, Sandlandia, Red Shed Public House
    • Additional work needed – Paola’s, Tollgate Inn, Beer Den
  • City Hall Repipe Project:  This project is now complete and has provided the City of Sandy with the following upgrades:
    • All potable water in City Hall is now flowing through brand new copper piping.
    • The City Hall water heater was replaced with a new, super high efficiency heater – “hot” water in City Hall is actually hot again.
    • The “knocking” sound coming from pressure build up in the old system has been mitigated.
    • Asbestos wrap around one pipe was identified and removed from the building.
    •  This project was completed on time and just slightly over budget (asbestos wrap was discovered after start of project – testing, removal and disposal was $2,200) – many thanks to Portland Mechanical Contractors for their professional and speedy work.
  • Cedar Ridge Demo RFQ:  Staff received a scope of work and engineering from PBS Environmental in the first week of March.  City administration will make a decision about next steps.
  • Community Center Porte Cochere & ADA Upgrades project:  Staff is making some final edits to the documentation to send out for bid, and the Community Center Director is working on the scope of work for the project.  Should be ready by the end of March.
  • Minor changes to Community Center:
    • Lighting:  Complete.
    • Garbage enclosures:  Complete. 
    • West entrance awning:  Complete.
    • West entrance – new metal door:  Completed March 11
    • Homeless lighting: Complete.

Kelly’s Kudos

I want to thank the folks at the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) for their assistance on the House Bill 2001 considerations.  Sean Edging, Jennifer Donnelly, and Ethan Stuckmayer have been tremendous resources in helping write code, write findings for the ordinance, and interpreting state legislation.  They have also been more than willing to assist the Planning Commission and City Council in the form of presentations.  Emily Meharg and I are impressed with DLCD staff knowledge, patience, and interest in making Sandy’s municipal code comply with House Bill 2001.

Economic Development items:

Econ Devl – Commercial Properties (vacancies, new businesses, etc.)

  • Façade project – Mtn Moka Building:  No visible progress has been made on this project since the last report.  Only lighting work remains.  Property owner asked via email in February when his final reimbursement check would arrive – the response to him was basically “As soon as the project is completed.”
  • Façade project – Old Church on Pioneer Blvd:  Work continues on this project – steeple work is now completed; general contractor seems to be refocusing his efforts on completing siding and painting work.  City is assisting property owner with design work to replace entry flat work with an ADA accessible path to the front door; design work has been accepted by All County Surveyors and is in process.  Project appears to be about 80% complete.  
  • TI project – Smoky Hearth:  This project (resealing of the concrete floors throughout the interior of the building) is now complete.  The owners have fulfilled the terms of the contract and have been reimbursed.
  • Taco Time: This business has been closed since the February storm due to damage caused by snow pack on the roof. Water got into the ceiling and made quite a mess, but fortunately there was no structural damage to the building. Contractors have been repairing the damage, and a test of the kitchen’s fire suppression system was successful. No word on a reopening date yet, but this closure is temporary.

Econ Devl – Internal Projects:

Downtown maintenance:

  • Homeless encampment cleanup:  Code Enforcement and the Sandy PD are currently addressing an expanding homeless encampment in the natural area on the east side of lower Ruben Lane.  Ant Farm Youth Services has been retained to provide the clean up labor, and the property owner is paying the lion’s share of the cleanup costs (the only City financial contribution to this project is the cost of renting the 10 yard trash container and the dumping fees).
  • AF Downtown Maintenance – hiatus:  This is a general reminder that the AntFarm Downtown Maintenance crew is currently on hiatus for the winter.  We typically re-engage with them when the flower baskets are installed in May unless specific items arise during that time.  We already have several medium sized projects lined up for them this spring already – if Council members take notice of any specific areas in downtown Sandy that need attention, please send an email to the Economic Development Manager detailing the issue and we will get it on the schedule for maintenance.

Econ Devl – Economic Development Committee:

The February meeting of the Economic Development Committee was cancelled, primarily due to a combination of reopening activities for some of our members and meeting fatigue.  The April meeting of the Committee will take place on Wednesday, April 7th at 6:30 pm.

Econ Devl – Conferences/training:

There were no conferences or training opportunities for Economic Development in the month of February. 

Development Services – Monthly Report – January 2021

Building Division Report – Q1 2021:

The beginning of 2021 has been predictably unpredictable!   Despite the pandemic and uncertainties of the financial markets or the local and national politics, residential construction and the building industry in general, is still active.   The monthly report of Sandy’s permit activity are evidence:

  • 29 active Residential building permits, plus 3 new permits. (Compare this to July 2020 when we had 63 active residential dwelling permits.)   
  • 12 active commercial permits, plus 1 new permit.

Residential and commercial contractors say things have slowed due to the lack of affordable buildable lots, the unusually wet, winter weather, the record-high costs of building materials, and the shortages of manufactured products due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Along with the increase in COVID-19 cases, the number of unpermitted construction projects has also increased.  Several contractors have anonymously confided that they have been asked to work an increasing number of small remodel projects involving electrical, structural and mechanical and/or plumbing, but the owners were not wanting to obtain permits. Thankfully, Sandy has many honest and ethical contractors who insist on pulling permits whenever required by law to protect themselves and the owners from needless harm and liability.   Below are three examples that show the need for permits and inspections:

Recently, the Building Department was asked to conduct a walk-thru of two older, commercial buildings.  The first building had been remodeled and reconfigured on multiple occasions, with much of the work having not been permitted or approved.  The owner and prospective buyers wanted to know what the Building Codes will require before they could start a new business in the building. The Building Official was able to help answer all their code questions, outlined the priorities to obtain permits to provide accessibility and safety, and achieve their goals. 

The second site visit was in one of Sandy’s older commercial buildings, which has a large open showroom.  The visit revealed that 1/3 of the large structural floor had been replaced with new rough-sawn lumber and topped with 4 inches of concrete slab, in the recent past.  The buyer asked if Sandy had record of any inspections or permits for the work.  Unfortunately, this unpermitted work voided the insurance coverage and placed full liability on the owner.  The building and land had additional incumbrances which caused the buyer to withdraw his offer.    

The last example is of a complete remodel of a small, vacant house.  It involved creating a new floor plan, new bathroom, new kitchen and master bedroom.  The required permits were issued, and all the rough inspections approved.  After a long period of time, the Final inspection was requested.   The owner was now living in the house but didn’t know the smoke detectors in the upstairs hall and bedroom were not connected, nor had the electrical work been signed off.   It is now corrected and all approved.  The builder, the building inspector, and the owner are happy.

Respectfully submitted by
Terrence Gift, Building Official

Planning Department items:

20-032 DCA code changes associated with House Bill 2001 related to duplexes and ADUs: Planning staff held a PC work session regarding HB 2001 on October 26th.  These proposed code changes were heard at the the January 25th PC meeting.  This item will be heard at the March 3rd City Council meeting.

Community Center Porte Cochere & ADA Upgrades project (20-050 DR):  Review for this project is now complete.  Final order was issued on January 12th.

Creekside Loop duplex garage (20-049 ADJ):  This request to adjust setbacks for a garage was issued on December 30th and is scheduled to be heard at the March 29th Planning Commission meeting.

Les Schwab Remodel (20-048 DR):  Staff review of this Type I design review is now complete and the final order is being written.

Rogue Fabrication zone change (20-041 ZC):  This request to change zoning designation from I-1 to I-2 for Rogue Fabrication’s new facility at the corner of Champion Way and Industrial Way was recommended for approved by the Planning Commission at their meeting on January 25th.  Staff is currently scheduling this request for a future Council meeting for final approval.

Downtown Walkability Assessment:  Secondary review by senior staff and the department director is now complete.  Staff is currently making final edits to this assessment and will have it ready for Council review soon.

Space Age Station – January 2021

Pleasant Street Master Plan (18-022 CPA):  This project has been put on hold temporarily due to the current departmental workload.

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update:  Staff continues to review this plan by looking at comp plan updates in similarly sized Oregon cities and reviewing “best practices”.  Staff is also discussing potentially posting an RFQ for consultants to manage this process for us.

The Views Planned Development (20-028):  All materials for this project have now been uploaded to iCompass in preparation for the City Council hearing on February 16th.

Sandy High School Field House (20-040 DR/VAR):  The final order for this proposal to construct a new indoor athletic field at Sandy High School was issued on February 2nd.

16600 362nd (20-053 TREE/VAR):  This request for the removal of healthy trees from the protected vegetation buffer of this property has been deemed incomplete.

Tickle Creek Apartments (20-052 DR/MOD):  Developers of this project, formerly called Phase II of the Double Creek Condos project, request modification adjustments to site layout, amenities and building elevations.  Request is currently under review by staff.. 

Internal projects

  • Permanent Outdoor Covered Structures grant program:  Here is where the program stands currently:
    • Review of all current projects to occur at the 3/1 Council/UR meeting.
    • Ria’s/SFR – Revised bid price: $69,820; permit complete, contract being created now.  This project will be ready to start construction week of 2/15.
    • La Bamba – Assisting owner with concepts for using this program to convert his front porch to more usable dining area – this is a unique build that will have a different trajectory than other projects.
    • In design/engineering phase: Boring Brewing, Le Happy
    • Application received: No Place Saloon (scheduling design meeting now)
    • Email describing program going out to additional qualifying businesses on 2/12 (Red Shed, Mtn Moka, Golden Key, Bunsenbrewer, Buddha Kat Winery)
  • City Hall Repipe Project:  This project is now tentatively complete.  Initial walk through showed a couple of minor items that were missed; contractor is working on completing these items now.  Contractor performed admirably and Building Official has done a preliminary walk through and seems generally satisfied pending an official inspection.
New City Hall water heater
  • Cedar Ridge Demo RFQ:  Staff met with the selected contractor (PBS Environmental and Engineering of Portland) on February 2nd to discuss project scoping; references have been checked and were positive.  Staff is continuing to work with contractor to develop a scope of work and contract price.
  • Community Center Porte Cochere & ADA Upgrades project:  Planning review for this project is now complete.  Staff will be developing a scope of work for this project and putting it out to bid shortly.
  • Minor changes to Community Center:
    • Lighting:  Complete.
    • Garbage enclosures:  Complete. 
    • West entrance awning:  Complete.
    • West entrance – new metal door:  Door is currently on order – installation will occur at end of February barring manufacturing or shipping delays.
    • Homeless lighting: CS Director requested bright LED lighting with a hair trigger motion detector at both north landings to discourage homeless camping, which has been happening with increasing regularity at the Community Center.  Bull Run Electric met staff with on 2/9 to survey the site and prepare a quote.
New “Sandy Style” awning at Community Center

Economic Development items:

Econ Devl – Commercial Properties (vacancies, new businesses, etc.):

  • Façade project – Mtn Moka Building:  Only work remaining to be completed on this project is the mural lighting component.  This project is 95% complete.
  • Façade project – Old Church on Pioneer Blvd:  Work continues on this project – general contractor seems to have completed building siding and is now working on paint and steeple siding. Paint is being done in fits and starts as weather permits – end result will be a new coat of white paint with a Sandy-Style accent color for the trim. City is assisting property owner with design work to replace entry flat work with an ADA accessible path to the front door.  Project appears to be about 75% complete.  
  • TI project – Smoky Hearth:  Owners submitted a TI grant application for the resurfacing and resealing of the concrete floors throughout the interior of this restaurant.  Bids have been received and applicants are currently under contract.
  • Three of the empty lots next to the Sandy Action Center were recently purchased by Shan Hill of Barlow Trail Vet Clinic. Mr. Hill hopes to build a new home for his veterinary clinic on the site as the business has outgrown its current location, and is also currently attempting to purchase the one remaining lot (the one that Joe’s 6-Pack used to occupy) from a different owner to maximize his build. He also purchased the lot with the derelict garage on it at the corner of Junker and Strauss as part of the overall project — they intend to pave this lot and use it for employee parking for the clinic.

Econ Devl – Internal Projects:

Downtown maintenance:

  • Homeless encampment cleanup:  AntFarm Youth Services cleaned up three homeless encampments on the Sorensen property behind the coin op car wash on Pioneer.  The crew also removed a large blackberry bramble behind the car wash, eliminating an eyesore and improving site visibility for law enforcement monitoring the area.
  • AntFarm also continues to assist the Parks Department by removing damaged trees felled in our parks through regular maintenance processes or by storms. This wood is split into firewood and used in AntFarm’s firewood assistance program (formerly operated by Kiwanis)
  • All other downtown maintenance issues will be addressed on a case-by-case basis throughout the winter, with non-critical items waiting until regular maintenance work resumes in the spring.

Econ Devl – Economic Development Committee:

The February meeting of the Economic Development Committee was held on February 3rd.  Following a brief update for the committee regarding various grant funded projects happening around town, members reported out on the current status and future plans for their respective businesses.  Committee discussion items included an update on the 362nd extension project from City Manager Wheeler, and a review of the Covered Structures Grant program and the current status of that program, including a look at the design of the pilot project at Sandy Family Restaurant.

Econ Devl – Conferences/training:

There were no conferences or training opportunities for Economic Development in the month of January.  Looking forward to the Agile Management training course taught by Dr. Lazenby through Portland State University in late February.

Development Services – Monthly Report – December 2020

Platted and Tentative Platted Lots Report:

Platted Lots Report – Q4 2020

The updated platted and tentative platted lots list through December 31, 2020 is shown above.  This spreadsheet will no longer include expired subdivisions.  We issued 17 single family homes between October and December and reviewed seven additional single family house permits that are ready for issuance in early January.  The subdivisions named Mt. View Ridge and Sandy Woods are almost entirely built and only a few vacant lots remain.  

Lennar has started to construct houses in Marshall Ridge, and we expect all remaining lots in that subdivision to be completed in 2021.  Once again, we are quickly running low on buildable lots for single family homes in Sandy.  While Shaylee Meadows will introduce an additional 100 lots sometime in 2021, based on historical trends that number of lots will be finished with new houses in less than two years from plat recording.

You will receive the next update in April 2021.

Planning Department items:

Space Age Station – December 2020

20-032 DCA code changes associated with House Bill 2001 related to duplexes and ADUs: Planning staff held a PC work session regarding HB 2001 on October 26 and will be heard at the the January 25th PC meeting.

Community Center Porte Cochere & ADA Upgrades project (20-050 DR):  This project is currently under review by Planning staff.

38471 Maple Street (20-046 ADJ):  The final order for this request for a reduction in side yard setbacks was issued on December 10th.

38463 Maple Street (20-047 ADJ):  The final order for this request for a reduction in side yard setbacks was issued on December 10th.

Creekside Loop duplex garage (20-049 ADJ):  The final order for this request to adjust setbacks for a garage was issued on December 30th.

Rogue Fabrication zone change (20-041 ZC):  This request to change zoning designation from I-1 to I-2 for Rogue Fabrication’s new facility at the corner of Champion Way and Industrial Way has now been deemed complete and is scheduled for a hearing at the PC meeting on January 25th.

Downtown Walkability Assessment:  Staff has now completed its initial review of this assessment.  A secondary review is currently being undertaken by senior staff and the department director.

Pleasant Street Master Plan (18-022 CPA):  Staff is currently working on a comprehensive review of this plan.  Work is ongoing.

City of Sandy Comprehensive Plan Update:  Staff is currently in the beginning stages of reviewing this plan by looking at comp plan updates in similarly sized Oregon cities and reviewing “best practices”.

Bull Run Terrace (19-050 CPA/ZC/SUB):  The City Council denied this comprehensive plan change, zone change, and subdivision on December 7, 2020.  The City issued the final order on December 29, 2020.

The Views Planned Development (20-028):  This project was heard by the Planning Commission at their November 23rd meeting.  After a robust discussion, this project will be going in front of the City Council at their February 16th meeting.

Sandy High School Field House (20-040 DR/VAR):  This proposal to construct a new indoor athletic field at 36525 Industrial Way has now been deemed complete and is scheduled for the January 25th PC meeting.

16600 362nd (20-053 TREE/VAR):  This request for the removal of a healthy tree from the protected vegetation buffer of this property has been received.  Staff is working on the completeness check now.

Tickle Creek Apartments (20-052 DR/MOD):  The paperwork for this project, formerly called Phase II of the Double Creek Condos project, has been received.  Staff is working on the completeness check now.

Internal projects

  • Permanent Outdoor Covered Structures grant program:  We have hit the ground running with this program – here’s where we stand currently:
    • Ria’s/SFR – Design/engineering work completed and approved; currently out to bid.
    • La Bamba – Assisting owner with concepts for using this program to convert his front porch to more usable dining area.  This is a unique project that will take some time to complete.
    • I have now spoken with Boring Brewing and Le Happy – both are interested in looking at City designs, and both are likely to move forward.
  • Emergency Small Business Assistance grant program, Round 2:  All funds have now been distributed.  Every participating business that received a check and had very kind words for City Council for engaging in this effort, and likely saved a number of Sandy businesses from closing down.   
  • City Hall Repipe Project:  We are now through the bidding stage for this project – Portland Mechanical Contractors (a division of JK Kelly) was the winning bidder and will begin working on this project in late January. 
  • Cedar Ridge Demo RFQ:  Staff will be reviewing the qualifications of three firms that responded to this RFQ in January.  Selected respondent will manage the process of disconnecting and/or rerouting of existing utility service lines and generally preparing the grounds for building demolition.
  • Minor changes to Community Center:
    • Lighting:  Complete.  Hat tip to Joe Preston for trimming the trees around the existing parking lot fixtures to increase light levels for security – a noticeable improvement!
    • Garbage enclosures:  Complete.  City padlock added for security and to discourage dumping.  “No Dumping” signage on order.
    • West entrance awning:  Installation scheduled for Thursday, 1/14/21.  Contractor had delays first because of staff shortages due to illness, and then because Metallion Industries (metal roof manufacturer in Estacada) shut down for several weeks over the holidays.  Contractor will remove existing awning in one piece to see if it can be reused elsewhere by the Parks Department.
    • West entrance – new metal door:  Will schedule for installation on 1/14/21 upon completion of  the awning replacement (same contractor).
  • Community Center Porte Cochere & ADA Upgrades project:  The design and engineering work for this project has been approved with conditions by staff.  Waiting on architect to incorporate conditions and receive prior to putting this project out to bid.

Economic Development items:

Econ Devl – Commercial Properties (vacancies, new businesses, etc.):

  • Façade project – Mtn Moka Building:  Project work continues at this site as weather allows.  Masonry and fencing work on the garbage enclosure is currently in process.  Lighting will be final phase – all other work is now finished.  This project is about 85% complete.
  • Façade project – Old Church on Pioneer Blvd:  As expected, this project has expanded due to rot and other damage to the building identified when the siding was removed.  With the amount of work added through a change order to mitigate this damage, the property owner has now surpassed the $100,000 mark in project costs for this project.  Therefore, he will be receiving the maximum reimbursement amount allowed by this program ($41,500) once the project is finished and passes inspection.  Project appears to be about 60-70% complete and progress is steady.

Econ Devl – Internal Projects:

Downtown maintenance:

  • Homeless encampment cleanup:  Multiple homeless encampments have popped up again in the green space between the Pioneer Parking Lot (behind Two Brothers) and the new Grandma’s House location at 38888 Pioneer.  Currently contracting with AntFarm for camp removal, as well as for blackberry removal behind the coin-op car wash to decrease the chances of something similar happening in the future.

Econ Devl – Economic Development Committee:

The December meeting of the Economic Development Committee was cancelled due to the emergence of the Permanent Outdoor Covered Structures Program.  The development of this program has been the primary focus of the Economic Development Office since it was first suggested by the Mayor.  We have succeeded in developing and enacting the program in a matter of weeks, and currently have one project out to bid and another couple of projects in the planning stages.

The feedback received from committee members when this cancellation was announced was 100% positive and encouraging, as members recognized the importance of this grant program and the need to get projects started as soon as possible.  The Committee will reconvene in February.

Econ Devl – Conferences/training:

There were no conferences or training opportunities for Economic Development in the month of December. 

Development Services – Monthly Report – November 2020

Planning Department items:

Space Age station – December 2020

20-032 DCA code changes associated with House Bill 2001 related to duplexes and ADUs: Planning staff held a PC work session regarding HB 2001 on October 26th.  The PC hearing is scheduled for the January PC meeting.

Hood Street Daycare (20-039 DCA/ADJ):  The final order for this request to construct a new building for a daycare at 38422 Hood Street was issued on December 1st.

Rogue Fabrication zone change (20-041 ZC):  This request to change zoning designation from I-1 to I-2 for Rogue Fabrication’s new facility at the corner of Champion Way and Industrial Way has now been deemed complete and is currently under review.

Pleasant Street Master Plan (18-022 CPA):  Staff continues with re-evaluating what is left to complete with this project.  This has been temporarily put on hold due to staff attention required for the Bull Run Terrace and The Views projects.

Bull Run Terrace (19-050 CPA/ZC/SUB):  This project was heard at the City Council meeting on November 30th and given a first reading.  Second reading for this project will occur at the next Council meeting on December 7th.

18350 Ross Ave Accessory Structure Setback Adjustment (20-044 ADJ):  The final order for this project was issued on November 6th.

Les Schwab façade design review (20-048): This project to upgrade the façade for the Sandy Les Schwab is currently under review.

The Views Planned Development (20-028):  This project went before the Planning Commission on November 23rd, at which point they granted a continuance.  PC will pick up their discussion on it at their next meeting on December 16th.

Sandy High School Field House (20-040 DR/VAR):  This proposal to construct a new indoor athletic field at 36525 Industrial Way has now been deemed complete.  Staff is anticipating this project to be reviewed at the PC meeting in January.

38471 Maple Street (20-046 ADJ):  Request to reduce side yard setbacks is currently being reviewed by staff.

38463 Maple Street (20-047 ADJ):  Request to reduce side yard setbacks is currently being reviewed by staff. 

Kelly’s Kudos:

I would like to offer my sincere thanks to our two outgoing Sandy Planning Commissioners, John Logan and Todd Mobley.  Their service on the Planning Commission fulfilled an important role for the City of Sandy and I want to recognize their volunteer efforts.  Commissioner Logan has served since March 2015 and was active in numerous planning projects, including the UGB Expansion, numerous code changes, the first iteration of the Pleasant Street Master Plan and many land use applications.  Commissioner Mobley has served since January 2018 and was instrumental in helping solidify our first clear and objective code changes related to traffic analysis.  He was also involved in many land use applications and other code changes.  I want to wish Mr. Logan and Mr. Mobley all the best in their future endeavors.

Internal projects

  • Emergency Small Business Assistance grant program, Round 2: 
    • Staff has completed review of the applications for this program and will be officially informing applicants of their status (and hopefully delivering checks) next week.
    • There were 33 applicants for this round of the program.  After review, 29 of the 33 applicants were deemed eligible grants, so every eligible applicant will be receiving a grant award. 
    • Any remaining funds other than the 1% set aside for program expenses will be split up equally between the 29 recipients and added to their $3,000 award.  Final awards should be right around $3,400.
    • Of the four applicants deemed ineligible:
      • One was a home business based outside of city limits, so doubly ineligible.
      • One was a business owner with two eligible businesses operating under the same federal business registration number (EIN) even though they properly have two separate Sandy business licenses (i.e. one business entity with two DBAs).  As these businesses are considered to be the same business by the federal government, we can only issue one award.  (The business owner fully understands and tells me that any award money received will be going 100% to keep her employees on the payroll)
      • Two had past due transit tax payments.
    • Special thanks to the review committee (Councilors Lee, Exner and Pietzold, Ms. Jones and Mr. McKnight of the City of Sandy Economic Development Committee) and our Finance Director for their work on this program and to the Sandy City Council for making these funds directly available to our local business community. 
  • Staff is currently soliciting bids for the replacement of the plumbing system at City Hall.   Project will install new copper pipe for all potable water in the building and a new, energy efficient water heater.  Bids are due December 11.
  • Staff is also soliciting responses to an RFQ posted in early November for a consulting firm to prepare the south building of the old Cedar Ridge Middle School for demolition.  Selected bidder will manage the process of disconnecting and/or rerouting of existing utility service lines and generally preparing the grounds for building demolition.
  • New lighting for the front of the Community Center is now complete and properly highlighting our recently restored mural.  Courtesy of Bull Run Electric.

Economic Development items:

Econ Devl – Commercial Properties (vacancies, new businesses, etc.):

  • Façade project – Mtn Moka Building:  This project is now mostly complete – the three largest components (siding, stonework, paint) have been completed and the two smaller remaining components (lighting, garbage enclosure refresh) are waiting on contractor availability. 
  • Façade project – Old Church on Pioneer Blvd:  This project seems to be about halfway done.  Windows are installed, and contractor is in the midst of replacing the worn siding.  Structural repairs at building entrance seem to be mostly complete.
  • 2020 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony: The Economic Development department would like to congratulate the staff of the Sandy Public Library for pulling off a great ceremony under the most difficult of circumstances. Looking forward to watching this event grow under Library management in the coming years.
  • Building update – Masonic Building:  The Masons are giving their building an external refresh.  New siding, trim and paint and general maintenance items.  They were offered a Façade grant and considered the offer but ultimately decided to proceed on their own.

Econ Devl – Internal Projects:

Downtown maintenance:

  • AntFarm downtown maintenance crew:  Maintenance work in the C-1 district seems to be in the best condition it has been in some time.  Many thanks to Nunpa and the AntFarm crew for their assistance in 2020, including weeding our planter strips, keeping our flower baskets maintained (during the fires, no less!) and removing downed trees in Sandy’s parks.  Looking forward to working with the crew again in the spring.  And as always, if you notice any of our streetscape areas looking shoddy downtown, please send an email to Economic Development and inform us so we can get it taken care of.  A clean, well maintained downtown helps to encourage and promote new development!
  • Holiday street tree lighting:  Installed and operating.  Two circuits outside of Mt. Hood Cleaners were discovered to be inoperable and were quickly repaired by the Parks Department.  Hat tip to Mr. Preston.

Econ Devl – Economic Development Committee:

The December meeting of the Economic Development reason was cancelled to give the membership time to celebrate the holidays (and a welcome break from yet another Zoom meeting, which all of our membership seems to have a few too many of right now).  The committee will reconvene in January 2021.

Econ Devl – Conferences/training:

There were no significant trainings or conferences attended by Economic Development staff in November.

Development Services – Monthly Report – October 2020

Planning Department items:

20-032 DCA code changes associated with House Bill 2001 related to duplexes and ADUs: Planning staff held a PC work session regarding HB 2001 on October 26 and the PC hearing is scheduled for the January PC meeting.

Hood Street Daycare (20-039 DCA/ADJ):  Completeness check has been completed.  This request to construct a new day care facility at 38422 Hood Street is currently under review.

Tree removal at 38432 Maple Street (20-036 TREE):  This tree removal request at 38432 Maple Street and request to install a retaining wall and grade near retention trees has now been deemed complete and final order has been issued.

Sandy Woods II (20-034 ZC):  This zoning map update with FSH overlay for Sandy Woods II has been withdrawn by the applicant.

Rogue Fabrication zone change (20-041 ZC):  This request to change zoning designation from I-1 to I-2 for Rogue Fabrication’s new facility at the corner of Champion Way and Industrial Way has been deemed incomplete.  Staff sent an incompleteness letter to applicant and are awaiting a few additional materials.

Sandy Space Age station – October 2020

Vista Loop Lot Line Adjustment (20-031):  Staff received the requested updated plat map from the applicant.  Final order has been issued.

Downtown Walkability Assessment:  Development Svcs intern Christina Winberry completed the analytic work for this project prior to departing the City.  Shelley Denison is reviewing her work and performing some final editing before bringing this to City Council.

Pleasant Street Master Plan (18-022 CPA):  Staff is now revisiting this project and re-evaluating what is left to complete as the overall workload in Planning seems to be diminishing.

Bull Run Terrace (19-050 CPA/ZC/SUB):  This project was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission at their October 26th meeting, and will be heard at the City Council meeting on November 30th.

18350 Ross Ave Accessory Structure Setback Adjustment (20-044 ADJ):  This project is currently under review.

Tree removal request at Alpine Village Apartments (20-045 TREE):  Final order for this tree removal request was issued on October 30th.

OAOR Annexation (20-025):  Staff asked for a continuance for this project at the last Planning Commission meeting due to a couple of fairly serious code violations with Clackamas County.  Staff met with the applicant in mid-October – it was determined that the applicant needs to correct these code County violations prior to moving forward.  This project will be brought back before the PC once the outstanding issues have been corrected.  Staff anticipates that this will probably be in the 2nd half of 2021.

The Views Planned Development (20-028):  This project will be heard by the Planning Commission at their November 23rd meeting. 

Sandy High School Field House (20-040 DR/VAR): This proposal to construct new indoor batting cages at 36525 Industrial Way was deemed complete on November 12.  The proposal will include variations that necessitate a Planning Commission hearing.

16320 Bluff Road (20-037 DR):  The final order for this request to construct a new single family residence on Bluff Rd was issued on October 23rd.

Building Department items:

FALL 2020 Building Department Report

The SPRING and SUMMER OF 2020 passed too quickly.   Despite the pandemic and uncertainties of politics and the unstable financial markets, residential construction and the building industry is still going strong.   The monthly reports produced by Noryne Robinson of Sandy’s permit activity are evidence.  

Drivers passing the new Space Age Fuel station see that Sandy is definitely growing.  The month of October saw more underground utility work and more foundations.  The contractors recently passed the rough framing, mechanical, plumbing and electrical inspections in the main building, installed weather protection, and have insulated the interior.  Enormous footings for the steel canopy over the fueling area were poured in September, but the underground fuel piping has been delayed due to backordered components.  

Anyone driving through our new residential developments on the north and south sides of Sandy can see that new home construction remains steady.   Sandy issued 11 permits for new single family homes in October alone.  Residential home sales have continued to expand as more people continue to leave the Portland area, and the mortgage rates continue to drop.  Home prices have continued to climb with the housing demand.  This has spurred more home remodeling and flipping of homes.  Consequently, this increase in home values has spawned numerous unpermitted remodeling projects by homeowners and unlicensed contractors.  Code enforcement is stretched and unable to prevent the current boom of illegal remodeling.  Neither are we able to prevent the growing number of secretive home conversions from single family homes into multi-dwelling residences and boarding houses.  The uniformed owners and occupants are not aware that permits and inspections help ensure minimum fire/life/safety measures, and ultimately save property and lives.  

The problem is growing, and much too large to adequately cover in this report, so it will have to wait until the next Building Department Report.

Respectfully submitted by
Terrence Gift, Building Official

Kelly’s Kudos:

I want to thank all our City Council candidates for running a competitive campaign that really highlighted our shared interest in making Sandy the best place possible.  I want to congratulate Don, Kathleen, and Rich on their elections.  Furthermore, I want to thank Councilor Lee for being such a compassionate and amazing City Councilor.  Her commitment to Sandy on issues such as sustainability, affordable housing, childcare, social equality, and public health are very much appreciated. I wish Councilor Lee all the best! 

Internal projects

  • Minor changes to Community Center:
    • Lighting: Complete
    • Garbage enclosures:  Complete
    • West entrance awning:  Design and construction are complete.  We have been waiting for the design work for the porte cochere to be completed prior to installation – we would prefer to match the stain color and type to that being proposed for the porte cochere for consistency.  Since the design work is taking a bit longer than anticipated, we are going to choose the stain color for the architect shortly so we can proceed with installation of this awning. 
    • West entrance – new metal door:  Reviewing potential replacement doors now.

Economic Development items:

Econ Devl – Commercial Properties (vacancies, new businesses, etc.):

  • Façade project – Mtn Moka Building:  Brad Picking has applied for a Façade program grant for a refresh of this building.  Scope of work for the project includes stone wrapping and a new look  for the overhand support posts at the suite entrances, new exterior lighting for the mural to be painted on the back side of the building, new Hardi siding for the physical therapy office, a refresh of the garbage enclosure area and a new 3-tone paint job for the entire building.  At the time of this writing, the siding, painting and stone work had already been completed.
  • Façade project – Old Church on Pioneer Blvd:  The little church on Pioneer Boulevard is getting a new look!  Building owner Alan Fleischman reached out to the Ec Dev Office in the spring and inquired about assistance.  He told us he was going to replace the siding and most of the windows in the building before giving it a new paint job, and we jumped at the chance to help out.  Some of the siding at the ground level of the building will change style, but the majority of it including the steeple will be replaced with the exact same style.  Buildings in that particular section of downtown have a specific historical exemption to Sandy Style rules that allows them to remain white, and Mr. Fleischman chose to take advantage of this exemption.

Econ Devl – Internal Projects:

Downtown maintenance:

  • AntFarm downtown maintenance crew:  All October maintenance work is now completed.  [The two pics below are of the landscaping strip next to DQ on Proctor and the landscape strip across from Two Bros at the coin-op car wash – both strips were overrun with weeds and had become eyesores – you can see the “before” look on the first picture at the bottom where the property line is.]

Holiday street tree lighting:  Installation will be completed by November 16.  We accepted a slight (3%) increase in cost to cover their increased labor costs for this work.  Installation to occur literally any day now.

Holiday street tree lighting

Econ Devl – Economic Development Committee:

The November meeting of the Economic Development Committee was held virtually on November  4th.  It began with a quick presentation in the Updates section highlighting the current work on two Façade Improvement projects going on downtown – the refresh projects going on at the Mountain Moka Building and the Old Church.  

Our invited guest took up the bulk of the meeting.  Andie Edmonds of NAI Cascade gave our committee a close up look at the Skipper property at the 362nd/Bell St. extension and talked to us about general development concepts and how NAI Cascade and the property owner are viewing the development prospects of their property.   She concluded the meeting by asking our group to consider what the City and it’s residents would like to see built there (if anything specific) and how the City might direct that development by considering targeted incentives toward specific development concepts.  Although retail (including big box stores) would have the most interest in this space, she also let us know that the property owners are civic-minded folks and are open to suggestions.

Econ Devl – Conferences/training:

In October I attended the 2020 OEDA (the Oregon Economic Development Association) Conference from October 26-28 and Travel Oregon’s Outdoor Recreation Summit during the first half of October (Zoom meeting series).  Both events were virtual and focused most of their programming on economic recovery and ongoing management of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

For a city of 12,000 citizens, Sandy has really hit the mark here with the following actions:

  • Sandy’s Emergency Small Business Assistance program providing badly needed financial relief to local business – for a city our size, this was quite an accomplishment.  Staff is looking forward to continuing this effort on behalf of Council with Round 2 of the ESBA coming in December.
  • Streamlining our rules regarding allowing outdoor seating in off-street parking spaces and erecting temporary accessory structures for outdoor seating, making it easier for restaurants to accommodate the outdoor dining needed during this pandemic.

Eliminating off-street parking requirements in the C-1 district, eliminating a barrier to development in our downtown commercial district.