February 2017 – Planning & Building Report

As you are all aware the Planning and Building Department has underwent a major change in leadership. As a group we are excited about the future and hopeful to meet (if not exceed) your expectations for the business community and existing/future residents. We are introducing a new community oriented planning/building approach that is focused on assisting applicants and finding creative solutions to issues. The goal is to have Planning and Building Department staff working in coordination with the community, not from the assumption of a one size fits all approach. Over the coming months we anticipate a rejuvenated business community that feels welcome in City Hall and feels Planning and Building Department staff is here to assist, not impede.

The department plans to hire an associate planner in the next few months and move forward with an internship to help with master planning this summer. Noryne Robinson has been reclassified as a Permit Technician II and Rebecca Casey is becoming a full-time employee to assist with the increasing workload of the department

Future Projects:

Pleasant Street Master Plan – A Council goal is to complete the Pleasant Street Master Plan this next biennium. Planning staff will be engaging the community on a visioning process and hiring a consultant and intern to assist in the creation of the Pleasant Street Master Plan. This project is exciting and will be done in coordination with the future development of the Community Center on Pleasant Street. I also want to include realignment of Shelley Avenue/Alt Avenue in the plan. Much more to come on this project starting in early summer.

Code Revisions – We are planning on code revisions to numerous sections of the municipal code and development code. Modifications to the sign code, annexation provisions, residential design standards, and fence/retaining wall standards are just to name a few.

Rezone Parkland – We are planning on rezoning some of the existing parkland in Sandy to the Parks and Open Space (POS) designation. This modification will clean up the zoning map, but more importantly will streamline modifications to the parks for the Community Services Director.

Consolidate the I-3 and I-2 zones – We are anticipating a major modification to the I-3 zoning district. Again, this is a Council goal. I anticipate some push back from ODOT, but making this change before any I-3 zoned property is within the city limits will limit the TPR (Transportation System Planning) findings the City is required to conduct.

Annexation of Cedar Ridge Campus – Staff will propose annexation of the fields to the north of Cedar Ridge Middle School this summer once the UGB Expansion is complete.

Other Projects:
-Update the hillside overlay and FSH Overlay mapping layers for the new property in the expanded UGB area.
-Annex Islands as directed by City Council.
-Implement fee modifications if necessary.

Recent Planning Action:

UGB Expansion – On February 27, 2017 the Clackamas County Planning Commission forwarded their recommendation to approve our UGB Expansion to the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners. On March 15, 2017 the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners will review the City of Sandy UGB Expansion. Planning staff is hopeful the Board will adopt the expansion so we can move forward with sending ‘the record’ to DLCD for state acknowledgement. We anticipate that the director of DLCD will acknowledge the UGB Expansion in the next few months. I have already heard from several landowners within the expansion area who will be requesting annexation this summer.

Energov Permit Software – Sometime in May or early June our department will be launching new permit software for both Planning and Building permitting. The software has the capability to link with GIS to track data and will allow for remote inspections. Eventually this software will also contain a citizen access portal that will enable residents, contractors, and other applicants to submit applications online. Staff is excited to launch this system and join the 21st Century. That being said there will be a learning curve and unanticipated hurdles just like any new software.

New Subdivisions – Zion Meadows was platted on March 6, 2017 providing another 43 lots for single family homes. We are already receiving building permits for houses within the subdivision and are anticipating a flood of activity within the subdivision this spring. Fleischman Estates 3 (4 lots) and View Point (6 lots) are also close to plat recording. I expect all 53 lots in these three subdivisions to most likely be built by year end. Birdsong subdivision (39 lots) and Pioneer Meadows (28 lots) are also expected to move forward in the near future.

Pre-Application Meetings – We have been processing a number of pre-application meetings in the last few weeks ranging from a 156 unit apartment complex at Sandy Heights Street and Bluff Road to new industrial development on Ruben Lane (i.e. Freightway Lane). I anticipate a hot planning year filled with many exciting projects.

Tickle Creek Terrace

Timberline Meats

December 2016 – Planning and Building Report


a) File 16-029 VAR – Type III variance requesting Planning Commission approval to waive parking drive aisle requirements.  A second hearing was conducted on October 24 and the the applicant requested a continuance of that hearing to January 23, 2017.

b) File 16-039 SUB/VAR – Type III subdivision and variance for a 38 lot subdivision on Arletha Court (Birdsong Subdivision).  The Commission will review this application at their January, 2017 meeting.

c) Urban Growth Boundary project udpate – The draft UGB Expansion report has been sent to DLCD and was released to the public on October 20th.  We held a public hearing before the Planning Commission on November 28, 2016 and the commission has forwarded a recommendation to the City Council.


a) Total value for the month was $183,198.
b) 0 permits for single family dwellings.  
c) 2 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $8,848.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 5 commercial permits with a value of $276,372.

Other Projects:  We recently started conducting a customer survey for the Building Department.  The Planning Director and City Manager are conducting one-on-one interview/surveys with various contractors who have done work in Sandy in the last year or so. Questions are being asked regarding the process for obtaining permits, the permit inspection process and other general questions.  We anticipate completing these interviews in the next month of so and will share this information with the Council when the results are compiled.

FROM TERRE GIFT, BUILDING OFFICIAL – The year is proving to be a better year than expected. A total of 82 for single-family residences and townhouses have been permitted so far this year – which is expected to exceed the record number from 2014.

The three most active builders in November’s report are Vista Homes and Hayden Homes, with a total of 18 new single-family houses and townhouses each, followed by Palladin Group, with 13 townhouses permitted and 18 more currently in submittal stage.  Hayden Homes is nearing completion of their last three homes, and will no longer lead as the busiest of the residential contractors. Ron Haggerty has 3 custom homes underway.  Stonewood Homes, Raasch Construction and Vanport Builders have 2 permitted each.   Richard Haggerty Construction and Jim Raze Custom Homes each have one custom home nearing completion.  And Alan Seymour is on the finishing stage of his own custom home.

Commercial activities continue steadily along as we near the end of 2016, with 89 non-residential permits so far as we enter into December.  The most prominent projects include the new Goodwill Store and PAD Building on Hwy 26, and the new La Bamba restaurant location on Strauss, west of the Sandy Elementary School.  Also worth noting, interior demolition at the old Sandy High School complex has begun.

One last item worth mentioning is that the Planning and Building Department has began the process of updating our permitting and plan review software.   Permit Specialist, Noryne Robinson, has been working exceptionally hard to simplify and streamline the permit process.  Live date is scheduled early 2017.

November 2016 – Planning and Building Report


a) File 16-029 VAR – Type III variance requesting Planning Commission approval to waive parking drive aisle requirements.  A second hearing was conducted on October 24 and the the applicant requested a continuance of that hearing to January 23, 2017.

b) File 16-039 SUB/VAR – Type III subdivision and variance for a 38 lot subdivision on Arletha Court (Birdsong Subdivision).  The Commission will review this application at their January, 2017 meeting.

c) Urban Growth Boundary project udpate – The draft UGB Expansion report has been sent to DLCD and was released to the public on October 20th.  We held a public hearing before the Planning Commission on November 28, 2016 and the commission has forwarded a recommendation to the City Council.


a) Total value for the month was $1,855,244.
b) 7 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $1,560,060.  
c) 2 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $14,442.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 7 commercial permits with a value of $276,372.

Other Projects:  We recently started conducting a customer survey for the Building Department.  The Planning Director and City Manager are conducting one-on-one interview/surveys with various contractors who have done work in Sandy in the last year or so. Questions are being asked regarding the process for obtaining permits, the permit inspection process and other general questions.  We anticipate completing these interviews in the next month of so and will share this information with the Council when the results are compiled.

FROM TERRE GIFT, BUILDING OFFICIAL – The year is proving to be a better year than expected. A total of 82 for single-family residences and townhouses have been permitted so far this year – which is expected to exceed the record number from 2014.

The three most active builders in November’s report are Vista Homes and Hayden Homes, with a total of 18 new single-family houses and townhouses each, followed by Palladin Group, with 13 townhouses permitted and 18 more currently in submittal stage.  Hayden Homes is nearing completion of their last three homes, and will no longer lead as the busiest of the residential contractors. Ron Haggerty has 3 custom homes underway.  Stonewood Homes, Raasch Construction and Vanport Builders have 2 permitted each.   Richard Haggerty Construction and Jim Raze Custom Homes each have one custom home nearing completion.  And Alan Seymour is on the finishing stage of his own custom home.

Commercial activities continue steadily along as we near the end of 2016, with 89 non-residential permits so far as we enter into December.  The most prominent projects include the new Goodwill Store and PAD Building on Hwy 26, and the new La Bamba restaurant location on Strauss, west of the Sandy Elementary School.  Also worth noting, interior demolition at the old Sandy High School complex has begun.


One last item worth mentioning is that the Planning and Building Department has began the process of updating our permitting and plan review software.   Permit Specialist, Noryne Robinson, has been working exceptionally hard to simplify and streamline the permit process.  Live date is scheduled early 2017.

La Bamba Mexican Restaurant under construction


October 2016 – Planning and Building Report


a) File 16-029 VAR – Type III variance requesting Planning Commission approval to waive parking drive aisle requirements.  A second hearing was conducted on October 24 and the the applicant requested a continuance of that hearing to December 12.

b) File 16-039 SUB/VAR – Type III subdivision and variance for a 38 lot subdivision on Arletha Court (Birdsong Subdivision.

c) File 16-041 MOD – Type II major modification to the approved site plan (add parking) for the Pioneer Building conversion to a middle school.

d) Urban Growth Boundary project udpate – The draft UGB Expansion report has been sent to DLCD and was released to the public on October 20th.  We have scheduled a public hearing before the Planning commission on November 28, 2016 and a work session with the Council on December 13.


a) Total value for the month was $1,696,870.
b) 4 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $824,016.  
c) 2 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $1,900.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 11 commercial permits with a value of $862,604.

Other Projects:  We recently started conducting a customer survey for the Building Department.  The Planning Director and City Manager are conducting one-on-one interview/surveys with various contractors who have done work in Sandy in the last year or so. Questions are being asked regarding the process for obtaining permits, the permit inspection process and other general questions.  We anticipate completing these interviews in the next month of so and will share this information with the Council when the results are compiled.

FROM TERRE GIFT, BUILDING OFFICIAL – The Fall is passing quickly!  The number of residential homes and commercial building projects remains active.

Residential construction remains steady with a tally of 71 active residential dwelling permits in October.  Villa Vista Homes continues to lead with 26 active single family houses and townhomes – and Hayden Homes follows with the 18 permits.  Hayden Homes has all of their remaining homes spoken for.  They are projecting to be finished by the year’s end.  Palladin Group has 13 Townhouses under construction, and has picked up permits for 7 more this last week.  Raasch Construction and Raze Custom Homes each have 2 homes under construction.  Ron Haggerty has 4 homes, and Stonewood Homes 3 homes currently under construction.  Alan Seymor, is nearing the finish stages of his custom home.  Vanport Builders continues to make steady progress on their Timber-framed, model home near the skate park, and has submitted plans for their second timber-frame home.   Lastly the Zion Meadows development has completed underground utilities, streets and curbs.  The development is expected to be finished and ready for building soon.

The new Goodwill project is on tight schedule to be open by middle of December.  The PAD building will remain a shell for the time being.









September 2016 – Planning and Building Report


a) File 16-029 VAR – Type III variance requesting Planning Commission approval to waive parking drive aisle parking requirement.  The applicant requested a continuance of the hearing until the October meeting.

b) File 16-034 DR – Type II design review to turn the former Gifts of Past & Present building into Timberline Meat Market.

c) File 16-035 ADJ – Type II adjustment for a property on 377th Ave. to exceed the 1,200 sq. ft. maximum for an accessory structure.

d) Urban Growth Boundary project udpate – Staff is working with the City Attorney to put the finishing touches on the UGB Expansion report.  We anticipate making the document public by the end of October and the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the project in November.  We plan to schedule a worksession to review the document with the City Council in mid-December and have a public hearing before the City Council in January.


a) Total value for the month was $6,567,915.
b) 7 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $1,426,602.  
c) 0 permits for additions to single-family dwellings.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 4 commercial permits with a value of $5,131,313


August 2016 – Planning and Building Report


a) File 16-030 VAR – Type III variance requesting Planning Commission approval to waive parking drive aisle parking requirement.  The applicant requested a continuance of the hearing until the September meeting.

b) File 16-031 DR – Type II design review to place a food cart at the Ant Farm Outdoor Program site.

c) File 16-034 DR 0 Type II design review to turn the former Gifts of Past & Present building into Timberline Meat Market.


a) Total value for the month was $1,538,576.
b) 5 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $1,244,195.  
c) 5 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $258,736.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 2 commercial permits with a value of $30,745.


July 2016 – Planning and Building Report


a) File 16-007 DR – Type III design review for facade improvements to the Maiden buildings located at the corner of Highway 26 and 362nd Ave. (The Planning Commission approved this application in July).

Urban Growth Expansion Project – Planning staff has been working on this report as time allows.  We met with staff from the Department of Land Conversation and Development recently to provide a status update to that agency.  Based on this meeting staff will need to spend a bit more time refining the study to ensure compliance with applicable Administrative Rules and Planning Goals.  We are hoping to have a refined draft document ready for review in the next few months.


a) Total value for the month was $3,399,002.
b) 13 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $3,068,571.  
c) 3 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $21,985.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 10 commercial permits with a value of $308,446.

FROM TERRE GIFT, BUILDING OFFICIAL – July seemed to go by very quickly! The number of new residential homes and commercial building projects continues to remain active. In addition to the 26 new residential certificates of occupancy issued, there were several new business licenses issued in Sandy, including:
• Oregon Chiropractic in the Bank of America Building,
• Imagine Anything Art Gallery, locted in the Junker Building,
• Grandma’s House Daycare next to the Sandy Theater, Paris Café.

Drivers passing the new Goodwill project may be wondering why the project seems to be going so slow. The month of July saw more underground utility work and more foundations. They recently poured the 6 inch concrete floor for the main building, and the footings for the PAD building. Other site work could be seen at several new residential developments in the City Sandy.

Residential construction remains steady with a tally of 63 active residential dwelling permits in July. Villa Vista Homes continues to lead with 22 active single family houses and townhomes – and Hayden Homes follows with the 16 permits. Hayden Homes has buyers for all of their remaining homesites. They are projecting to be finished by the end of October.

Raasch Construction and Raze Custom Homes each have 2 homes under construction. Ron Haggerty, and Stonewood Homes are currently working on 3 homes each. Edison Homes, Alan Seymor, are building one home apiece. Stonewood Homes and Cashatt Construction were nearing completion of their new duplexes on Hood Street (and have since finished all four units). Lastly, and moving slower than expected, Vanport Builders continues to make steady progress on their Timber-framed, model home near the skate park.

Photo: One of the many townhouses by Villa Vista Homes.

37961 Killarney

June 2016 – Planning & Building Report


a) File 16-007 DR – Type III design review for facade improvements to the Maiden buildings located at the corner of Highway 26 and 362nd Ave. (This application will be reviewed by the Planning Commission in July).

b) File 16-010 CUP/DR – Type III conditional use permit and design review to remodel the Pioneer Building as a middle school. (The Planning Commission approved this application in June.)

c) File 16-018 SUB – A Type II Subdivision called Pioneer Meadows (27 lots) was approved for the property located at the corner of Meeker Street and University Ave.


a) Total value for the month was $3,900,244.
b) 8 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $1,546,578.  
c) 3 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $7,500.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 14 commercial permits with a value of $2,343,259.

FROM TERRE GIFT, BUILDING OFFICIAL – June was another interesting month for the Sandy Building Department, due largely to the remodel at City Hall.  As of this moment, we still are not completely settled back into our department.  There are new plans being submitted, and Boxes of code books and reference materials are still waiting to be put away.

Sandy’s new Goodwill Building project is moving rapidly; has completed footings and begun building concrete block walls.  Another noticeable commercial project is the retaining wall construction on Tupper Rd. for a new apartment building and garages above.

Residential construction remains steady with a tally of 68 active residential dwelling permits in June.  Villa Vista Homes lead with 29 active single family houses and townhomes –  and Hayden Homes follows with the 22 permits.  Raasch Construction, West Ridge Homes and Raze Custom Homes each have 3 homes under construction.  Richard Haggerty, Ron Haggerty, and Stonewood Homes are currently working on 2 homes each.  Oregon Custom Homes, Edison Homes, Alan Seymor, are building one home each.  Stonewood Homes and Cashatt Construction are preparing to sheetrock their new duplexes on Hood Street.  And lastly, Vanport Builders continues to progress on their first show home near the skate park.


April 2016 – Planning & Building Report


a) File 16-007 DR – Type III design review for facade improvements to the Maiden buildings located at the corner of Highway 26 and 362nd Ave. (This application will be reviewed by the Planning Commission in June).

b) File 16-009 DR – Type III design review to remodel the Sandy Fire Department. (This application was approved by the Planning Commission on April 25).

c) File 16-010 CUP/DR – Type III conditional use permit and design review to remodel the Pioneer Building as a middle school. (The Planning Commission will review this application on May 23.)

d) File 16-018 SUB – A Type II Subdivision application was submitted for the property located at the corner of Meeker Street and University Ave.  (This application is being reviewed for completeness.)


a) Total value for the month was $1,980,477.
b) 5 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $1,181,068.  
c) 2 permits for additions to single-family dwellings with a value of $6,795.
d) 2 duplexes with a value of $645,412.
e) 6 commercial permits with a value of $146,702.

FROM TERRE GIFT, BUILDING OFFICIAL – April continued to see steady activity with construction and remodel projects.   The mild weather helped Fred Meyers complete the extension of the fueling island in record time.  It the nice weather is also helping excavation and development of future residential sites at Zion Meadows (south of Bornstead) and the hillside excavation for apartments along Tupper road.

Residential housing construction in April ended with 61 residential homes under construction within the City of Sandy.  Villa Vista Homes continues to lead with the most number of active single family houses and townhomes – 22 in total.  Hayden Homes follows with 20 new homes in various phases of construction, and still has more lots vacant.   Raasch Construction has 3 homes underway.  West Ridge Homes had 3 homes in progress, and Richard Haggerty has completed his last 3 homes, has submitted plans for another and is eager to start his next home.  Raze Custom Homes still has 2 homes underway.  Oregon Custom Homes, Edison Homes, Alan Seymor, are building one home each.  Lastly, there were two new duplexes being constructed on Hood Street; Cashatt Construction and Stonewood homes, have framing floors, walls and will be setting roof trusses soon on the duplexes on Hood Street. Gibson homes has completed their townhouses and is waiting for Public Works final approval.




Pictured: Fred Meyer Fuel Island Expansion






3) URBAN RENEWAL – Activities were quiet this month.

March 2016 – Planning and Building Report


a) File 16-007 DR – Type III design review for facade improvements to the Maiden buildings located at the corner of Highway 26 and 362nd Ave. (This application is currently incomplete).

b) File 16-009 DR – Type III design review to remodel the Sandy Fire Department. (This application will be reviewed by the Planning Commission on April 25).

c) File 16-010 CUP/DR – Type III conditional use permit and design review to remodel the Pioneer Building as a middle school. (The Planning Commission will likely review this application on May 23.)

d) File 16-011 CPA/ZC – Type IV Comprehensive Plan amendment and Zone Change request for property located at the corner of Wolf Drive and McCormick Drive.  (The Planning Commission will review this application on April 25).


a) Total value for the month was $2,738,125.
b) 13 permits for single family dwellings with a value of $2,722,536.  
c) 0 permits for additions to single-family dwellings.
d) 0 duplexes.
e) 2 commercial permits with a value of $5,639.

FROM TERRE GIFT, BUILDING OFFICIAL – March saw an increase in construction and remodel projects picked up in pace.   Again, the mild weather has allowed the residential builders to keep up a better-than-expected pace this far into 2016.   During the month of March, the City of Sandy had 66 new homes under construction.  Of the 13 builders, Villa Vista Homes leads in the most number of active single family houses and townhomes – 22 in total.  Hayden Homes follows with 17 new homes in various phases of construction, and more lots still vacant.   Gibson Homes completed the last of their 8 townhouse, but are still waiting for public works to close their files.  Raasch Construction has 5 homes underway.  West Ridge Homes had 4 homes in progress, and Richard Haggerty had 3 new homes nearing completion.  Raze Custom Homes still has 2 homes underway.  Wolverine Construction, Oregon Custom Homes, and Alan Seymor, are currently building one home each.  Lastly, there were two new duplexes being constructed on Hood Street; Cashatt Construction and Stonewood homes, have started identical duplexes on the same side of the street. Below is a picture of one of the homes constructed by Ron Haggerty on American Street.

American Street house






3) URBAN RENEWAL – The Facade Grant Review Board approved a facade grant request by Carlo Vicenttin in the amount of $43,300 to allow construction of improvements to the new La Bamba Restaurant located at 17275 Strauss Ave.