HR Manager Report – May 2022

Recruitment and interviews took place for Seasonal Position in Parks, Public Works and SandyNet. All departments were successful in filling their positions. This is exciting as we have not been able to fill these positions for two years. We did lower the age limit and made some adjustments to the Job Description which allowed for a wider pool of candidates.

The hire for the Full Time Telecom Utility Worker fell through and it was decided to bring on an additional seasonal worker instead of opening recruitment again due to the lack of applicants at this time.

Recruitment and interviews took place for the position of Building Monitor at the Community/Senior Center.

The Parks/Facilities Manager recruitment started. Joe Preston retires the end of June.

Peter Wantuck started as our new System Administrator. Scott Jones who was in that position previously took a new position in the City as a Patrol Officer.

The library received numerous applications for their two shelver positions. Interviews will happen towards the end of June.

Safety Committee is getting a revamp after the pause during COVID. Tiana Rundell was selected as the new Chair.

Union negotiations have begun, but nothing to report at this time.

No separations occurred in April.