Human Resources Report – March 2018

The month of March brought about some new faces, as well as open positions. Three employees were hired; Police Records Clerk, Seasonal Parks Worker, Senior Services Manager, and Kitchen Worker. We recruited for two positions; Building Monitor and Alzheimer’s Respite Program Coordinator.

HR is looking into some software that would work with our current Personnel Management system, which would allow for employees to view PDFs of their pay-stubs, W-2s, and any other payroll documents electronically. Additionally, this software would allow for the HR Department to electronically store many documents within each employee record. The software is inexpensive, and appears to increase accessibility of records to employees. More information will be provided as we dig deeper into this.

In addition to the four new employees, there were two separations. The total employee count as of March 31st was 85.

Human Resources Report – January 2018

January was a busy month for the HR Department. In addition to the normal first of the year tasks, such as issuing W-2s and 1095Cs for the prior calendar year, we also began recruiting for two positions in the Community Services Department. These two positions are both newly created, and include Senior Services Manager and Building Monitor.

HR also made changes to comply with with federal regulations related to taxable fringe benefits, which include data and gym allowances that some employees receive.

Various projects that are currently in the works include review of, and updates to, all job descriptions, a comprehensive update to the Personnel Policies, and other miscellaneous policies related to recruitment, selection, and retention.

There were no new hires this month, and no terminations. The current, total employee count is 81.