The last seasonal employee was hired for IT/SandyNet in June. They will look to re-open their full time position later this fall.
Parks & Recreation began recruitment for the new Recreation Coordinator and they continue to look to fill their Building Monitors. Once those positions are filled, they will be fully staffed.
The library conducted interviews for two Library Shelvers and both new employees will start in early July.
Joe Preston retired on June 30th after 26 years of service. Tiana Rundell was selected as his replacement with an updated job description and title (Parks Facilities Manager) to reflect the responsibility and duty changes taking place in that position. Recruitment for Tiana’s replacement will start soon.
COVID continues to be part of our daily work environment as we work around quarantines and isolations.
HR Manager Report – May 2022
Recruitment and interviews took place for Seasonal Position in Parks, Public Works and SandyNet. All departments were successful in filling their positions. This is exciting as we have not been able to fill these positions for two years. We did lower the age limit and made some adjustments to the Job Description which allowed for a wider pool of candidates.
The hire for the Full Time Telecom Utility Worker fell through and it was decided to bring on an additional seasonal worker instead of opening recruitment again due to the lack of applicants at this time.
Recruitment and interviews took place for the position of Building Monitor at the Community/Senior Center.
The Parks/Facilities Manager recruitment started. Joe Preston retires the end of June.
Peter Wantuck started as our new System Administrator. Scott Jones who was in that position previously took a new position in the City as a Patrol Officer.
The library received numerous applications for their two shelver positions. Interviews will happen towards the end of June.
Safety Committee is getting a revamp after the pause during COVID. Tiana Rundell was selected as the new Chair.
Union negotiations have begun, but nothing to report at this time.
No separations occurred in April.
HR Report – April 2022
Marc Young joined the Parks & Recreation Team on April 26th, as the new Driver/Transportation Coordinator.
Preparation has begun for the beginning of union negotiations that begin in late May.
Recruitment for a Telecom Utility Worker wrapped up and the new employee should be starting in late June.
Recruitment continues to be the main focus in HR as we are staffing back up in the Parks & Recreation Department, Public Works and all the seasonal positions.
We are beginning to receive more applications which is a good sign that the hiring market is becoming more stable. We will continue to have openings coming in May.
No separations occurred in April.
HR Report – March 2022
John Wallace, our new Community / Senior Center Manager started on March 24th for our Parks & Recreation Department. The recruitment process was completed for the Executive Assistant in Parks & Rec. with our new employee Chelsea starting in late April.
Sarah Richardson resigned with the City of Sandy as of March 11, 2022.
Sgt. Bickle’s last day with the City was March 31st.
Mike Walker has retired and is still acting as a consultant to the City while wrapping up some projects.
The City is currently looking for Seasonal Positions for Parks & Recreation, Public Works and It/SandyNet departments. You can find the postings here.
HR Report – February 2022
Jenny Coker our new Public Works Director started on February 1st. Ryan Anderson, our newest Patrol Officer will start on 2/28.
The first round of interviews for the Park and Rec. Community Senior Center Manager will begin on 2/17 and their Executive Assistant interviews will start next month. The Telecom Utility Worker is still in active recruitment.
By month end I will have reviewed the new Personnel Policy Manual with all employees.
HR Report – May 2021
There no new hires in May. There were three separations during the month, all in the Community Services Division. The positions are undergoing an evaluation of need currently, with the exception of the Community Services Director, which will we begin recruiting for in July.
Human Resources staff members are researching and reviewing additional diversity, equity, and inclusion training modules for staff to build upon the past trainings that were completed earlier this year. More information will be provided once we have a better understanding of the resources available to us.
HR Report – July 2020
There was one new hire in July – an intern for SandyNet. There are no current job openings at this time.
All permanent positions will undergo an evaluation of need prior to recruiting for a replacement.
The Pay Equity & Compensation Plan was adopted on July 20th. Finance Department staff was able to get all payroll changes implemented immediately following the meeting, and all employees were paid their updated rate of pay in July.
Human Resources staff members are researching and reviewing various diversity, equity, and inclusion training modules for staff. More information will be provided once we have a better understanding of the resources available to us.
HR Report – February 2020
In February the City had three new hires. Two are drivers in the Transit department, and one is a Planner in the Development Services Department.
A listing of current open positions can be found here.
Staff is working on many projects currently, including the Pay Equity and Compensation Study, as well as a comprehensive review and update to the City’s personnel policies.
HR Report – January 2020
In December the City had nine new hires, and one separations. Five are referees in the Recreation department, three drivers in the Transit department, and one in Administration.
A listing of current open positions can be found here.
Staff will being work on reviewing the Compensation Study and looking at ways to implement any needed changes. Council will be involved in the process as we continue to move forward.
HR Report – December 2019
In December the City had 21 new hires, and one separations. This was all related to the transition of the Transit drivers from their contracted positions to temporary City employees.
A listing of current open positions can be found here.
The Pay Equity Study has been completed, and LGPI is working away on finalizing our Compensation Study. We will sit down to review the first draft in mid January, and hope to have a final report around the end of January.