Council Report – July 2012


We are seeing an uptick in thefts over the last few weeks.  Most of the crimes appear to be crimes of opportunity, but we have seen a few garden sheds pried open.

Officer Sytsma was running to the aid of another officer who was struggling with a suspect.  He was unable to see a speed bump in the dark, and fell hard onto his right hand.  He sustained injuries that required surgery and pinning of fractures.  He is on light duty and helping out at the front desk.  He will most likely be on light duty for another few months.  He is working hard at physical therapy.  I know he is trying to get back to patrol as quick as humanly possible.

June and July were busy and required everyone to be on duty most of the time.  That leaves August for summer vacations.  As a result we are pretty short handed.  The Sergeants and I have been filling a lot of the shifts so that the patrol staff can get some much needed rest.

The three officers that received their commercial inspection certification in June stopped and did inspections on eight big rigs in July.  A group of six more officers will be attending the certification class in September with the remaining officer going in December. I am hoping, and I believe seeing, that word will get out among the truckers to slow down, and have all of their equipment in good condition when driving through Sandy.


Diane Reed and I attended an Eforce (our records management system) Users Conference in Park City Utah.  It was informative and we came away as “Certified Administrators” of the program.  Future training will be done regional, so we are hoping we won’t have to travel so far in the future.

I have been working with our City Attorney on seized asset protocols and have been able to make some headway.  The next step is an MOU with the County, as the law requires they be provided with a percentage of anything we receive.

We have two more required items to finish before we submit for the accreditation inspection.  Those items will be completed and the inspection requested NLT 08/31/12.  I will keep you posted as we progress.



Detective Bickle completed two more background checks on two potential reserve hires. One as a familiar last name (Skelton).  He also competed a background check on Mr. Evan Pestalozzi, who will be coming on as an intern the second week in September.

Detective Bickle currently has an open case load of seven cases, several of which are complicated and will take some time.  He closed four cases in July that including a case of a newborn child testing positive for methamphetamine.