Council Report – April 2014

Administration and Training

Officer Craven and Officer Hodges attended the Desert Snow training, information they will be able to share with the rest of patrol as they work with everyone.  Desert Snow training is drug interdiction training focusing on hidden compartments in vehicles.  With the high volume of traffic going through Sandy we felt it prudent to provide training that will help us catch drug trafficking.

Officer Stephenson completed the four day training at the Child abuse summit in Portland.

Several of the warning lights that were taken out of the patrol cars being taken out of service will find new homes with public works. Kevin ask if they could be reused in their vehicles, so we got them to him. This will not affect new vehicle being put into service.

Sgt Roberts reports that we are still waiting on more parts before we can finish the new computer installs on the cars.  We won’t see the new cars on the road for several more weeks.  While not the ideal news we wanted, it is beyond our control.  Better to wait and install one piece of equipment rather than install our current computers and have to do a re-install in several weeks.

We have done several traffic “stings” for red light violators.  Several tickets were written and I bet the “word” will get out to the general public.

Diane Reed reports that we were able to take about a dozen boxes of old records to the SOLV clean up for shredding.  Nice to have the old paper records out of the way.  All documents were scanned and are archived for future reference.  One more step towards a paper LESS environment.

The Sandy Police Department and the Sandy Municipal Court received the annual LEDS audit and passed with NO discrepancies.  Diane Reed does a great job keeping our training and records in order.

The department held its annual Fire Arms Qualification course on April 7.  Everyone passed this state requirement without problem.

Officer Olmos conducted our quarterly defensive tactics training this month.

Chief Yamashita participated in a meeting with Senator Merkley.  The meeting was set up by the Oregon Chief’s of Police Association and we discussed our concerns about several topics to include marijuana legalization.


Property and Evidence – Juli Smith

Items Received:            105                                                            Year To Date:               246

Items Purged:                28                                                            Year To Date:                76

Total EOQ Items Since Inception 2012:                                 1,916

Total EOQ Purged:                                                                         778

Total EOQ Items In Inventory :                                                     1138

(Numbers for items received and purged include only cases logged into EvidenceOnQ. Purging  on ClassWeb cases continues but is not included in the count)

Trips to Crime Lab:     1


Number of Items Submitted:  11

Year To Date:                        28


Sales:   The Property Room had sales of $0 this month.  Yearly sales total $30.00.

*Inventoried supplies (gloves, NIK tests, packaging)

*Property Room had a thorough bleach scrub down after the Estacada stabbing

Case and evidence items were processed.

*Sharps containers ordered for all patrol cars and replaced as needed.

*Plans  to accelerate sales for the Property Room and bring in a more consistent monthly income.