Council Report-May 2019

Busy month for my admin staff as I was away in Germany for two weeks on vacation with friends and family. As always, my admin staff did a great job of making sure your police department ran smoothly while I was away. I was provided regular updates via email while I was away.

The rest of the month was spent working on budget issues. With the budget now adopted by council, we can all breath a sigh of relief as we enter into the new biennium soon. A lot of work was put into this budget as we had a deficit coming into the cycle. Everyone worked together on this. A lot of late nights for me and all of you as well. I appreciated your input along the way. Thanks to all of you.

As the summer approaches, the police department is preparing for events, including the Longest Day Parkway Ride, 4th of July Fireworks, Noah’s Quest and Mt. Festival to name a few. All of these events require police services for traffic control, crowd and event security etc..Our goal is for families to attend, have a great time and not have to worry about their safety while enjoying time with their families.

The police department is still in the process for hiring an officer, possibly two. This process was put on hold until the budget could be passed so we are playing catch up to get two vacant positions filled. The selection process is nearly complete and we have one candidate that will be in the background phase of the process soon. We will continue the process when funding is secured for our budget.

Looking forward to seeing all of you at our great family events in Sandy.