Council Report – April 2016

On April 6, 2016 all SPD staff received updates and training on our regional records management system called RegJIN. While we continue to learn and have days that are a tad frustrating, the end result seems to be worth the time and effort. Agencies all over the region have been able to solve crimes as a result of this information sharing.

On April 7th, Chief Yamashita presented earthquake safety and preparedness to the Clackamas Community Bank staff.

Chief Yamashita attend the Oregon Chief’s Association Conference in Bend the week of April 11th. She heard from speakers around the country and discussed legal updates (including changes in the legalization of marijuana), labor law and other exciting topics. The information will be shared with staff.

SPD hosted a meeting with Gladstone PD to show and discuss our current Run, Hide, Fight school safety protocol and the the changes made to schools in our district. We discussed the importance and encouraged the development of a relationship with their district and other community members.

Bright and early on April 20th, Chief Yamashita hosted “Good Morning Sandy” at the PD. We discussed the upcoming bond initiative and did a demonstration as two why our radios service is insufficient. We also answered other SPD related questions and gave a tour of the facility.

On Friday April 22, Officer Hodges and Chief Yamashita presented a personal safety training to Guide Dogs staff. They have elected to have us return and do more training.

The week of April 25th was a busy one. We held a personal safety class for Clackamas Community Bank on Tuesday, Did our mandatory Taser re-certification training on Wednesday, Taught at Kelso Elementary (how science is used in Law Enforcement) on Thursday. Also on Thursday Officer Jeff Argubright received the “Officer of the Year Award” from the City of Estacada. and then on Friday we participated in the Cedar Ridge Career Day event. Whew….