Council Report-August 2018

August presented some challenges for the police department. With summer events in full swing at Meinig Park and other areas, extra staffing is needed for security purposes. Many staff members are taking much needed vacations this time of year after the festivals in July. We always find a way to get through these challenges and staff always steps up to fill the gaps wherever they are needed. This does put extra strain on our overtime budget.

Scheduling preparations are nearly complete for the end of the Estacada contract for police services. I am looking forward to having all patrol slots filled. Its been a long time since your police department has been fully staffed. There are still budget challenges ahead associated with this. In addition to being fully staffed, the police department will reinstate the traffic officer position and is in the testing process for that position. We have not had a dedicated traffic officer since I had the position in 2006. Once the officer is chosen and starts his new duties, I believe we will see a reduction in traffic related complaints over time. The schedule for this position has is yet to be determined but I do know that it will flex at times to cover changing traffic conditions.

We also are still working on replacement of our mobile computer systems. The current computers are in need of replacement and I have asked for help from our wonderful IT staff to help with recommendations for new laptops. The goal is to get the best product for the lowest price possible.

The final details are being worked out for the additional SRO (School Resource Officer) for the Oregon Trail School District. I am working with the district to ensure a smooth start to the school year. We are all excited to be able to provide an additional officer for the district. More to come as this develops further.