Council Report – November 2015

As mentioned in last months report, Superintendent Aaron Bayer, Julia Monteith, Scott Coleman and Chief Yamashita presented at the Oregon School Board Assoc. conference on November 13th.  The presentation was about “Creating a Culture of Safety”.  The talk went very well and we had several larger police agencies in attendance.  The Eugene PD official approached Chief Yamashita after the presentation and commented on how far ahead of the “game” we were and that we were the “tip of the spear” when it comes to our preparedness.

An update and inventory of the EOC was conducted this month and we remain ready.  Food stores and emergency blankets were added to the inventory in case we need to shelter folks in place or run a protracted EOC event.  We also completed a set of instructions for setting up the EOC, including a diagram.  It can be found on the wall in the EOC.  The idea is that the first person arriving should be able to use these instructions to get the EOC up and started before the arrival of other team members.

Chief Yamashita presented a self defense and ID theft class for seniors at the community center this month.  There are about a dozen folks in attendance.  We covered issues like ID theft, current scams and things seniors can do to improve safety.  We concluded the class with a general Q and A session.

After doing  return on investment analysis, we have made the decision to discontinue offering finger printing services starting in January.  The current staffing makes it inefficient to do enough volume to make it cost effective.  Most municipal departments have not offered this service for some time.  We have offered the OTSD, Sandy Fire, and other agencies that utilize the service free training to a staff member so they can do the fingerprinting in house.  This will save them money too!  Folks needing this service will continue to have several options and the service will still be available to them elsewhere.

Sandy PD is gearing up to help out with the Shop with a Cop program next month.  More on that (and some photos) next month.