Council Report – December 2014

We closed out 2014 by taking 14,070 calls for service which is up from the 12,647 from 2014.

Officers made 3623 traffic stops in 2014 compared to 3931 last year.  I suspect traffic stops were down a little because call volume was up.Year end








We continue to do community outreach, particularly with schools and kids groups.  Here is a picture of Officer Herrera visiting one of our Head Start Schools.  I am not sure which “kid” had the most fun, but suspect it was Officer Herrera.


In an effort to clear up some property room space, Juli Smith decided to try to hold a sale of bikes. Her thought was that we could offer bikes and scooters at very reasonable prices. She chose this time of year thinking that there may be some families that could benefit form this opportunity. Boy was she right. We had a grandfather come in and pick up two bikes for his grand kids. He wanted to keep the bikes at his house for when they visit. He explained that they had outgrown the bikes they have. Another single mother, working four jobs, was allowed to put a down payment on the bikes she needed for her kids. We worked with her and were able to get her two really nice, look like new, bikes for the holidays. We spread good cheer, helped a few folks out and made a little money for the city all at the same time. Win-win-win!

Bike Blue Bikes Scooter