Council Report-July 2018

Another busy month for the police department. With the July 4th celebrations and the Sandy Mountain Festival in the span of two weeks, your police were very busy. This years celebrations went very well. We had very few incidents during the celebrations. Our staff did a very good job of planning out these events. It’s always a bit stressful for everyone but this is when our staff performs well.

After the events is usually when many of our staff plan their vacations. This is also challenging for administration. We have to fill the vacant patrol slots while minimizing overtime expenditures when possible.

We are now getting closer to the end of the Estacada contract. October 1st will be the final day for police services there. We are currently planning schedule changes to be ready for that date. Our goal is to maximize our coverage here in Sandy. There will be some changes to current shifts to accomplish this. Also, council approved an additional School Resource Officer for the Oregon Trail School District. This was a welcome addition and I’m currently working with Superintendent Bayer regarding the schedule for the two officers we will have in our schools. This will allow for better coverage and additional police presence for our youth. The program has been a huge success thus far. The additional officer will start at the beginning of this school year.