Council Report – June 2014


We have spent most of the month gearing up and planning for a busy July.   In addition to planning for the future we had a busy June.

On the:

June 3rd – we conducted tours of the SPD for approx. 60 Firwood Elementary school students.

June 4th – staff meeting were several officers received letters from the public thanking them for their efforts.

June 5th – we worked with folks from Hood to Coast to take care of the details concerning the new route change – The course will go down Bluff and the exchange will be at the Sandy HS.

June 10th – Chief Yamashita represented the Oregon Chief’s of Police Association at a local board meeting.

June 16th – we met with the MT Hood Athletic Club to workout details for the Mt. Madness run that will occur Saturday of Mt. Festival.

June 19th – Chief Yamashita was the guest speaker at the Estacada Chamber Lunch – We discussed marijuana issues.

Chief Yamashita also taught a woman’s self defense class at the community center.

We rolled out the first of the new cars for patrol use.  The process for getting all the installation done has been tough, but Sgt. Roberts is working hard on the project and make great progress.  We have been labeled as the agency to go to for information on product selection and installation.  Chief Yamashita even requested information from another chief in Ohio.

Sandy Lopez is working as a part time contract person to scan and log all of our remaining paper reports.  We have about 10 years worth of old reports (circa 70’s 80’s) that are in storage at the shops.  We have been increasingly concerned about damage and loss of the records due to accident or weather related incident.  Having them scanned will also make them much easier to find, sort and search.  She will only be working for a few months.

Beginning June 2nd, the business office began closing on Friday’s.  So far so good, but we continue to monitor the needs of our citizens and other city departments.  We have not gotten any complaints but stand ready to change the office scheduling if needed.


Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement Officer Moody has been really busy.  A lost of his activity has been spent trying to get folks to clean up lots and properties before Mt. Festival.  He took in 53 new code violation complaints and closed out 55. He wrote 31 reports and issued 11 tickets.  He also took four dogs to the county shelter after being unable to find owners.



 Juli Smith remains busy in our property room.  Here is her report.

Items Received:              86                                               Year To Date:               391

Items Purged:                   65                                               Year To Date:               166

Total EOQ Items Since Inception 2012:                                                                2,087

Total EOQ Purged:                                                                                                    867

Total EOQ Items In Inventory                                                                                1220

(Numbers for items received and purged include only cases logged into EvidenceOnQ. Purging  on ClassWeb cases continues but is not included in the count)

Trips to Crime Lab:                                  1

Number of Items Submitted:                  9                Year To Date:                        47


Sales:   The Property Room had sales of $55.00 this month.  Yearly sales total $85.00.


  • Current focus is on clearing guns that are being stored for Safekeeping, cleaning the City Shops during the summer weather and clearing old Juvenile cases.   Clackamas County Juvenile has finally come on board and will document cases with the Property Disposition form I created for them.






Council Report – May 2014


We had our Spring Cleaning party and several staff members came out on their own time to volunteer to clean, paint and repair the station.  I really appreciate their efforts, hard work and willingness to help the city save some money by doing the work themselves.  We are hoping to make this an annual event that will help the building look better, longer.

The entire records staff and I met with the folks from Estacada City Hall.  We had a working lunch, and discussed various topics that will help both cities be more efficient and work better together.  The Estacada staff also received a tour of the Sandy PD.

We’ve now had the DUII refresher course for everyone and current legal updates courtesy of Oregon State Patrol.


Code Enforcement

It is that time of year when Code Enforcement Officer Moody is really busy.  The alternating rain and sun makes the grass (weeds) grow like crazy.  In May he took 38 new complaints.  He was able to clear up 27 of them, writing 25 reports.  He continues to place the radar trailer around town as needed.  He also took a few dogs to the shelter.


Property and Evidence (Juli Smith)

Items Received:             59                                 Year To Date:               305

Items Purged:                   25                               Year To Date:               101

Total EOQ Items Since Inception 2012:                                                 2,009

Total EOQ Purged:                                                                                      818

Total EOQ Items In Inventory                                                                    1191

(Numbers for items received and purged include only cases logged into EvidenceOnQ. Purging  on ClassWeb cases continues but is not included in the count)

Trips to Crime Lab:                                              1

Number of Items Submitted:                 10            Year To Date:                        38

Sales:   The Property Room had sales of $0 this month.  Yearly sales total $30.00.

  • Property Room activities down as I have had more Front Desk time required in the past month.  With a new schedule in place, other staff will pick up some of the fingerprinting duties and I should have more time to get caught up on projects.
  • As the weather improves, I have plans for cleaning the Shops and selling some surplus items.
  • At the current time there is still approximately 3,740 cases in Classweb to be reviewed and purged, for a total of around 5,000 pieces of evidence housed in the Property Room.

Council Report – April 2014

Administration and Training

Officer Craven and Officer Hodges attended the Desert Snow training, information they will be able to share with the rest of patrol as they work with everyone.  Desert Snow training is drug interdiction training focusing on hidden compartments in vehicles.  With the high volume of traffic going through Sandy we felt it prudent to provide training that will help us catch drug trafficking.

Officer Stephenson completed the four day training at the Child abuse summit in Portland.

Several of the warning lights that were taken out of the patrol cars being taken out of service will find new homes with public works. Kevin ask if they could be reused in their vehicles, so we got them to him. This will not affect new vehicle being put into service.

Sgt Roberts reports that we are still waiting on more parts before we can finish the new computer installs on the cars.  We won’t see the new cars on the road for several more weeks.  While not the ideal news we wanted, it is beyond our control.  Better to wait and install one piece of equipment rather than install our current computers and have to do a re-install in several weeks.

We have done several traffic “stings” for red light violators.  Several tickets were written and I bet the “word” will get out to the general public.

Diane Reed reports that we were able to take about a dozen boxes of old records to the SOLV clean up for shredding.  Nice to have the old paper records out of the way.  All documents were scanned and are archived for future reference.  One more step towards a paper LESS environment.

The Sandy Police Department and the Sandy Municipal Court received the annual LEDS audit and passed with NO discrepancies.  Diane Reed does a great job keeping our training and records in order.

The department held its annual Fire Arms Qualification course on April 7.  Everyone passed this state requirement without problem.

Officer Olmos conducted our quarterly defensive tactics training this month.

Chief Yamashita participated in a meeting with Senator Merkley.  The meeting was set up by the Oregon Chief’s of Police Association and we discussed our concerns about several topics to include marijuana legalization.


Property and Evidence – Juli Smith

Items Received:            105                                                            Year To Date:               246

Items Purged:                28                                                            Year To Date:                76

Total EOQ Items Since Inception 2012:                                 1,916

Total EOQ Purged:                                                                         778

Total EOQ Items In Inventory :                                                     1138

(Numbers for items received and purged include only cases logged into EvidenceOnQ. Purging  on ClassWeb cases continues but is not included in the count)

Trips to Crime Lab:     1


Number of Items Submitted:  11

Year To Date:                        28


Sales:   The Property Room had sales of $0 this month.  Yearly sales total $30.00.

*Inventoried supplies (gloves, NIK tests, packaging)

*Property Room had a thorough bleach scrub down after the Estacada stabbing

Case and evidence items were processed.

*Sharps containers ordered for all patrol cars and replaced as needed.

*Plans  to accelerate sales for the Property Room and bring in a more consistent monthly income.


Council Report – March 2014


Chief Yamashita completed an interview with Klove Air-1 Radio Station.  The interview lasted a little over an hour and will be edited down to a 30 minute segment on the radio.  They plan on playing the interview several times over the next year.  The topics included services provided by the department, what to do if you are pulled over, and emergency management tips.  We will let you know when the air dates and times are determined.

Chief Yamashita met with the Sandy Kiwanis and covered the medical/legalization of marijuana issues with the group.  We also covered other questions and concerns.

The Oregon Trail School District staff, Chief Yamashita and Sgt. Burns met with officials from the City of Gladstone to share our school safety plans and and programs.  There is interest in the county as to what we have accomplished and they are starting to come to us for advice.  We continue to train school staff and will be working with Sandy Elementary in April.

Officer Argubright was released form all training is now on solo patrol.  He is doing a great job and is making a fine addition to the department.

The new computer equipment is finally starting to roll in and we should be able to start installation to the new cars soon.  Once that is complete we will get them on the road.  Some of the older cars that no longer work, have been dismantled and are being sent to the crusher.

Property Room Report – Juli Smith

 Items Received:             72                                                 Year To Date:               151

Items Purged:                  14                                                Year To Date:                48

Total EOQ Items Since Inception 2012:                                                               1,834

Total EOQ Purged:                                                                                                    723

Total EOQ Items In Inventory                                                                                1111

Trips to Crime Lab:                                                                                                       1

Number of Items Submitted:                 6                   Year To Date:                        17

 Sales:   The Property Room had sales of $0 this month.  Yearly sales total $30.00.

  •  Started Shops clean up and a few bicycles purged.
  • Property Room re-organization for bulky items outgrowing their space.
  • Some Shelving was removed and taken to City Shops for storage.
  • Excess refrigerator was removed from Property Room.  Only mid-sized refrigerator in use now.

Code Enforcement

CE Officer Moody received 21 complaints this month and cleared out 25.  He issues 13 citations for various code violations.  He and Chief Yamashita met with the building department and discussed options for enforcing the business license compliance issues.

Council Report – February 2014


We have an opportunity each year to submit application for scholarships for the Child Abuse Summit.  We usually are awarded two scholarships.  This year is no different.  We will be sending Officer Jesse Steffanson and Detective Coates.

I spent a lot of time in February talking to groups about the current medical marijuana and legalization of marijuana issues.

A new U.S. Flag was hoisted and repairs have started on what will be the second one. We will replace and clean the flags every few months, they get dirty being right by the road.

Between Sandy and Estacada we took 220 reports in February; busy but not overwhelming.

First false alarm notices and reminders to obtain alarms have gone out.  After a bit of a learning curve, and some corrected permits issued, we appear to be up and running.
Judge Brisbin and staff from Clackamas County Justice Court recently toured the PD for “finishing ideas” as they will be moving into their new building in May.



The property/evidence room has been busy.  Juli Smith (Property Tech) and Sgt. Burns cleaned out the evidence room of 500 pounds of evidence material that was destroyed (we burn our evidence at a place called Covanta).

They also took with them, 260 pounds of “take back drugs” from the medication take back program drop box.  That means 260 pounds of drugs that will not go into our ground water thanks to this program.

 Code Enforcement

CE Officer Moody received 20 new cases this month and cleared 21.  He issued 9 code enforcement related citations.




Council Report – January 2014


Diane Reed and Chief Yamashita participated in a conference call with Oregon State Senator Laura Monnes-Anderson.  We discussed what is and is not working with the sex offender registration program.  Diane brings 30 years experience to the table and had some great ideas.  The Senators office has asked for more information from SPD.

Chief Yamashita and Diane Reed attended the the most recent RegJin Meeting.  RegJin is the new software being contemplated by Clackamas, Clark, Washington, Multnohmah a police agencies as a new records management system.  Not much new to report, the project is large and is moving forward, albeit slowly.

We officially launched the new Alarm Program January 1, 2014.  We have had a slow stream of folks that have come in to register their alarms.   Officers are leaving applications and a letter with residents that have alarms but no permits when responding to false alarms.   We are giving everyone until the end of February as a grace period.  After that we will probably start the fine process.

Once again we facilitated the job shadow program from the high school and had about 8 students that participated with the officers and the staff. Most had an informative time and managed to get some behind the scenes glimpses of police work.

Sgt. Burns  attended the kick off meeting for Estacada and the formation of their EOP, they are using the same company we did so our info will be easy to gather and import to them. Same cooperation with the county will be used.

Evidence/Property Room

Items Received:             33                                                 Year To Date:                33

Items Purged:                  23                                                Year To Date:                23

Total EOQ Items Since Inception 2012:                                                               1,699

Total EOQ Purged:                                                                                                    651

Total EOQ Items In Inventory                                                                                1048

Trips to Crime Lab:                                1

Number of Items Submitted:                2                   Year To Date:                        2

 Sales:   The Property Room had sales of $30 this month.  Yearly sales total $30.00.

This month we completed the boxing of the extensive overgrow case that has been clogging up the evidence holding area at the shops.  Boxes have been counted and a run to Covanta is planned for the first part of February.  Convanta is the business where we take our property for destruction.  It is a secured facility and Sgt. Burns (Property Room Supervisor) and Juli Smith  (Property Technician) will deliver the boxes of property (sealed) and watch as they are destroyed by burning.

An inventory of the bikes that have accumulated at the city shops and will also be addressed with the ongoing purging of old cases, closed or adjudicated

Juli Smith also takes the found clothing that is usable and in good condition, washes it and then takes it to the Sandy Community Action Center.  The clothing included 15 heavy, winter coats in like new condition.

The Property Room had a job shadow participant; they spent the day in the Property Room, assisted with two property releases and had a tour of the Crime Lab.

Research was completed with the Juvenile department on how long Juvenile prints are retained in AFIS to assist Officer Hodges in one of his cases now that the suspect is an adult.  Unfortunately, prints from a 2008 case were no longer accessible.

Code Enforcement

Officer Moody took in 28 new complaints and cleared a back log of 42 cases.  He wrote 10 citations.  We also responded to and issued a citation after investigating a dog bite case.


Council Report – December 2013

Year in Review      

Last year was busy. We responded to 8716 call for service (an average of 23.8 calls per per day).  We wrote  2915 reports.   We made 1314 and our case closure rate for 2013 averaged 63.9 percent. We conducted 3931 traffic stops (an average of 281 stops per officer for the year). Don’t let it be said that this group is not working hard!

Other News

The new cars have arrived!  Some equipment needs to be added and they should start showing up on the road in about 2 weeks.  We will bring one by a council meeting for your inspection/review.  We thank the council for this wonderful and much needed equipment!



The Alarm Permit program is up and running.  We’ve had several folks come in and get their alarms.  The increase in work load as been very manageable.  Officer Taylor is heading up the program and doing a good job.








I was recently elected to the Executive Board to represent District 4 for the Oregon Association of Chief’s of Police.  It is quite an honor and I am humbled that my peers would have so much confidence in me.




Council Report – November 2013

Officers Olmos, Wetherbee and Chief Yamashita provided training to the staff at Kelso Elementary.  We started with a classroom portion of the new Run, Hide, Fight active shooter training.

Chief and Olmos at Kelso


We then moved to the gym and did some easy to do take downs.  The Kelso staff did a great job.  In the picture below you see one of the staff members taking down Wetherbee while Olmos cheers her on!  Almost everyone at the school went “hands on” and seemed to really like the training.

Wetherbee gets beat up by a girl!


 Code Enforcement

Officer Moody issued four parking citations and towed one abandon vehicle in November  He also received 15 new code related complains and cleared 20.  We have been hit hard on graffiti and he has been working to solve those cases.  We have had 15 graffiti cases this month.  He has some good leads.  He also dealt with an abuse of a dog issue.
We were well represented at the funeral to honor Oregon City Reserve Officer Libke.  As you know he lost is life in a shooting in Oregon City.  Sgt Roberts, Officer Craven and Chief Yamashita stayed behind and covered calls so the group could attend the funeral
 In addition to their attendance, the Sandy Police Officers Assoc. donated $1000. to the Libke family fund.  Officer Herrera and Reserve Officer Moody also went around to local business and were able to get another $800 in donations for the family.  They then took this money to a local bank that was willing to match donations so the Libke family received an additional $1600 through their wonderful efforts.
Sgt Burns is back to work after recovering from his injury.  He is on light duty for a while but it is great to have him back and there are plenty of projects for him to work on.
The first of the new cars have started to arrive.  We have a lot of work to get them ready, paint scheme, radios and such.  You should start seeing them on patrol near the end of December.

Council Report – October 2013

Arrests by Category

Administration – Chief Yamashita

Things are going well.  We have integrated the Estacada contract into our work and so far so good.  The feed back from citizens of both cities, the school district and city staff have all been positive.  Officer’s Craven and Wetherbee are doing an outstanding job.  We have had to send a Sandy on-duty officer to a few calls over the last two months, and are working on moving things around in the schedule to ensure the best possible coverage.


From the 2013 Boo Bash – Estacada                  Photo Courtesy of Bob Morissey EFD

We hired a new officer, Jeff Argubright.  He will attend the Council meeting on 11-04-13 for his swearing in by the Mayor.  Jeff worked for the Clackamas County SO and has already been to the police academy.  He lives in Happy Valley and is a long time Oregon resident.

Diane Reed and Chief Yamashita went down town to the Portland Police Beurau’s HQ.  We met with a group of folks to discuss “RegJIN” which is an up and coming Records Management Software being contemplated for use by the two state, multi-county region.  We will continue to monitor their progress and stay in the loop.  If we opt to use this new software, it wouldn’t take effect until 2015, allowing us to get plenty of use out of our current software.  Some of the upsides of this new software include a dispatch integration that allows dispatchers to take the call and then that information is used to auto-populate the reports.  Saving time and data entry. Another big plus is the number of agencies that have shown interest; they include, PPB, Vancouver PD, all of Clark County and most of Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas County (minus the Sheriffs Office so far).

All of the SPD Records Staff and Court Staff (Heidi) traveled to Estacada for a lunch with the administrative city hall staff.  We were able to meet, put faces to names and exchange some ideas.


 Property Room – Juli Smith

Items Received:             73                 Year To Date:               652

Items Purged:                  19                Year To Date:               343

Total EOQ Items Since Inception 2012:                               1,531

Total EOQ Purged:                                                                   601

Total EOQ Items In Inventory                                                 930

(Numbers for items received and purged include only cases logged into EvidenceOnQ. Purging  on ClassWeb cases continues but is not included in the count)

Trips to Crime Lab:                                              1

Number of Items Submitted: 10                 Year To Date:  104

 Sales:   The Property Room had sales of $0 this month.  Yearly sales total $16,388.00

An unscheduled inspection of the Property Room was conducted this month; no

Deficiencies noted. A locker was delivered to Estacada City Hall to facilitate Property storage until Items can be transferred to Sandy PD.

 Code Enforcement 

Officer Moody issued 9 Parking Tickets in October.  He received 17 new code complaints while clearing 43 pending code cases.  Kevin transported two dogs to dog services and got two other dogs returned to their homes. He towed two vehicles for various reasons and disposed of one dead feline. He wrote 29 reports, 14 of which were Graffiti related.  He may have a lead on the suspect.

Council Report – September 2013


The funding for the new cars is complete and the funds are sitting in an account.  Once the new vehicles arrive, we can access that funding and pay the bill to Suburban in full. We have already made our first loan payment, the next is not due until October of 2014.

Patrol and Training

The first month of Estacada contract services went off without any problems.  Both citizens and staff are adapting well and seem to be enjoying the arrangement.  I have managed to work some shifts in Estacada and will continue to keep involved to ensure things continue along smoothly.

Sgt. Burns is still off with an injury (non-work related) and had a medical set back, but is again improving.  We hope that he can come in and start light duty in another few weeks.

We made the following arrests, by category:




The graph below will show the total number of reports taken and the number of cases cleared.  We have a case clearance rate of 58.4% in September.  This includes Estacada cases.  I wanted to include those so you could see our overall workload.



Evidence/Property Room (Juli Smith)

 Items Received:             57                                                   Year To Date:               579

Items Purged:                  14                                                  Year To Date:               324

Total EOQ Items Since Inception 2012:                                                                 1,460

Total EOQ Purged:                                                                                                      583

Total EOQ Items In Inventory                                                                                     877

(Numbers for items received and purged include only cases logged into EvidenceOnQ. Purging  on ClassWeb cases continues but is not included in the count)

Trips to Crime Lab:                                1

Number of Items Submitted:                 9                   Year To Date:                     94

Sales:   The Property Room had sales of $10 this month.  Yearly sales total $16,388.00

  •  $943.00 from closed cases, Property sales and Lost & Found was transferred to City of Sandy Finance department this month.
  • 62  drug items from 2011 cases  were cleared from the Property Room and removed from the CLASSweb data base this month.
Code Enforcement (CE Officer Moody)
23 total reports written
17 graffiti, information, animal, and towed vehicle reports etc.
6 code reports written/cleared
9 tickets issued (including the tree cutting in the park)
29 code complaints received
26 code complaints cleared
2 puppy dogs transported to dog control