Council Report – February 2016

Sandy Police Departments Run Hide Fight training has now spilled over to a local bank, and all three branches have been trained on the concepts.  We have also trained with the Community Center and Library staff.

Accreditation preparation continues, and is going well but has added to our work load.

On 02-03, all members of the Sandy Police Department received training on tactical medicine (use of clot stopping materials, pressure bandages and tourniquets) in addition to a CPR and AED refresher.  Speaking of AED’s the AED’s from Clackamas Fire are now in seven patrol cars and we have been responding to cardiac arrest calls, performing either CPR, using the AED or both.

Chief Yamashita traveled to Vancouver, Washington on 02-09-16 to participate in a trial of an old 2007 case.  The case involved serious allegations of sexual abuse of a minor.  The suspect was found guilty on all counts.  Sentencing is to take place in March.

On 02-12-26, Officer’s Lundry, Olmos and Chief Yamashita represented the Cities of Sandy and Estacada at Sgt. Goodings funeral in Seaside Oregon.  We are proud that we could participate and show our support for that community.

On 02-13-16, Chief Yamashita, along with Mayor King and Seth Atkinson attended the VFW ribbon cutting to celebrate their newly remodeled meeting room.

On 02-18-16, Chief Yamashita attended the Clackamas County Commissioners meeting to support the new radio bond.

On Friday 02-19-16, Chief Yamashtia traveled to the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training to attend a meeting on future conferences for the OACP and to help develop policy.

Several Chief’s of Police, including the Sandy Police Chief were invited to participate in a workshop at the law firm of Beery Elsner and Hammond.  The workshop was to evaluate and provide input on a software program that will allow officers to access needed information in the field.

On 02-24-16, All officers and reserve officers received annual firearms qualification. We had to use the Public Safety Training Center on Sunnybrook road as our range has been dismantled while the area is logged.  It is doubtful we will be able to use the range again an are exploring options.

Chief Schneider and Chief Yamashita participated in an exercise on 02-25-16 called the Mt. Angel Rocks table top exercise.  This was held at the Clackamas Fire District station on 130th Ave.  The exercise consists of as simulated 6.3 magnitude earthquake and initial response by police, fire and EMS.

On 02-25-16, Reserve Officers’ Garrett Thornton and Robert Crombie graduated from the reserve academy.  Their swearing in will be conducted during the first Council meeting in March.



Council Report – January 2016

On 01-17-16, a Facility Assessment for the Behavioral Health building was conducted, a report written and submitted to the County.

We continue with a healthy schedule of Run Hide Fight training in the community.

Chief Yamashita attended the Oregon Association of Chief’s of Police Conference held in Seaside Oregon.  The conference material dealt primarily with the mental health of those on the front line in law enforcement and programs and options for keeping our officers healthy.

On 01-16 and 01-17, multiple officers from the Sandy Police Department spent all day, both days (in the pouring rain) working with cadets from the most recent Regional Reserve Academy on traffic stop training.  It was a long but very productive weekend.

Sandy PD hosted a meeting with Estacada School board members to discuss the OTSD Safe Schools program and what we would like to duplicate in Estacada.  The information was very well received.

Chief Yamashita has started preparations for our Accreditation Renewal which is due the end of April of 2016.


Property Room Monthly Report (Juli Smith)

January 2016


Items Received:             51                                                      Year To Date:                51

Items Purged:                242                                               Year To Date:              242    

Total EOQ Items Since Inception 2012:                                                                        3,268

Total EOQ Purged:                                                                                                  1,492

Total EOQ Items In Inventory                                                                               1,776



Sales:   The Property Room had sales of $95.00 this month.  Yearly sales total $ 95.00

  • $184 in sales and cleared cases was transferred to City Hall this month.
  • 253 drug items were cleared from inventory and packaged for incineration at Covanta.
  • 13 ATF Etraces were submitted on the Clevenger case and guns boxed for Safekeeping.
  • 85 pieces of evidence were cleared in 2015 from the old ClassWeb system. At this pace it would take 15.7 years to clear the remaining cases.
  • We are maintaining the proper pace of inventory in/out within the EvidenceOnQ system. A well maintained Property Room should stay at about 50% purge rate for any given year.  We are currently at 54.3% purge rate since inception in 2012.

Council Report – December 2015

On 12-01-16, Chief Yamashita, along with Mayor King and Seth Atkinson meet and had breakfast with the Mt. Hood Chamber.

We provided patrol coverage for the City of Mollala for a few hours on 12-02 while their department celebrated the holidays.

On 12-07-15, Senator Chuck Thompsen came out and was introduced to our Safe Schools program and toured a couple of schools to see what we have been doing. He was impressed and enjoyed his time even though it was pouring rain.

On 12-10-15, Seth Atkinson and Chief Yamashita met with a company regarding a new mobile safety application that would allow users in the field to access emergency plans and other critical information.

Pm 12-12-15 Officers Lundry, Olmos, Wetherbee and Chief Yamashita Participated in Shop with a Cop. It was a huge success serving over 140 kids from Clackamas County.

On 12-14-15, Chief Yamashita participated on an interview pannel to help the Gresham Police Department select a new Captain.

SPD continues to provide the Run, Hide, Fight programs to the schools, business and community groups. The program is so popular that we are booking classes at least several times a month.

In December we continued to participate in the “Read to the Kids” program at the library.

Council Report – November 2015

As mentioned in last months report, Superintendent Aaron Bayer, Julia Monteith, Scott Coleman and Chief Yamashita presented at the Oregon School Board Assoc. conference on November 13th.  The presentation was about “Creating a Culture of Safety”.  The talk went very well and we had several larger police agencies in attendance.  The Eugene PD official approached Chief Yamashita after the presentation and commented on how far ahead of the “game” we were and that we were the “tip of the spear” when it comes to our preparedness.

An update and inventory of the EOC was conducted this month and we remain ready.  Food stores and emergency blankets were added to the inventory in case we need to shelter folks in place or run a protracted EOC event.  We also completed a set of instructions for setting up the EOC, including a diagram.  It can be found on the wall in the EOC.  The idea is that the first person arriving should be able to use these instructions to get the EOC up and started before the arrival of other team members.

Chief Yamashita presented a self defense and ID theft class for seniors at the community center this month.  There are about a dozen folks in attendance.  We covered issues like ID theft, current scams and things seniors can do to improve safety.  We concluded the class with a general Q and A session.

After doing  return on investment analysis, we have made the decision to discontinue offering finger printing services starting in January.  The current staffing makes it inefficient to do enough volume to make it cost effective.  Most municipal departments have not offered this service for some time.  We have offered the OTSD, Sandy Fire, and other agencies that utilize the service free training to a staff member so they can do the fingerprinting in house.  This will save them money too!  Folks needing this service will continue to have several options and the service will still be available to them elsewhere.

Sandy PD is gearing up to help out with the Shop with a Cop program next month.  More on that (and some photos) next month.




Council Report – October 2015

The State of Oregon released the school attendance report and we have made great strides.  Officer Olmos, along with OTSD staff have been working hard to improve the numbers at the high school.  Closing the campus and making other modifications have helped quite a bit.

During the 2013-14: 36% of students attended Sandy High School at least 90% of the time. This was a very low number and cause for the changes.

This last school year 2014-15 : 75% of students attended Sandy High School at least 90% of the time. What a great improvement.  While we still have a ways to go, we are happy with the improved numbers.

In October, Officer Sytsma conducted a traffic stop that led to a 6 pound marijuana arrests.  In addition to the marijuana, a large amount of oil and cash were also seized.  We are working with both the District Attorney ad City Attorney to ensure we navigate this new landscape well within the ever changing legal environment.  Well done Officer Sytsma!

Several Officers and the Chief formed a golf team and played at the Oregon Fallen Badge Foundation Fundraiser.  We resoundingly and proudly came in last place, but we had great fun supporting a great cause.

Aaron Bayer, Julia Montteith, Scott Coleman and Chief Yamashita spent time this month preparing for a presentation to the Oregon State School Board Association Conference.  We were asked to speak about our “Culture of Safety” and all of the things we were able to accomplish at the OTSD.  We look forward to the presentation and helping other school districts create their own “Culture of Safety”.  The presentation will be made on Friday, November 13, 2015 at 0800 hours.  The conference is held at the Marriott in down town Portland.



Council Report – September 2015

Chief Yamashita met with both sides of the “aggressive and dangerous dog” issue.  We worked on a rough outline and had a good discussion on where the policy should go.  Chief Yamashita will put together a draft and send it out to the workshop group for a final review.  Then it will go off to the City Attorney before coming to council for review and approval.

Chief Yamashita and Officer Wetherbee provided a helping hand to the Estacada HS booster club by taking our turn in the dunk tank.

Some of the staff was able to take an on line webinar  called “Law Enforcement Free Speech and Filming of Police.

Chief Yamashita assisted the Oja’s in getting rid of a squatter on their property by using the Nuisance ordinance.  This was made possible by the recent annex of the property.

Chief Steve Bartol with the Milwaukie PD and Chief Yamashita met to discuss the pros and cons of photo radar as speeding complaints are often a concern at the top of everyone’s list.  We did learn that the current ORS does not allow for Sandy to have photo radar so our first step would be to approach a legislator to see if we could get the law changed.  We learned from Milwaukie PD that it is not always a positive program and there is a lot to consider.

We did some more work with the Oregon Trail School District on emergency planning and updated our own COOP plan for the city.




Council Report – August 2015

August was a busy month for us as one might expect, there were still a lot of events in town, and employees on vacation. Even so, we did manage a little fun by putting together teams for several charity golf tournaments.

Nancy Enabnit and I met with a county representative to talk about smoke free parks. I am sure there will be more on that in the future.

We started our Read to the Kids program in conjunction with the Sandy Library. One Wednesday a month, one of us will be going, in uniform, to the library to read to the pre-school kids.

We hosted another blood drive, exceeding our goal of 30 units collected.

Lastly, we had an uneventful Hood to Coast.

Council Report – July 2015

Sergeant Roberts and Chief Yamashita started the background check on our new hire, Sean Lundry in July.  After completing some research we left Sandy for The Dallas on July 3rd.  There we conducted interviews with The Dalles Police Chief, Captain and staff.  We also went to neighbors and interviewed them to see what type of family the Lundry’s were.  While it was 108 degrees the day we chose to walk around the neighborhood we were greeted by very nice folks all of which stated they were saddened to see Mr. Lundry leave.  They describe he and his family and great members of their community.  The officers and command staff at The Dalles PD think they will be “less” for not having Sean in their department.  Our gain for sure.  The only down fall is that we will now have two Sean’s (Shawn).  We may require him to change his name.  We are shooting for a start date of August 1st, 2015.  His swearing in will be shortly after.

July 4th went pretty well. There were a few complaints on line, mostly on Face Book, which we managed pretty well.  One of the complaints was the distance folks with disabilities or lots of equipment would need to travel because part of the parking lot was closed during a baseball tournament.  We fixed this issue by having our officers use the Gator and help folks get to the fields and seating.

We of course then moved right into planning and execution of the Parade and Mt. Festival. Overall things went very well.  We had about a dozen volunteer youth working on their Mormon Missions help with pedestrian traffic and standing posts and closed roads.

Dale Willcox graduated near the top of his class on July 17th.  He is already on the road working with Officer Hererra.  He will be off training on or before September 24, 2015.



Council Report – June 2015

On June 2, 2015, Chief Yamashita covered the front desk at the police department so Records Manager Diane Reed and staff could attend additional RegJIN training.

RegJIN is presenting some challenges but staff is doing well mastering the complicated software. It has already proven useful being tied to other agencies and we have solved a couple of crimes because of our ability to read other agency reports.

Chief Yamashita attend the ribbon cutting for the new Down Town Broadway Street improvements on June 5th. If you haven’t seen the changes to the Estacada down town, swing by and have some lavender lemon aid at The Mason Jar.

Sergeant Roberts and Chief Yamashita attended at table top exercise at the Sandy High School on June 8, 2015. We worked with emergency response teams from every school in the district covering different scenarios. After the table top, we did a hands on exercise of the OTSD Reunification plan.

On June 17th the Community Center, thanks to the help of Sarah Richardson, the SPD put on a self-defense course for mothers and daughters.

On June 19th several council members along with SPD staff conducted testing for a new police officer. We had several great candidates. The evaluation teams were wonderful and helped pick out a great fit for our department. More to come as we get through the process and swearing in.

Towards the end of June a lot of time was spent by staff making plans and getting ready for the upcoming 4th of July fireworks and Mt. Festival/Parade.

On June 25th, Chief Yamashita attended a meeting regarding dam failures along the Clackamas River. The meeting was a discussion on the dam structures, water dis-placement, timing of a flood should their be a failure and evacuation measures. This is pertinent mainly because of our roll in Estacada. We will be having meetings in the next few months to address the same issues and develop plans for failures along the Sandy River. Again, no failures are noted, we are just planning ahead.

Council Report – May 2015

We ordered a new police staff scheduling software.  We found a very good program with a very reasonable price and well within our budget capabilities.  The program’s return on investment is expected to be substantial when you consider the cost and time required by the sergeants to maintain the current schedule on paper.

In May, we started the hands on training Active Shooter Training for all Estacada School Staff.  Officer’s Olmos, Wetherbee and Chief Yamashita went each school and trained all of the staff.  Classes were held every Friday afternoon.

We continued to work this month with the Oregon Trail School district and have planned an exercise on June 8, with all staff.

Reserve Officers supported the OTSD by helping out with prom.  They also supported the Mt. Hood Athletic Club with traffic control and providing a presence for the Run Girlfriend Run.

We concluded our very busy month by working on and researching information for council on breed specific legislation and other topics regarding canines.