Council Report – October 2012


Drug Take Back Grant – We were able to go in with the County on a grant for a free “Drug Take Back” drop off box. The box will allow citizens to enter our lobby and drop of old prescription drugs.  The box will be secured in the lobby of the police department.  It is tamper proof and will be painted with the “Drug Take Back” logos.  There was no cost to the city for this item.

Video Grand Jury – we have a computer set up in the conference room that will allow the officers to attend Grand Jury Hearing virtually.  We have been working with the District Attorney’s office and have the program up and running.  The Grand Jury will be able to see, hear and interact with officers from our departments.  We will start off on small cases and grow the program from there.  If this pilot program works well, I suspect it will be a model for other agencies in the County and or State.

Accreditation – We sent our first round of inspection items to the accreditation committee, Oregon Accreditation Alliance (OAA).  We got good input from the OAA and are working on adding the material they suggested.  This is a huge project and has at one point involved everyone in the department.

Effects of MPAL – Thanks to Scott Lazenby’s efforts with his Maters in- Public Administration Light program, we are finding ways to improve our “customers” experience.  We have started looking into and plan on being able to take credit cards by the end of the year.  We have been operating on a cash or check only basis, but found that really did not meet our customers needs.

Rebecca Ginter continues to train on front desk procedures.  Diane Reed reports that she is doing “great!”.  She is a good fit and we feel lucky to have her as part of our team.


A company called the Child of God, LLC. filmed a small portion of an independent film in town.  Officer Way provided some traffic assistance.  If you are interested in the particulars about the film check out C.O.G. on line.


School Resource Officer (Officer Kevin Way)

Officer Way assisted approximately 25 people (teachers, students and parents) seeking advice or referrals.  He conducted 376 background checks for the school district with a little help from the records staff at the police department.  He  also completed two outside agency requesting assistance with cases they are working.

A female high school student contacted Officer Way regarding pictures she sent to the wrong person.  She told him she took naked photos of herself and sent them to a phone number whom she thought she knew.  Turns out the number she sent them too was a person she met on a “Chat line”.  She was concerned because the person she sent them too is threatening to inform her parents of the photos.  The student is under 18, so the person she sent them to would be in possession of child pornography.  The incident occurred in a neighboring jurisdiction and his initial report was forwarded for further investigation.

A Wasco County Detective contacted Officer Way regarding a sex abuse case being investigated by the Detective.  Officer Way assisted the detective by interviewing a possible victim and forwarding him the results of the interview.

I spoke with students from Boring Middle School regarding and altercation they had at a bus stop in Sandy.  Parties involved chose not to pursue charges and handled it between themselves.

A high school student reported her cell phone had been stolen from her locker.  I was unable to locate a suspect and unable to review surveillance video due to a malfunction.

Officer Way spoke with a Cedar Ridge Middle School student regarding a photo of marijuana she took and posted on Facebook.  Her father has a medical marijuana card and she took the photo without his knowledge.

Officer Way investigated an assault that occurred on a school bus involving several Cedar Ridge Middle School students.  One student removed the razor portion of a pencil sharpener and scratched several students.  The student also damaged several seats on the bus by using the blade to cut them.  The student faces several criminal charges.

Officer Way also arrested 7 high school students found in possession of marijuana at school. He also  assisted DHS investigate allegations of abuse involving a Cedar Ridge Middle School student.  At the conclusion of the investigation, no arrests or charges were filed.

A high school student reported criminal mischief to his vehicle while it was parked in the lot at the high school.  It was later determined, another female student caused the damage.  The victim later informed me the female student agreed to pay for the damage she had done to his vehicle.

A female high school student contacted me in my office to report a she had been a victim of a sexual assault.  Upon speaking with the student it was determined the crime had occurred a year ago in a neighboring jurisdiction.  The report was forwarded to the appropriate jurisdiction for further investigation.

A concerned parent brought his high school student to Officer Way for a discussion on the dangers of drug use.  The parent had recently found his son in possession of drug paraphernalia.  During our conversation, the student mentioned names of fellow students who he knew used marijuana.

Lastly, to round out this very busy month, he contacted several transients on OTSD property.  Two had made camp in the wooded area near the track at Cedar Ridge Middle School and the others on foot in the walking trails behind Sandy High School.  They were told to vacate the area and not to return or that they would be arrested.


 Code Enforcement

Even though the rainy season is upon us, Code Enforcement Officer Moody has managed to keep himself busy.  He took in 32 new complains and cleared 46 pending complaints.  He issued 13 citations for miscellaneous code and parking violations. He took several reports and has been actively investigating an animal abuse case (death of a cat).

Lastly, he was kept busy dealing with all of the sign complaints and violations that we typically see around elections.

Evidence (Juli Smith)

Items Received:          43                           Year To Date:            948

Items Purged:              138                         Year To Date:           425


Trips to Crime Lab:                          1

Number of Items Submitted:         3                      Year To Date:               103


Sales:   The Property Room had sales of $10 this month.  Yearly sales total $1,181.74

  • Evidence Technician temporarily was assigned to Front Desk coverage.  Staffing shortages are nearly resolved and Property Room hours were increased this month around the training schedule of the Front Desk.
  • The Property Room handled (3) Firearm releases this month.
  •  Bikes were purged from the City Shops and donated to the Optimists Club
  • Inventory was taken of supplies and ordered/replaced as needed.
  • Tyvek coveralls, boot covers and BioHazard bags for use at crime scenes have been ordered.
  • Vials have been ordered to expel liquids from syringes for easier transport to the Crime Lab.
  • Emergency Supplies Kit script has been prepared for recording for Sandy AM Radio. Additional scripts on various topics are in progress.
  • Sales of surplus items will resume in November.






Council Report – September 2012


In an effort to ensure we are keeping up to date on how we deal with the mentally ill, we sent Officers Craven and Olmos to a 40 hours Crisis Intervention Training (CIT).   The training is intense and provides officers with skills needed to deal with those in mental health crisis.  Most of the officers currently on staff have had the training, and we are going to make sure that everyone is certified within the next two to three years.  Once we get current staff trained, we will make sure new hires get the training as soon as possible after hire.  We will also make sure we have continuing education on this important topic.

Another three officers have received their Level 2 ODOT Commercial Vehicle Inspection Certification this month.  They recently worked a detail at the Welch’s Weigh Station and conducted inspections on 19 vehicles.


School Resource Officer

Officer Way counseled approximately 23 people (teachers, students and parents) regarding various issues.  He also conducted 114 background checks for the school district.

He assisted in two investigations with other agencies and filed several other reports including a Possession of Marijuana by a Cedar Ridge Student.

We had had an opportunity to test the evacuation process at the new high school as a result of smoke in a classroom.  Apparently, while drying materials in a dehumidifier, the plastic rack the material was placed upon began to melt due to excessive heat.  The smoke from the rack set off the fire alarm.  It was later discovered the temperature control had been turned to its highest setting.

Officer Way also responded with the fire department to Firwood Elementary School regarding a brush fire near the school.  Upon arrival, it was discovered a large shrub near the covered play area had been set on fire.  During the investigation a student came forward and admitted to unintentionally starting the fire.  The 7-year-old second grader stated he was showing a classmate how he could light matches and threw one into the shrub.  The incident was documented and forwarded to the Sandy Fire Department.

Lastly, he continues to work with parents regarding concerns over the skate park.


 Code Enforcement

Officer Moody remains busy.  He cleared over 20 cases this month and took in another 26.  Most of the issues concern nuisance homes, trash and the like.  He wrote several tickets and issued several warnings.  He continues to put in a lot of hours as a Reserve Officer on the weekends.




Council Report – August 2012

Another busy month for us.  We conducting training on Water Survival for the officers. The training received a nice write up in the Sandy Post which provided for a lot of citizen comments, all positive.  Special thanks to the Mt. Hood Athletic Club for the use of the pool and their hospitality.

Sgt. Burns, Sgt Roberts, Diane Reed, Seth Atkinson and I all attended the LGPI Conference.  Great topics all related to labor relations.  The three day course was held in Silverton at The Oregon Gardens.  The course was certified by DPSST for continuing education credits in supervision.

We drafted a lockdown procedure plan for the Community Center.  That plan was sent to Nancy Enabnit for review.

The department has been working closely with the Oregon Trail School District and we have worked out plans for response to emergencies.  Additionally, we have conducted several self guided tours to familiarize ourselves with the new high school layout.  Officer Way has been visiting all of the schools in the OTSD and making sure they have his contact information and to just say hello.

We continue to work with the Oregon Department of Transportation on the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement program.  We are starting to receive reimbursements from the grant funds that were awarded which makes the program nearly budget neutral.

I worked with Mr. Doughman in an attempt to find a way to recoup expenses we incur when we transport an intoxicated subject to detox.  The fee is $120 per visit and some of our citizens get taken to de-tox weekly. Unfortunately, current laws are written in a way that make it unlikely we will have any way to offset these expenses.

The Hood to Coast went off without a hitch as did the other events scheduled for the month of August.  So far, all of the September events have gone well.  The multiple events on Friday, September 7, 2012 were a strain on resources; but we managed to get through the high school grand opening, Governor’s visit, first home game (with free admission), Oktoberfest and First Friday without a single incident.  Go Team SPD!






Council Report – July 2012


We are seeing an uptick in thefts over the last few weeks.  Most of the crimes appear to be crimes of opportunity, but we have seen a few garden sheds pried open.

Officer Sytsma was running to the aid of another officer who was struggling with a suspect.  He was unable to see a speed bump in the dark, and fell hard onto his right hand.  He sustained injuries that required surgery and pinning of fractures.  He is on light duty and helping out at the front desk.  He will most likely be on light duty for another few months.  He is working hard at physical therapy.  I know he is trying to get back to patrol as quick as humanly possible.

June and July were busy and required everyone to be on duty most of the time.  That leaves August for summer vacations.  As a result we are pretty short handed.  The Sergeants and I have been filling a lot of the shifts so that the patrol staff can get some much needed rest.

The three officers that received their commercial inspection certification in June stopped and did inspections on eight big rigs in July.  A group of six more officers will be attending the certification class in September with the remaining officer going in December. I am hoping, and I believe seeing, that word will get out among the truckers to slow down, and have all of their equipment in good condition when driving through Sandy.


Diane Reed and I attended an Eforce (our records management system) Users Conference in Park City Utah.  It was informative and we came away as “Certified Administrators” of the program.  Future training will be done regional, so we are hoping we won’t have to travel so far in the future.

I have been working with our City Attorney on seized asset protocols and have been able to make some headway.  The next step is an MOU with the County, as the law requires they be provided with a percentage of anything we receive.

We have two more required items to finish before we submit for the accreditation inspection.  Those items will be completed and the inspection requested NLT 08/31/12.  I will keep you posted as we progress.



Detective Bickle completed two more background checks on two potential reserve hires. One as a familiar last name (Skelton).  He also competed a background check on Mr. Evan Pestalozzi, who will be coming on as an intern the second week in September.

Detective Bickle currently has an open case load of seven cases, several of which are complicated and will take some time.  He closed four cases in July that including a case of a newborn child testing positive for methamphetamine.



Council Report – June 2012


  • We finally received a check from the US Postal Service, relating to a seizure of funds we made in 2010.  The seizure was for approx. $38,000.  Our share was $17,900 and change.   We will be using the funds to purchase a new (used) patrol vehicle and an off road vehicle (gator or side by side) for use in the Sandy River Park and on the new High School Campus. So, that means both purchases will be budget neutral!
  • Officers Coates, Steffanson and Sytsma are now commercial vehicle truck inspector qualified.  The rest of the department is scheduled to go to the class either in September or December.  We qualified for approx. $86,000. 00 in grant money through ODOT, which will pay for the class, the officers time while attending training and any other associated costs.  The grant money can also be used for overtime, equipment and other expenses associated with commercial vehicle enforcement.  The ability to stop and inspect the many commercial vehicles that transit our community should help keep our roadways safe!
  • Brett from Group McKenzie was here and we conducted a walk-through of the building and discussed problems or defects that we had noticed since our move in. Brett will be in discussion with 2KG regarding some of our concerns.
  • Everything is a “GO” for the 4th of July Fireworks Show.  Sgt. Burns has worked closely with all the stakeholders and we foresee no issues.
  • The Mt. Festival Parade is permitted and insured by the Mt. Festival Committee and ODOT.  As you know we will run the parade from west to east on Pioneer this year.  Staff is still an issue and we received NO volunteers to aid us with traffic control.  To off set the staffing shortfall, I have arranged a personnel swap with the Molalla Police Department.  We will be helping them with their parade on the 4th of July (unfortunately this will be double time and half in overtime) and they will be helping us with our parade.  We have also agreed to help them on Friday the 6th of July with their Buckaroo rodeo. We will be sending two officers to each detail.
  • Diane Reed met with a representative from Salem to work on our Uniformed Crime Reporting via Eforce.  We will be able (very soon) to do all of our State and Federally mandated reporting electronically.  We are very thrilled with the support we have received from both Eforce and the State of Oregon.
  • The City of Sandy and the Sandy Police Department was featured in the Eforce “Customer Spotlight”.

eFORCE® Customer Spotlight



Sandy Police Department is located in Clackamas County Oregon. 14 sworn staff, 5 reserve officers and a code enforcement officer protect and serve the Sandy population of 10,000. The police department is led by Chief Kim Yamshita.

Their mission statement is to fulfill the law enforcement needs of the people with the highest degree of fairness, professionalism and integrity, and protect the inherent rights of the people to live in freedom and safety. We are committed to protecting the lives of our citizens, ensuring a safe community, reducing crime and the fear of crime. Our mission is to ensure that our citizens feel safe to walk our streets and to picnic in our parks with their families. We will conduct police activities that help us achieve our mission, while ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity and respect regardless of their gender, ethnicity, race, color or sexual orientation.

The City of Sandy serves as a gateway to Mt. Hood. Sandy is surrounded by an expanse of scenic rivers and wilderness areas, offering a wide variety of recreational opportunity. The Mount Hood ski area brings many adventure seekers to the area. Here they can stay at the timberline lodge, explore Mt. Hood Meadows, experience the ski bowl, fishing, hunting, hiking, biking (both on and off road), along with just about any other sport. Sandy has a major east-west highway which brings an additional 30-35 thousand cars through the town, everyday!

In 2011 Sandy choose to use eFORCE ® RMS for their software needs. “We sent out an RFP and the response we got from eFORCE® proved they were the best fit for our needs and our department. We were completing reports by hand and then doing a data entry into a database.eFORCE® allows the officer to enter demographic information just one time and then use that information over and over again.” Training for our officer portion has been great, as well as our interaction with support. The best thing about being a part of the eFORCE® team is that now “we are automated,” and do not have to create reports by hand.

Welcome to the eFORCE® Team!


  • Also from the front desk, we have received over 200 applications for the records/reception position at the front desk.  The position advertisement closed on June 29, 2012.  Ms. Reed will begin the sorting, testing and hiring process soon.


The fire department responded to a small fire in the  boy’s locker room.    Before the fire department arrived, school staff had extinguished the fire.  Fire personnel determined the cause of the fire was a faulty switch in a laser pointer and was not intentional.  The laser pointer was buried in clothing inside a metal locker.

Officer Way will be working a late shift during the summer and is going to be attending an SRO School.  After discussion with the school district, it was decided to change his hours next year.  He will be working  an eight hour day, five days a week for the 2012/2013 school year.  He’ll be spending is first few days back at school getting his new officer set up and trying to learn his way around the new building.


Detective Bickle completed background checks on the Molalla Police Department reserve candidates and has been working on several open cases.  We continue to forward approx. 3-4 cases a week to the detective for follow up.


In addition to the 49 complaints received, 45 complaints cleared, 12 citations written, 2 cars towed and the placement of the radar trailer, Code Enfrocement Officer Moody also blanketed the downtown core with letters reminding them to clean up and present a “best foot forward” for the Mt. Festival.  He also blanketed the Deer Point area with “Be a Good Neighbor” letters after receiving several code enforcement related complaints from that area.


Property Specialist Juli Smith received her certification from IAPE (International Association of Property and Evidence) after tracking hours
worked in the field and attending two of the annual IAPE seminars, she was
required to show her property knowledge by taking and passing an on line test
to complete the process. I believe this is the first person in the position to
achieve this certification for the department.
As Smith is now filling in at the front desk with reception duties until
a person is hired, I have taken over duties in the property room. Sgt. Burns has
managed to keep things moving along and been able to seek her guidance when
needed for the intake of specific items or requests for special service.




Council Report – May 2012


All officers participated in our annual firearms qualification in May.  We re-qualified on duty and off duty/back-up weapons as well as rifles.

Det. Bickle sent out letters asking for donation for our “Shop with a Cop” program.  So far we have about $3000 in donations.  We will really be able to help out our community this fall with school cloths and supplies.

We continue to work with the IT department on our transition to thin-client.

We held an orientation meeting with our new reserve officers and will be bringing them to council for swearing in and introductions soon.

Work continues on the accreditation process.  After attending a class a few months ago, we learned that we could reduce the cost of the accreditation inspection by scanning and creating hyperlinks to all of the documents that show we are in compliance with specific inspection action items.  While time consuming on our end, it will speed things up for the inspectors which will in turn save us money.  Once these processes are automated we should be able to do maintenance as polices and procedures are updated making subsequent re-inspections a breeze, or at least less painful.


Officer Way picked up a runaway, ran off some trespassers and looked for a subject in the woods near the middle school.  He also responded this month to two separate requests for assistance by school administration, assisting them with out of control kids.  One of the kids was suicidal and needed to be transported to the hospital for an evaluation.

We also had some kids at the elementary school report seeing someone in the woods with a gun.  An extensive search of the woods was done and we were not able to verify the kids story.  At this time it appears to be a case of over-active imagination, however we will continue to do extra patrol just in case

Officer Way  completed 80 background checks for the OTSD.


Detective Bickle is working on several interesting cases, which include a criminal mistreatment case, a rape case  and a stolen car case. Additionally, he has some suspects captured on surveillance of a recent burglary.  The photos of the suspects have been distributed to other Law Enforcement Agencies asking for help in identifying the suspects.  He is following up on two prescription fraud cases (one taken by Officer Coates the other taken by Chief Yamashita).  It appears that these cases may be linked to a larger ring committing fraud throughout the Pacific NW.  We have been in contact with the DEA.


Code Enforcement Officer Moody, wrote 9 citations in May.  He also took in 34 code enforcement related complaints, while clearing 16 pending complaints.   He transported two dogs to Clackamas County Dog Services.  He checked on permits and licenses for the electrical and construction crews doing work on the new Gentle Dental office space.  He also keeps an eye on local construction (Gibson homes), watching for any un- permitted work.

Officer Moody and Reserve Code Enforcement Officer Brett distributed letters (door-to-door) in the Deer Point area.  The letters were entitled “Be a Good Neighbor” and provided information on various code enforcement violations, ordinances and things we can all do to make our neighborhoods more enjoyable.


Nothing new to report at this time.  Watch for Updates!


Council Report – April 2012


The management team attended a meeting on Core Values Indexing as a tool for building better teams, while we found the process very interesting the cost of the program was extremely high and we had to pass on the program.  The management team attended a one day training conference on team building and coaching that was informative and fun.   We had a CJIS (Criminal Justice Information Services) Audit/ Assessment of our security enforcement, physical and technical security, encryption, identification, authentication, firewalls, and virus protection as it relates to the criminal justice information we use and store.  We have a few small processes to correct, but overall the audit went very well.


Detective Bickle is working on several open cases; however the majority of his time in April was spent conducting background checks for reserve officers.  He also worked on or closed seven other cases including Theft and Identify theft.


Code Enforcement Officer Moody, wrote 18 tickets in April. He took in 17 new complaints and closed 22 to code enforcement complaints.  Two dogs were taken to the Clackamas County Shelter and one was taken home.  He investigated two animal abuse cases both of which were not criminal.  He also passed all the requirements for promotion to Solo Patrol Status as a reserve.  This is a big accomplishment and took years of training and dedication.  Please pass on your congratulations next time you see him.


We took in 338 pieces of evidence this month.  The number is much higher than usual and is a result of a theft case that involved 300 pieces of evidence.  We purged 15 items from the evidence room.  Ms. Smith made two trips to the crime lab.  Due to the vehicle break-in case (10-15 vicitms) and the recovery of property taken during the commission of this crime, Ms. Smith had quite a bit of extra work load dealing with all the victims.  But we were able to get a lot of the property back to its rightful owners.


Council Report – March 2012


Forfieture Program – I continue to work with our legal counsel regarding the forfeiture of seized property.  The process and forms have been established and we have successfully “won”  the right to keep some cash that was seized relative to a drug arrest.  The rest of the process includes an IGA with the County as state law requires we share some of the funds.  The law also requires the disbursements of funds to various programs in the State.  Once those issues are worked out our process should be complete.

Reserve Academy – Sgt. Burns and I attended a meeting regarding the reserve academy.  The academy has been spear headed by Lt. Nunez of the Oregon City Police.  She is retiring and was looking for someone to take over the program.  Capt. Rasch of the Milwaukie PD has agreed to spearhead the program.  I have been working on the project with Capt. Rasch.  The reserve academy mirrors the academy taught by DPSST in Salem.  It is important that it be a quality product so that agencies with reserve officers can limit their failure to train liabilities.  Since the project is so important, I have offered the use of some of our instructors (defensive tactics, firearms etc) as well as some of our facilities, should the need arise.

Reserve New Hires – Six applicants have made it through the background checks done by Det. Bickle.  They are scheduled in April for their medical and psychological exams.  Once that is completed you can expect a swearing in ceremony.

Records Management System – We are up and live on our new program.  It is working great and the staff have adapted to the changes very well.  I have recently met with a representative from the DA’s office regarding the integration of our system with the one they use.  The goal of both agencies is to go as paper free as possible.  I will be holding an overview of the program for the Council on April 9th at 5:00 pm.

Training – Sgt’s Roberts, Burns, Diane Reed and I all had training on the accreditation software (TAME).  All sworn staff are scheduled for Taser re-training in April.  Officer Sytsma was chosen as the new Taser instructor and will be going to instructor school in May.

Code Enforcement – Officer Moody stayed busy this month.  He is not using the electronic ticketing program, which will reduce data entry by administrative staff.  His van has also been equipped with a computer so he can receive his calls by computer, freeing up radio air time.

The Hood street property was cleaned up by a construction crew.  We paid $2900 for their services. They did a great job and the property is no longer considered a nuisance.  Here is what the property looks like now


School Resource Officer

Officer Way spoke with approximately 12 people (teachers, students and parents seeking advice or referrals.  He also had 2 outside agency contacts requesting assistance with cases. He conducted 22 background checks for the school district.  Between the snow days and spring break this month, there is not much more to report.  He did receive a complaint of a criminal mischief  from the school district regarding damage to the gazebo in the walking trails.



Statistics We took in 109 pieces of evidence and purged 9 in the month of March.  Our year to date in-take is 281 items of evidence with 30 items purged. Juli Smith also submitted 10 times to the crime lab for analysis.

Sales- The Property Room had sales of $30.38 this month.  Yearly sales total $1,166.15

Other activity – The Property Room hours were greatly reduced this month due to covering the Desk for vacations, snow days, and RMS training.  Daily intake, evidence processing and DA requests were handled and other projects accomplished as follows: (from Juli Smith)

  • Property Disposition form was created and implemented.
  • Stocked FRS Kits for the National Missing Persons Program
  • Distributed information on the Anonymous Analysis Program through OSP
  • Designed and placed order for ergonomic recycling center for Property Room
  • Accompanied Sgt. Roberts on Cartlidge search warrant and processed evidence
  • Returned  stolen firearm #11-1892 to Pennsylvania law enforcement
  • Processed Marijuana from #12-0298   6.07 ounces
  • Called out to process Marijuana on cases #12-0375 & #12-0383 with officers in the field on back to back days.  59 plants total.
  • An unscheduled audit of the Property Room was conducted by Sgt. Roberts and no evidence was found to be missing or stored improperly.
  • Callout on #12-0453 to process evidence for Officer Herrera on 03-31-12 car clouts
  • Stocked Evidence Processing and storage rooms with paper towels to alleviate biohazard concerns.
  • Additional work was done on the Shops storage area in order to facilitate the increased number of marijuana grows being seized by the department
  • Made decision on Property Room “uniform” and began ordering process




Council Report – February 2012


Sgt. Roberts had knee surgery and will be coming back to full duty next week.  He has been working light duty and getting many administrative projects done.

Sgt Burns hurt his back on the job and his been on light duty for about 6 weeks. He will continue on light duty for another 4 to 8 weeks, but is progressing nicely.  Again, he has been working evidence and other administrative projects, several of which are part of the accreditation process.

I met with the Community Coalition Group and have been working on some projects for them.  If you check out Facebook, you will see a posting announcing the “Strengthening Families Program.”

I have been working with our dispatch center on their budget and their budgets impact on the City.  For several years, the cost of equipment and software upgrades have been deferred.  Our hardware is at life end and parts are no longer available.  The software is also at its life end and the vendor will no longer support it after 2013.  Because no money has been set aside in the past, and due to other costs that were deferred, the SPD is looking at a 23.34 percent rate increase for the 2012/2013 budget cycle.  This along with the passing of SB 1559 may negatively affect our budget by as much as $80,000. 


The patrol staff has made several marijuana seizures.  In one seizure, they recovered over 6 oz of marijuana.  While this may not sound like a lot, if you consider how many dry leaves and buds it takes to make 6 oz, you can see it is a good quantity.

Even with the recent bad weather, traffic accidents have been few.  Most have been out of town in the county and we have lent a hand with those.




Det. Bickle continues to work on the background checks of our reserve applicants and should have those complete by the end of the month.  The applicants will then move on to a psychological exam and medical. 

He cleared several DHS referrals most of which were unfounded for abuse. 

We took a report of a rape that occurred approx. 2 years ago.  He is following up on that case; however, there seem to be few leads at this time.

An arrest was made and confession obtained from a suspect that had forged and passed stolen checks.

He is also following up on a few leads regarding the sales of illicit substances at a local address.

School Resource Officer

Officer Way was named the 2012 Officer of the Year at the Elks Club inGreshamonSaturday March 10, 2012.  He and his son helped at an accident scene near his home.  A jeep with three teens crashed, rolled and two of the kids were ejected from the vehicle.  Way and his family happened on the scene.  Way and his sonTaylorapplied “C-Spine” traction first aid and assisted in the care of the patients untilEMScould arrive.  We are very proud ofOfficer Way!  He not only takes care of our community on duty, but off duty as well. 

He has had a rather busy month at the schools.  A minor altercation between two students escalated to the point where one of the students stabbed another with a screwdriver.  Luckily, the injury was minor and the school and parents decided to handle the incident without further police involvement.

He counseled or assisted approx. 26 staff and students with various needs and responded to several other calls.  He continues to work traffic enforcement around the school before and after school as well as during the lunch period.

Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement Officer Moody wrote 11 code violations tickets this month.  He received 32 new complaints and cleared 41 pending complaints.  He checked contractor licenses on three separate worksites.  He also handled several animal neglect calls, none of which was valid complaints, luckily for the animals.  He also continues to deploy the radar trailer as needed.


Yes, a new category under our monthly report.  Evidence Room.  For the month of February, we took in 80 pieces of evidence.  Year to date intake total is 157.

Juli Smith made two trips to Crime Lab and will be going about every other week.

The Property Room transferred $1,119.00 cash to the City from sales of unclaimed property and another $16.77 was received from for a total of $1,135.77

The Property Room high-density storage shelves were photographed for the Datum Company who manufactures them.  This was at no cost and the PD will be provided with a CD of the photos should we ever wish to use them on a website or in a publication. Datum hired a photographer to take the photos for their use in future sales and promotions.


Council Report – January 2012


Most of the officers and administrative staff attended CPR/First Aid training put on by Alice Busch from Sandy Fire.  The class was fun and informative.  Ms. Busch did a great job!   We were lined up in the hallway doing CPR in unison!

The administrative staff also attended training on Laserfiche to learn the new tools provided with the upgraded software.

Diane Reed and Chief Yamashtia attended a meeting regarding municipal court and internal controls for better auditing and accounting practices.


As you know, we arrested four subjects after they completed a series of drive by shootings of car windows.  There were 44 victims in all with a total property loss well into the thousands.


Reserve Code Enforcement Officer Andrew Brett is doing a great job.  He volunteered 27 hours to the City of Sandy in January.

Code Enforcement Officer Moody stayed busy in January writing four tickets, conducting three contractor inspections, taking 19 code complaints and clearing 27 old complaints.

He and Andrew Brett walked the entire Tickle Creek trail looking for dogs off leash, finding none.

Officer Moody also attended the Gang Task Force Meeting for the SPD.  He remains active due to his involvement and follow-up on the graffiti cases that we get around town.


Det. Bickle closed several cases in January, including the house fire on Wewer Street, which was deemed an accidental fire.  He is working on several criminal mistreatment cases including the assault of a patient in a nursing home by a staff member.  He is working on background checks for seven new potential reserve applicants, which we hope to add to the staff by April of this year.


Officer Way was busy at the schools this month.  He had had approximately 17 people (teachers, students and parents) contact him seeking advice or referrals.  He also processed 37 background checks for the school district.

He investigated a possible threat with a knife that occurred on a school bus.  After an investigation, he was able to determine that the student did have a folding pocketknife, but the student was just “showing it off” and not threatening anyone.  The student was disciplined, through the school, for his actions.

He was contacted by a parent of a student who had been involved in a fight at school.  The parent wished to pursue criminal charges against the other student.  During his investigation, he discovered the issue between the students began from one of the students commenting about the others boyfriend on Facebook.  Things escalated to the point of a physical fight between the girls.  Nobody was injured during the confrontation, but due to the physical contact, the student who initiated the contact was charged with harassment.

He also dealt several times with a student that kept running away from home, but would show up at school. After attempts to work out something between the child and the parents we involved DHS and the case was turned over to them.

He also responded to a trespass, hit and run and property damage calls this month.

He is doing a good job and the school administration continues to be very happy with Kevin as the SRO.