Community Services Monthly Report

SENIORCENTER (Nancy Ream Enabnit & Dena Isbell)

December started off with another successful Breakfast with Santa.  Once again sincere thanks go to our local businesses who generously contribute the raffle prizes. Along with proceeds from the Breakfast and raffle, many individuals choose December to make financial donations to the local meals-on-wheels program.

Bernice Powell, Administrative Secretary, is now an official Notary Public.  Her training and certification add another service available to Center members free of charge.  Non-members can avail themselves of the service for a $10 fee.

Holidaycelebrations included a 4-day trip to Leavenworth, Washington.  Iris White and JoAnn Bernhardt accompanied 18 happy travelers on this trip via school bus (thanks to a donation from First Student) and Amtrak train.  The Christmas dine-out required use of a 3rd bus (thanks to Sandy Transit) to accommodate the overwhelming participation.


Two additional dog waste stations were added at the east and west ends of the Tickle Creek Trail.  An updated map of the trail was created by Liz Storn, Engineering Tech, and a link and trail description is available on the City’s web site, thanks to the City Manager.  Soon to come is additional signage.

RECREATION (Sarah Richardson)
Mountain Storm held a Jamboree for 3rd and 4th grade basketball teams to end the season. Teams for grades 5 & 6 were formed with a total of 11 teams scheduled to begin their season in January.

The 2012 Winter/Spring Recreation Guide was published and mailed in mid-December. Lots of new computer classes are offered, including classes forMACusers. 

Two field trips took place during the holiday break to help busy parents keep the kids happy and productive. A fun, chilly trip to the zoo was a treat.

TRANSIT (Julie Stephens)
Total ridership this month was 19,424, representing a 5.4% increase over the same period last year.  TheSAM-Gresham route had a ridership increase of 8.3% and theSAM- Estacada route was down by 10.8% over the same period last year. STAR ridership decreased by 6.4%.  ED use was flat with 64 trips.

End of year statistics show an increase in total ridership this year of 7% with 250,484 rides provided and 2,224,871 since service began in 2000.  The strongest growth was on the Estacada route with 9.6%.  All other individual routes showed close to the same 7% growth.

TheTransitCenterproject moved forward with project management and Council meetings to review the preferred design option and any outstanding issues.  Upon direction of Council, refinements for the preferred design option will be presented in another public meeting and at Council inJanuary.

Grant applications were approved for FY13 Special Transportation Funds for continued operations forSTARin the amount of $133,188.

Two local businesses were secured as pass-through partners for Business Energy Tax Credit (BETC) projects for FY10 & FY11 Transit Operations.  The payments to transit amounted to $468,075 and will bolster the contingency reserves.

The #20 Gillig bus completed production this month.  The production takes a mere nine days but the lead time from the time of secured funding is two years and approximately 18 months from time of order.  Funding for the $350k vehicle will be a mix of federal grant ($216k), BETC ($89k), and reserves ($45k).

The Transit Adventure toClackamasTownCenterwas cancelled due to low response.