Community Services – August 2020

Several key projects were successfully completed at the Community Center this month. The city has implemented a program to help prevent fats, oils and greases (FOG) from entering the sewer system. The community center was able to successfully install a grease intercept. Once the project started, the contractor uncovered several deteriorated pipes and additional work was needed. The grease interceptor is now installed with the addition of a new commercial grade tile floor.

Painting in the community center continued to include the Lobby, stairwell, and auditorium with a cheerful color.

Senior Services

Weekly phone calls to community seniors continue. We have seen the needs for MOW and food boxes stabilize providing approximately 75 meals M,T,W, & F. For the month of August, 16 food boxes were distributed. Requests for Energy Assistance program have begun. Applications for this program typically open Oct. 1st. Staff are waiting on the county to determine the process this year given the COVID pandemic. Shopping shuttles were offered on Thursdays this month with the max ridership of 4 clients due to COVID. Seniors enjoyed a hike meetup at Cazadero Trail with 19 seniors maintaining social distancing. They were very happy to be outside and enjoy each others company.
Senior Fitness classes on Zoom is still going strong and people from Gresham are hearing about the classes and hikes and are signing up and joining.  Great to have new people and a great way to promote what Sandy Senior Services is doing and what is offered now and in the future.

Special thanks to Amy Seabrooke, Olga Gerberg, and Tanya for spending the day making jars of mixed berry jam. Fruit was left over from the pie bake and staff decided to make jam. You can still get your jars for $5.00

Seniors also enjoyed a Ice Cream Social Drive By at the Community Center. Staff were able to say a quick hello, hand out ice cream and giveaways as well as sell some jars of jam. It was a success with 41 seniors showing up with smiles on their faces.

Special Events

In collaboration with Sandy Helping Hands, Community Services put together four evenings of Movies in the Park. In order to adhere to current guidelines reservations were required. Additional safety measures, including staggered arrival times, were implemented, and the events were very smooth. There was a total of 10 pods which could accommodate 50 people each evening. Community members preregistered in advance to reserve a pod. Sandy Helping Hands handed out free ice cream each evening. One evening was cancelled due to rain but the other evening were mostly sold out. Unfortunately, the highest attended evening had 19 people. Although the turnout was low, community members seemed happy to follow the guidelines and enjoyed being outside for a community event. 

In the meantime, staff have plans for alternate events and activities to help support the community during these challenging times. They include a family friendly Halloween experience and a modified Breakfast with Santa.


We look forward to returning to some level of indoor operations when we are in Phase II. We continue to communicate with recreation providers and will be ready to bring back those programs that can follow the public health guidelines as soon as possible. Program planning has started to include bringing some “Pop Up” crafts and games to a variety of neighborhood parks as soon as the air quality improves. The goal is a safely distanced and supervised opportunity for kids to get outside and for parents and other caregivers to take a break. We realize that with the amount of screen time required at this time, a break to get outside would be welcome.

A successful virtual SafeSitter class was held and another had been planned to start on September 12th. However, with the fire and air quality situation we plan to reschedule for a later date. Virtual art classes are also available and now that summer classes have ended more fall classes are being scheduled to begin in late September and October. 

Parks & Trails

The Parks and Trails Advisory Board continues to meet monthly via Zoom.  A meeting was held on August 19th and included a review of the city municipal code as it relates to Parks and Open Space. 

Jim Slagle and volunteers have completed maintenance on all 5 bridges on the Tickle Creek Trail. We greatly appreciate all their hard work and dedication to the preservation of these bridges.

Parks Master Plan

A contract amendment with ESA was signed to allow for the work necessary to develop a Virtual Open House (VOH) and two additional park concept plans.

Extensive materials for the VOH were developed and reviewed. The VOH will allow citizens to review and comment on a draft version of the final Parks & Trails Master Plan as well as park concept drawings. The VOH will go live in late September and remain open for public comment for 2-3 weeks.

Draft park concept plans were presented for staff review. They target the Deer Point, Champion Way, Ponder Lane and Community Campus areas.

Virtual Open House set to begin on Wednesday, Sept 23rd. Announcements will be posted on social media, website, and city newsletter. Community Services staff will also be delivering informational flyers to Deer Pointe, Champion Way, and Nicholas Glen community members.