Monthly Report – April, 2012

SENIOR CENTER (Nancy Ream Enabnit & Dena Isbell)

The Sandy Golden Age Club, a non-profit that supports senior center programs, donated money towards purchase of a fancy new drinking fountain in the dining room and water pitchers for the lunch tables.  The new fountain offers chilled, filtered water and includes a bottle/pitcher filler with a counter.  To date 668 disposable water bottles have been spared from the landfill/recycling plant.  Thanks to Joe Preston for installing the fountain.


The 2012 SOLVE-It in Sandy brought in 120 volunteers to help clean up streets, parks and other public places in Sandy.  An impressive aspect of this year’s event is the number of current and former City employees and officials, and their families, who gave up part of their Saturday to help beautify our community.  New this year was a work party at theCherryville Cemetery, spearheaded by Joyce Yam (a Beaverton resident) whose great-grandparents are buried there.  That site alone attracted 40 volunteers.  This year’s shred event processed four tons of paper—quadruple the number of last year’s total.

RECREATION (Sarah Richardson)
The Summer Recreation and Leisure Guide was developed in April. New classes include Speaking Chinese, Couponing, Theater and Voice Lessons, and a SandyNet workshop.  The Guide will be mailed May 16th.

Summer Day Camps return to Cedar Ridge with an expanded schedule to provide more options for area families. A new babysitting class will be offered through Safe Sitter allowing the recreation department to continue providing this service at a reasonable cost.

TRANSIT (Julie Stephens)
Total ridership this month was 22,400, representing a 3% increase over the same period last year.  The SAM-Gresham route, up by 4.3%, carried most of the increase while SAM-Estacada had a decline of 6.6% andSTAR was down by 2.2%. The use of ED has continued this year’s upward trend with a 45% increase over the same period last year.

Design plans for theTransit Center were completed and it went to bid.

The OPUS bus was sold and the procurement for the replacement for the Estacada bus was completed.

Staff continued work with TriMet and the other regional transit providers toward an update of the regional Elderly and Disabled Transportation Plan.

Fifteen participants joined the Transit Adventure to the Portland Chinese Garden with lunch at Dan & Louis Oyster Bar.