Monthly Report ~ December 2012

Senior Center (Nancy Ream Enabnit)
The big news for December is always the Breakfast with Santa fundraiser.  Over $2,500 in net profit was earned to support the Sandy/Boring meals-on-wheels program.  70 volunteers (including the entire Community Center staff plus two from City Hall and Mayor King) helped to keep the event running smoothly.  Nearly 500 people attended with a great turnout of children visiting with Santa.

The RFP for Bornstedt Park design drawings and construction management was awarded to Group Mackenzie.   Survey work, from local company Firwood Design, began the last week in December.

Recreation (Sarah Richardson)
The Winter/Spring Recreation Guide was mailed and entered into the online registration system mid-December.  New classes are scheduled to begin after the holiday break, and the guide is full of both old favorites and some great new classes.

The 3rd & 4th Grade Mountain Storm Youth Basketball League wrapped up the season with a Jamboree on December 12th at Sandy High School. It was exciting for the players to end their season in the new facility. Grades K-2 and 5-6 kick off their season in January and February.

Transit (Julie Stephens)
Total ridership this month was 18,133, a decrease of 6.6% from the same period last year.  The SAM-Estacada route showed an increase of 16.3%; SAM-Gresham decreased 7.3%; STAR use decreased by 18% again this month.

The annual ridership in 2012 increased by almost 3% over the previous year.  We should hit the 2.5 million mark in the month of January.  Average daily ridership is just over 1000.

The Transit Center construction was completed.  The Transit Advisory Committee hosted a public workshop on December 12th to preview route and schedule changes proposed for implementation when the new Transit Center is opened on January 7, 2013.  There was a good turnout and general consensus for the proposed route changes with no changes to the schedules.

Staff attended the first meeting for to the FY15-18 STIP program, sharing information about the process with other departments.

The transit assistant job was posted.