Community Services – July 2020

Community Services Staff decided to proceed with our annual Pie making fundraiser. Staff made 140 pies on Tuesday, July 28th and all were SOLD! Thanks to Ever Fresh Fruit Co. for the generous donation of fresh fruit for the pies. $1700.00 was profited for the meals on wheels program. We had some berries left over and are getting ready to make some Mixed Berry jam in August. Orders will be taken in September, each 8 oz jar is $5.00.

The seniors enjoyed several hike meet ups this month including on to Zig Zag Falls and McIver Park. Staff met the the seniors at the trail head for a socially distanced walk. They also explored (not very far) the old highway that goes up to Timberline.  Some seniors from the hiking club in Gresham that heard about the hikes and joined the group.

A few seniors also enjoyed a mystery drive to Lewis & Clark State park and Oxbow. The bus is limited to four riders to maintain social distancing and all riders wear masks. They were happy to get out and see the sites. We will continue to offer a few of these drives each month.

Projects continue throughout the center including painting, installation of germ barriers, and reorganization of storage areas. Next month, several projects are scheduled including the installation of a grease intercept, repairs on the dishwasher, and installation of new tile floor for the kitchen.


During the month of July staff worked to determine a revised plan for fall. The Fall Community and Recreation Guide will be replaced with a monthly newsletter so that we can remain flexible and stay within the guidelines as they develop. We currently have a substantial database of newsletter subscribers that we have been building over the last 7-8 years. Staff will continue to utilize the electronic reader board and social media outlets to keep the community informed as programs return and new opportunities are available.

A number of our regular providers are prepared to return when we can welcome them back to the Community Center, and these include Kinderdance, Skyhawks and Maestro Music. Some of our other providers are not ready to return this fall,  but will be waiting in the wings when the time is right. Some providers have had to layoff staff and reduce operations, or in some cases completely suspend their programs. They plan to be back, but it will take some additional time to get back to full speed. We remain in communication with the school district about their plans for reopening facilities for reservations. We depend on the partnership to provide many of our programs including Pee Wee Soccer and Mountain Storm Basketball. 

As the next 3 months have many unknowns we are developing new ideas for bringing flexible programs to the community. We recognize that this is a very challenging time for families and we want to help provide support as they navigate the new school year.
We will continue to provide some virtual programming but know that what is needed most is time away from screens. As school resumes with distance learning we hope to provide some safe programming that supports both the physical and mental well being of the community. 

Discussions with OTSD about working on the pickleball courts have started and was approved.  Volunteers came out and spread gravel and put the metal container in place for the nets and other stuff that will be stored.  Next steps are to paint lines and possibly repair cracks.

Special Events

Several options were discussed about the possibility of having a Drive in Movie. After looking at technical needs and logistics, we are moving forward with having Movies in the Park at the end of August. Toy Story 4 will show on Aug. 21 & 22nd and The Secret Life of Pets will show on Aug. 28 & 29. In order to stay in compliance with the governor’s orders community members will register for a pod in advance. We are excited to be able to offer this to our community. Thank you to Sandy Helping Hands for co-sponsoring this event.

In addition, several other event ideas are in the works for this fall. Staff is also looking at modifications to events such as Breakfast with Santa, Christmas Tree lighting, and Halloween and other events we can offer the community this fall and winter. Stay Tuned.


We want to thank Jim Slagle and volunteers for another successful clean up on Bridge #2 on the Tickle Creek trail.

The Parks and Trails Advisory Board has been meeting virtually on a monthly basis and has been reviewing new developments, the cities Herbicide use in parks, and the municipal code that pertains to parks and open space.

Most recently they met with the developers of the Bull Run Terrace Development. The discussions were productive and the board looks forward to seeing a more detailed and final plan for the property so they can consider a recommendation for the potential park space that is adjacent to the Deer Pointe neighborhood. 

Staff met with Parks & Trails Master Plan consultant ESA in early July. Discussion centered on progress to date and the potential for modification of the initial contract.

Since ESA is already under contract, it was decided to tack on some additional park-related tasks. Included is a concept plan for the new park off Ponder Lane, additional staff time to solicit public outreach (virtual open house, targeted neighborhood meetings to review specific park concept plans), and a phase-one plan to inform development of a section of the Community Campus to include a playground, trails and fields.

Look for the virtual open house to go online sometime in September. Consultants have amassed a great deal of information from staff, site visits and the initial round of open houses and surveys. It is exciting to anticipate the display of existing inventory, individual park plan concepts and a draft of the Parks & Trails Master Plan.