Community Services – December 2018

Senior Services – (Melissa Thompson)
Staff continued to provide services to seniors despite being short staff due vacancy of the Client Services Coordinator and staff absent due to medical reasons. We continued to provide assistance with completion of 9 Energy assistance applications.Sandy Seniors participated  2 hikes (Oaks Bottom and Troutdale); outings to The Grotto, Victorian Mansion, Christmas Ships and Spaghetti Factory (twice!), and a Tour of Lights with caroling, cocoa, and cookies; Older Drivers’ Safety Awareness class; Breakfast with Santa; and many other holiday activities.

Special Events – Breakfast with Santa (MOW fundraiser)

On Saturday, Dec. 1st staff and volunteers put on another excellent Breakfast with Santa event.  This fundraiser for Meals on Wheels had over 400 people attend and participate in having a full course breakfast, making hand made Christmas cards for Meal on Wheels participants, photos with Santa, raffle, and a Holiday bazaar upstairs. The event raised over $2000.00 for the meals on wheels program.  Thank you to our volunteers who helped put on this amazing community event.

Recreation (Sarah Richardson)

Winter and Spring programming was completed and programs were opened for registration in late December. The Recreation Guide was given a new name and is now the City of Sandy Community and Recreation Guide. This better reflects the inclusion of the Aquatic Center, Senior Services, the Libraries and Transit. More of the new branding strategy was incorporated in the design. The guide is primarily an electronic piece and part of the overall marketing and communications for Community Services programs. Other avenues include eblast newsletters, flyers, Peachjar (OTSD), COS Website, Online Calendar, Social Media, Community Center Reader Board, database development etc.

New after school STEM programs were developed and contracted,  as well as new music options which include piano, violin, and voice.
Youth basketball for grades 3-6 held registration and preseason programs. A total of 24 teams and 187 players are enjoying the team sport experience. Teams practice and play games 2-3 times per week in OTSD gyms.


Aquatic Center

The aquatic center closed on Dec. 22nd for routine maintenance over the holiday break.  During this time, contractors adjusted temperatures on heating system and changed out filters on HVAC.  Staff changed out overhead light bulbs, cleaned tile around the pool, and did a deep cleaning to the locker rooms.  Additionally, we have had issues with the main pool pump, CO2 feeder, and chemical controller.  Research on cost of needed repairs in the in the process.

Due to the holidays and break we had lower usage then in previous months.  We had 391 visits to the aquatic center for the month of December.  There was 14 birthday parties, Empire Water polo rentals on T/TH evenings, and over 150 students from Sandy Grade elementary had a party during the daytime on Dec. 20th.  The high school swim team continues to use the pool M-F from 3:15pm – 5:15pm and had 2 swim meets in the month.  The aquatic center was reopened on Jan. 2nd after the closures.