Monthly Report ~ June 2014

Senior Center (Nancy Ream Enabnit)
Due to popular demand, the number of hikes has been increased to two each month. A local destination is offered (Wildwood, Tickle Creek, SHS, Cazadero) as well as a longer trip to trails including Steigerwald Wildlife Refuge, Strawberry Island and Lacamas Lake.

Despite a bit of drizzle, the Sandy Bluff Dog Park Leash-Cutting grand opening ceremony was enjoyed by many four-legged friends and their owners. Top Dog sponsors, represented by Stephanie Craven (Craven Family) and Shan Hill (Barlow Trail Veterinary) assisted Mayor Bill King with the festivities. Collapsible dog bowls were handed out and Hayden Homes sponsored snacks for the evening.

Recreation (Sarah Richardson)
Summer Recreation classes are off and running. Safety classes have proved popular including CPR/1st Aid, Safe Sitter and Chief Yamashita’s Self-Defense for Women.

The Co-ed Adult Softball League is underway. Teams enjoy playing on the SHS turf fields, and the only rain-outs were due to the added excitement of lightning/thunder storms.

Noah’s Quest took place, for the 9th year, on June 28th. Participation was the highest ever in the 1k Kiddie Run and 5k/10k run/walk. Brief Encounters support group worked with the City to sell bricks and install a beautiful memorial walkway, continuing the path on the west side of the playground in Sandy Bluff Park.

Transit (Julie Stephens)
Total ridership this month was 11,288 a decrease of 40% from the same period last year. SAM-Gresham decreased 42%; again this month, SAM-Estacada had the greatest drop in use, 50%; STAR had a modest decrease, 16% this month; and ED ridership continued the sharp decline with 62% fewer trips this month.  ED ridership can vary greatly with only a couple of passenger changes.  Total ridership for the FY14 was 170,734 down 30% from the previous year.

The expanded Mt. Hood Express ridership was 2235 in June.  Summer activities at Ski Bowl, the 7:00am opening of the Palmer run at Timberline and their many summer visitors will keep the buses hopping this summer.

Andi Howell attended the Community Transportation Association of America Conference (CTAA) in Minneapolis/St. Paul.  She completed the three-day transit manager certification training program.  This training will be helpful as she assists the department in more areas, such as taking the lead on the recently updated Title VI Program.

The Transit Advisory Committee convened with a full agenda on June 18th.  Hollis MacLean-Wenzel was welcomed back on the committee as a business owner.  She had previously served during her tenure as executive director for the Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce.

Once again, SAM will join the Sandy Mountain Festival Parade in July.  Andi is the creative force in that effort.