Community Services – June 2019

Senior Services

Several informational presentations were given at the community center this month. A representative with Aging & Disability Resources Connection presented information about services and programs that are available for older adults, people with disabilities and veterans. Elders in Action presented information to raise awareness of Elder Abuse and neglect in our community. Additionally, Ride Connection presented information about how to use TriMet’s new HopFastPass. during the month.

  • Continued participation in the Transportation Reaching People (TRP) pilot program which accesses medical transportation through a taxi service. We were able to coordinate over 5 rides through the program. Completed applications for three potential TRP volunteers.
  • There was an increase in Meals on Wheels participants this month as well as an increase in energy assistance for the cooling program.

Seniors enjoyed various recreational trips to Ft. Dalles Museum in Hood River, Lan Su Chinese Gardens, Spirit Mountain Casino, a hike to Kelly Point and a Dine Out at The Cazadero. Staff accompanied seniors rode the transit system to Edgefield to have lunch and walk their trails. We continue to see many new faces on our popular recreation trips.

Recreation Summer programming kicked off in June. The Recreation Department is offering more than 50 programs including multi-day camps, classes, and events for summer 2019. Everything from day camps and field trips, festival events and soccer, to music programs and modding. Kids can travel the world through music, paddle on Trillium Lake, create a Minecraft game, learn to play the piano, develop soccer skills and more!

New this summer is a week-long residency program that produces a full scale musical starring up to 60 kids in grades 1-12. The Missoula Children’s Theatre travels the country bringing this wonderful opportunity to local communities. They provide the staff, props, direction and staging. Ticket sales remain in the community to support more local programming. Currently nearly 40 children are registered to participate. Come and enjoy the production of Gulliver’s Travels scheduled for August 17th. 
The first games of the summer adult softball league took place on June 25th. 139 softball enthusiasts are taking the field weekly to stay active and enjoy some family friendly competition. The season ends with a tournament and bragging rights on August 10th. 

Planning for the annual Dogs Day Out is underway. This year’s event takes place on September 8th as part of the Sandy/Boring Corn Cross Cycling Event. Funds raised from this event in the past will pay for a new shade structure at the Sandy Bluff Dog Park.

Special Events

The 4th Annual Longest Day Parkway was held on Thursday, June 21st in the neighborhood near Timberline Trails Park. City Staff and the Fire Dept. set up informational tables, provided giveaways, answered questions of patrons as they walked, rode bicycles, skates, and scooters on a one-mile route. Approximately 250 people visited and finished the route by enjoying a hot dog and ice cream at the park. It was a great day and thanks to all who participated.

Noah’s Quest was developed when Carol Cohen lost her firstborn on Sept. 28, 2005. He was stillborn and was a very emotional time and hard for Carol to come back to work at the city. She decided to have an event for other families that have experienced the loss of a child. The event is a 5k/10k run/walk and named after her son Noah. This event is a fundraiser for Brief Encounters support group and is self-sustaining. This year marked the 14th year for the event. Fourteen doves were released this year and each child’s name was announced at the event. The event had over 100 participants who receive a colorful pair of socks. Memorial bricks are sold for the walkway at Bluff Park, and many volunteers help with this event. This event is supported by donations from local businesses which include Everfresh Fruit Co., Clackamas County Bank, Hoodview Disposal, Safeway, Starbucks, and Grocery Outlet.